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Unique Identifying TextTNA C 115/79 ff. 12-12v
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)See discussion and edition in Holt, R. (1985), 'Thomas of Woodstock and Events at Gloucester in 1381', Historical Research, 58: 237-242. The edition is reproduced here, and the English summary is based on the account given by Holt in the article.
Text in Original LanguageTerciodecimo die mensi Julii Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi quinto [1381] dominus Thomas Buckinghamensis peragratis et superatis per eum et suos in manu valida in partibus Essex' circumquaque pacis perturbatoribus et occisis per partes D de comunibus ei tandem cum dei adiutorio pacificatis et ad propriam reversionem licenciatus a Rege venit Lanthonie cum militibus et aliis armatis ad numerum CC. In crastino vero videlicet die dominica in Festo Reliquiarum [14 July] dictus dominus comes cum Alienora uxore sua et vj militibus armigeris et domicellis recepti fuerunt in spiritualem Fraternitatem domus nostre Lanthonie hora et loco capitulari presenti ibidem Priore et toto conventu. Et eodem die venerunt Lanthonie nuncii domini Regis cum litteris patentibus dicto domino comiti directis de revocacione cuiusdam concessionis domini Regis nuper comunibus factis apud London' de manumissione et omni bondagio, ac de perdonacione feloniarum predictorum transgressionum et extorsionum. In crastino videlicet die lune [15 July] dictus Comes cum suis armatis sedebat in Gloucestrie pro stabilitate et conservacione pacis. Ubi coram eo comparuerunt quasi omnes totius ville. Et fecit inquisicionem si qui lorent rebelles et insurgentes contra pacem. Et in crastino videlicet die martis [16 July] dominus Thomas comes predictus, dominus Gilbertus Talbot, dominus Johannes Harleston et plerique alii milites cum eorum famulia sederunt in prato nostro de Southmede ubi omnes comunes omnium hundredorum comitatis Gloucestrie comparuerunt coram se, quibus exposita fuerunt per dictum Johannem Harleston per mandatum dicti comitis pericula regni. Et iuratis et examinatis omnibus promiserunt per levacionem et extencionem manuum suarum et sic in pace recesserunt singuli et universi ad propria. Quibus fuerat proclamatum et iniunctum ex parte domini Regis quod singuli tenentes tam nativi quam tenentes secundum consuetudinem manerii facerent de cetero opera sua et custumas ut semper per prius facere et operari consueverunt et hoc sub pena gravi et punicione. Quo tempore quidam de Gloucestrie qui non posuerunt custodiam ori suo et eciam quidam de patria qui prius contumaciter et cum rebellione verba perversa persufflassent capti fuerunt et coram domino comite et consilio suo Lanthonie adducti, videlicet Thomas Biseley cum filio suo, Thomas filius Johannis Compton, Thomas Loude faber et Johannes Kent, qui omnes fuerunt de Gloucestrie et examinati coram dicto comite et consilio suo nescierunt excusare se de rebellione, qua propter incontinenti per dictum comitem et consilium suum adiudicati fuerunt prisone et missi fuerunt ad castellum Gloucestrie in arta custodia custodiendi sine manucapcionem quovismodo. Et sic nota quod non fuerunt missi ballivis Gloucestrie ad custodiendum ideo.
Text (English translation)On 13 July 1381 Lord Thomas of Buckingham, who had been suppressing the rebellion in Essex, killing 500 rebels and with God's help pacifying that region, on the reversion of his licence from the king came to Llanthony Priory with his household and 200 armed men. The next day, Sunday, after he and his wife, Eleanor, and six of his knights had been received into the fraternity of the priory, royal messengers brought news of the revocation of the concessions made by the king to the insurgents at London concerning manumission from bondage and pardon for all felonies, trespasses and extortions. On 15 July the said earl held a court in Gloucester, attended by almost all the townspeople, to discover the identity of rebels. On 16 July the said earl, with Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir John Harleston and many other of his knights and their household held another court, in the meadow of Southmead, at which the attendance of representatives of all the communities of the county was required, there to submit to royal authority. Those attending were commanded, under threat of severe punishment, to continue to fulfil their obligations as serfs and customary tenants. At which time certain men of Gloucester who were not placed in custody and others of that town who formerly had defiantly uttered seditious words in rebellion were captured and brought before the Earl and his council at Lanthony, namely Thomas Biseley and his son, Thomas, son of John Compton, Thomas Loude, smith, and John Kent, all of Gloucester, were examined before the earl and his council, and were unable to excuse themselves for their rebellion, on account of which intemperance it was judged that they should be imprisoned in the royal prison in Gloucester castle.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
29283???BiseleyMaleGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29282ThomasBiseleyMaleGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29279Eleanorde BohunFemale4742Go to participant page
29285JohnComptonMaleGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29284ThomasComptonMaleGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29281JohnHarlestonMale4742Go to participant page
29287JohnKentMaleGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29286ThomasLoudeMaleSmithGloucester,Gloucestershire4742Go to participant page
29280GilbertTalbotMale4742Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4742Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at GloucesterAfter suppressing the rebels in Essex, Thomas earl of Buckingham came to Llanthony Priory and held a court to identify the rebels in Gloucester. Thomas Biseley and his son [unnamed], Thomas, son of John Compton, Thomas Loude, smith, and John Kent, all of Gloucester, were brought before the court and found guilty of uttering seditious words in rebellion; they were committed to Gloucester Castle.Treason: words against King and his peopleGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

??? Biseley ( 29283 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Accused
Thomas Biseley ( 29282 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Accused
Eleanor de Bohun ( 29279 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Mentioned
John Compton ( 29285 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Mentioned
Thomas Compton ( 29284 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Accused
John Harleston ( 29281 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Justice
John Kent ( 29287 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Accused
Thomas Loude ( 29286 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Accused
Gilbert Talbot ( 29280 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Justice
Thomas of Woodstock ( 25456 )Thomas earl of Buckingham prosecutes rebels at Gloucester (4742)Justice