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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 27/485 rex mm. 27-27d
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageCantebrig': Dominus Rex mandavit dilecto et fideli suo Hugoni la Zouche breve suum clausum in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie dilecto et fideli suo Hugoni la Zouche salutem volentes certis de causis indictamenta facta coram vobis et socijs vestris ad quoscumque rebelles qui nuper contra nos et pacem nostram et in turbacionem populi nostri insurrexerunt in comitatu Cantebrig' castigand' et puniend' assignatis de quibusdam prodicionibus et feloniis unde Robertus de Brygham de Caumbrigge in comitatu Cantebrig' Johannes de Refham de Caumbrigge in comitatu Cantebrig' et Johannes Staunford de London' Sadeler indictati sunt ut dicitur coram nobis et non alibi terminari vobis mandamus quod indictamenta predicta cum omnibus ea tangentibus nobis sub sigillo vestro distincte et aperte mittatis et hoc breve Ita quod ea habeamus in Octab' sancti Johannis Baptiste ubicumque tunc fuerimus in Anglia ut ulterius inde fieri faciamus quod de iure et secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Anglie fuerit faciend' Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xvj die Junii anno regni nostri quinto - Indictamenta de quibus in brevi predicto fit mencio sequitur in hec verba - Placita tenta apud Cantebrig' coram Hugone la Zouche et sociis suis per comissionem domini Regis ad quosdam Rebelles insurrectores et pacis perturbatores puniend' et castigand' in comitatu predicto assignatis die Martis proximo ante festum Sancte Margarete virginis anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto - Inquisitio capta ibidem die Martis proximo ante festum sancte Margarete virginis anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto per sacramentum Johannis Curteys Johannis Pipere Henrici atte Feld Johannis Colvyll Johannis Sharp Nicholai Potton Johannis Wattys Johannis Caylee Johannis Smyth Johannis Coupere Johannis Hadelee et Radulphi Watton qui dicunt quod Robertus Brigham die sabbati proximo post festum corporis Christi anno regni domini Regis predicti quarto in nocte circa decimam horam simul cum alijs malefactoribus venit ad domum Willelmi Bedell in Cantebr' et dictam domum fregit et intravit et bona et catalla in eodem inventa abstulit et devastavit felonice et cetera Et super hoc preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod cap' eum Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die sabbati proximo post festum sancti Petri Advincula ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis et cetera - Ad quem diem sabbati vicecomes retornavit quod predictus Robertus non fuit inventus in balliva sua et cetera Ideo sicut prius preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod cap' eum si et cetera Et salvo et cetera Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die sabbati in festo sancti Bartholomei tunc proximo futuro ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis Et quod vicecomes interim inquirat diligenter que terras et tenementa bona et catalla predictus Robertus habet in balliva sua et ea seisiri fac' in manu domini Regis et inde plene certificet ad prefatum terminum simul cum extent' rationabiliter inde fact' - Ad quem diem sabbati vicecomes retornavit quod predictus Robertus non fuit inventus in balliva sua et cetera Et quo ad inquirend' et seisiend' terras et tenementa bona et catalla predicti Roberti prout superius precipitur retornavit quod Radulphus atte Wyke Escaetor domini Regis diu ante recepcionem precepti sui ea seisivit per supervisionem et contrarotulacionem Simonis de Burgh virtute litteris domini Regis ad hoc eis inde directi prout ad presens sibi constare potest Et nichil per se ulterius inde actum est propter temporis brevitatem Et ipse Robertus solempniter exactus et non venit Ideo preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod exigi fac' eum de comitatu in comitatu quousque utlag' et cetera si non comparuerit Et si comparuerit tunc eum cap' et cetera Et quod habeat corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die Mercurii proximo post festum Epiphanie domini ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis et cetera Et postea predictus Robertus venit scilicet decimo die Septembris anno regni domini Regis nunc quinto et reddidit se apud Cantebrig' coram prefatis assignat' et cetera Et quia testatum est coram prefatis assignat' per fidedignos de bona fama ipsius Roberti Ideo conceditur ei manucapc' et cetera Et super hoc Robertus Tulyet Johannes Brigham Willelmus Burton et Johannes Aleyn de comitatu predicto manuceperunt predictum Robertum ad stand' recto et cetera cum dominus Rex de premissis ei loqui voluerit et habet breve de supers' et cetera - Placita tenta apud Cantebrig' coram Hugone la Zouche et sociis suis per commissionem domini Regis ad quosdam rebelles insurrectores et pacis perturbatores puniend' et castigand' in comitatu predicto assignatis die Lune proximo post festum translacionis sancti Thome Martiris anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto - Inquisitio capta apud Cantebrig' die Lune proximo post festum translacionis sancti Thome Martiris anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quinto per sacramentum Johannis Marchal Johannis Gyboun senioris Johannis Smyth de Bernewell Johannis Norton Simonis Glovere Henrici atte Feld Thome Caldecote Radulphi de Watton Rogeri Barbour Bartholomei Chaundeler Ade Lollewrth Johannis Hadelee Ricardi Kokesford et Johannis Berlee Draper qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Johannes Refham die dominica proximo post festum corporis Christi anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quarto fuit apud domum Johannis Blancpayn insurrector et malefactor in le Petycurye de Cantebrig' et cetera Et ipse nondum captus est Ideo preceptum fuit vicecomiti scilicet Henrico Englissh quod caperet eum si et cetera Et salvo et cetera Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die sabbati proximo post festum sancti Petri advincula tunc proximum sequentem ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis et cetera - Ad quem diem vicecomes retornavit quod predictus Johannes non fuit inventus in balliva sua set fugijt et statim se retraxit post adventum assignatorum predictorum et ante recepcionem precepti sui occasione feloniarum et prodicionum predictorum Et eciam examinacione facta tam per ministros Regis quam per alios fidedignos iurat' super premissis et ad hoc requisit' qui testantur quod sic Et proclamacione publice facta ut moris est ut ipse veniret et redderet se paci et cetera Et ipse non venit Ideo per discrecionem predictorum assignat' bona et catalla sua exit' terrarum et tenementorum suorum domino Regi sunt forisfact' Et preceptum est Escaetor' scilicet Radulpho atte Wyk quod fac' inde debit' execucionem et extent' et cetera Et preceptum fuit vicecomiti sicut prius quod capiat eum et cetera Et quod habeat corpus eius apud Cantebrig' coram prefatis assignatis die sabbati in festo sancti Bartholomei tunc proximo futuro ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis et cetera Et quod vicecomes interim inquirat que terras et tenementa bona et catalla predictus Johannes habet et cetera Et ea seisire fac' in manum domini Regis quousque et cetera Et inde plene certificet ad prefatum terminum et cetera Ad quem diem sabbati vicecomes retornavit quod prefatus Johannes non fuit inventus in balliva sua post recepcionem precepti sui Et quo ad inquirendum et seisiendum terras et tenementa bona et catalla eius prout superius precipitur retornavit quod predictus Escaetor domini Regis diu ante recepcionem precepti sui ea seisivit per supervisionem et contrarotulament' Simonis de Burgh virtute brevis domini Regis ad hoc eis inde directi prout ad presens sibi constare potest Et nichil per ipsum vicecomit' ulterius inde actum propter temporis brevitatem Et predictus Johannes solempniter exactus est et non venit Ideo preceptum fuit vicecomiti Cantebrig' quod exigi fac' eum de comitatu in comitat' quousque utlag' si non comparuerit et cetera Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die Mercurii proximo post festum Epiphanie domini proximo futuro ad respondendum domino Regi Et predictus vicecomes habeat ibi tunc breve de exigend' et cetera - Ad quem diem Mercurii Thomas Sewale vicecomes retornavit breve de exigend' sub hac littera quod Henricus Englissh predecessor suus sibi liberavit breve predictum sic indorsatum quod ad comitatum tentum apud Cantebrig' die Jovis proximo post festum circumsisionis domini anno regni domini Regis nunc quinto predictus Johannes Refham quinto exactus fuit et comparuit et protulit cartam domini Regis de pardon' feloniarum et prodicionum predictorum et breve domini Regis de securitate capiend' secundum formam statuti et cetera Et de pace sua proclam' qui inde fec' debitam execucionem iuxta formam brevis predicti Et ideo per se nichil ulterius actum est de exigend' predicto et cetera - Placita tenta apud Cantebrig' coram Hugonem la Zouche et sociis suis per commissionem domini Regis ad quosdam rebelles insurrectores et pacis perturbatores puniend' et castigand' in comitatu predicto assignatis die Jovis proximo post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto - Juratores dicunt quod Johannes Staunford Sadelere de London' fuit comunis ductor et notorius congregator malefactorum ad prosternend' et ardend' domos vicinorum et minatus fuit Thomam Cavell et Johannem Topcleve et alios [dorse] fideles domini Regis in comitatu Cantebrig' Ita quod non ausi fuerunt in domibus propriis manere Et dixit se habere commissionem domini Regis in quadam pixide ad destruend' traditores domini Regis et ad alia quam plura faciend' apud Meldeburn die sabbati proximo post festum corporis Christi anno regni regis Ricardi quarto Item quod idem Johannes Staunford felonice intravit clausum Thome North apud Abyngdon et cepit unum equm precij duarum marcarum die sabbati proximo post festum corporis Christi anno regni domini Regis nunc quarto et cetera Et ipse nondum captus est Ideo preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod cap' eum si et cetera Et salvo et cetera Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die Lune in festo sancte Marie Magdalene tunc proximo sequente ad respondendum domino Regi de premissis et cetera Ad quem diem vicecomes retornavit quod predictus Johannes non fuit inventus in balliva sua et cetera set quod fugijt et statim se retraxit post adventum justiciariorum ante recepcionem precepti occasionibus feloniarum et prodicionum predictorum et cetera Et eciam examinacione facta tam per ministros Regis quam per alios fidedignos iuratos super premissis et ad hoc requisit' qui testantur quod sic Et proclamacione publice facta ut moris est ut veniret et redderet se paci et cetera Et ipse non venit Ideo per discrecionem assignat' bona et catalla sua exit' terrarum et tenementorum suorum domino Regi sunt forum' Et preceptum fuit Escaetor' scilicet Radulpho atte Wyk quod fac' inde debitam execucionem et extent' et cetera Et preceptum fuit vicecomiti sicut prius quod cap' eum Et quod haberet corpus eius apud Cantebrig' die sabbati in festo sancti Bartholomei tunc proximo futuro ad respondendum de premissis Et quod vicecomes interim inquirat que terras et tenementa bona et catalla predictus Johannes habet et cetera Et ea seisire fac' in manu domini Regis quousque et cetera Et inde plene certificet ad prefatum terminum et cetera Ad quem diem vicecomes retornavit quod predictus Johannes non fuit inventus in balliva sua post recepcionem precepti sui et cetera Et quo ad inquirend' et seisiend' terras et tenementa bona et catalla eius prout superius precipitur retornavit quod Radulphus atte Wyk Escaetor domini Regis diu ante recepcionem precepti sui ea seisivit per supervisionem et contrarotulacionem Simonis de Burgh virtute brevis domini Regis ad hoc eis inde directi prout ad presens sibi constare potest Et nichil per ipsum vicecomitem ulterius inde actum est propter temporis brevitatem Et predictus Johannes solempniter exactus est et non venit Ideo preceptum fuit vicecomiti Cantebrig' quod exigi fac' eum de comitatu in comitat' quousque et cetera utlag' si non comparuerit Et si comparuerit et cetera tunc eum caperet et cetera Et quod haberet corpus eius coram prefatis assignat' apud Cantebrig' die Mercurii proximo post festum Epiphanie domini tunc proximo futuro ad respondend' domino Regi de premissis et cetera Et predictus vicecomes habeat ibi tunc breve de exigend' Ad quem diem Mercurii Thomas Sewale vicecomes retornavit breve predictum de exigend' sub hac littera quod Henricus Englissh predecessor suus sibi liberavit breve predictum sic indorsat' quod ad comitatum tentum apud Cantebrig' die Jovis proximo post festum Circumsisionis domini anno regni domini Regis nunc quinto predictus Johannes Staunford quinto exactus fuit et comparuit et protulit cartam domini Regis de pardonacione feloniarum et prodicionum predictorum et breve domini Regis de securitate capiend' secundum formam statuti et cetera Et de pace sua proclam' qui inde fecit debitam execucionem iuxta formam brevis predicti Ideo per se nichil ulterius actum est de exigend' predicto et cetera - Per Recorda de anno quinto - Per quod preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod caperet eos si et cetera Et modo scilicet die Lune in festo translacionis sancti Thome Mart[ir]is isto eodem termino coram domino Rege apud Westmonasterium venerunt predicti Robertus Brigham et Johannes Refham et reddiderunt se prisone marescall' domini Regis occasionibus predictis qui committuntur marescall' Et statim per marescallum ducti venerunt et allocuti sunt separatim qualiter de feloniis et prodicionibus predictis se velint acquietare dicunt separatim quod dominus Rex nunc de gratia sua speciali pardonavit eis separatim sectam pacis sue que ad ipsum pertinet pro omnimodis feloniis et prodicionibus per ipsum in insurrectionibus predictis factis sive perpetratis per litteras suas patentes quas profert hic in curia in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem Sciatis quod ob reverenciam dei et ad specialem requisicionem Anne Regine Anglie consortis nostre carissime et consideracione boni et fidelis gestus subditorum nostrorum erga progenitores nostros et nos ante insurrectiones quorumdam rebellium nostrorum contra nos et pacem nostram nuper factas preexperti et ut singuli subditi nostri corda assumant hilariora in fide et dilectione erga nos fideliter permanere de gratia nostra speciali pardonavimus Roberto de Brygham de Cantebrig' in comitatu Cantebrig' sectam pacis nostre que ad nos pertinet versus ipsum pro omnibus prodicionibus et feloniis per ipsum in insurrectionibus predictis a primo die Maij ultimo preterito usque festum omnium sanctorum tunc proximum sequentem qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis unde indictatus rettatus vel occasionatus existit ac etiam utlagarias si que in ipsum hiis occasionibus fuerint promulgate et firmam pacem nostram ei inde concedimus Ita tamen quod venerabilem patrem Simonem bone memorie Archiepiscopum Cantuariensis nuper cancellarium nostrum seu fratrem Robertum Hales Priorem Hospitalis sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia tunc thesaurium nostrum aut Johannem de Cavendissh tunc capitalem justiciarium nostrum non interfecerit et quod probator vel appellatus de huiusmodi prodionibus vel felonijs unde probator vel appellator superstes est non existat nec a prisona evaserit seu recesserit et ad eandem prisonam se non reddiderit Proviso semper quod partes dampnificate in insurrectionibus predictis quamcumque actionem per quam ad iudicium vite procedi non poterit pro recuperacione dampnorum et deperditorum suorum in hac parte versus prefatum Robertum habeant et prosequi possint prout sibi viderint expedire. In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xxiiij die Februarii anno regni nostri quinto - Profert eciam quoddam breve domini Regis clausum justiciariis hic directum de non molestando prefatum Robertum de Brygham contra tenorem litterarum domini Regis predictarum cuius dat' est apud Westmonasterium viij die Julij anno regni regis nunc sexto - Quarum pretextu idem Robertus de Brygham petit ipsum a prisona domini Regis deliberari et cetera Et inspectis litteris domini Regis predictis consideratum est quod predictus Robertus de Brigham eat inde sine die et cetera - predictus Johannes Refham in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem licet nuper mensibus Maij Junij et Julij ultimo preteritis quam plures de populo nostro contra pacem nostram diabolo instigant' quidem videlicet eorum ex malicia propria et quidam ex aliorum artacione in multitudine excessiva in diversis partibus regni nostri insurrexerint quamplura facinora diversimode perpetrand' nos tamen super interitu populi nostri pie compacientes ac consideracione boni et fidelis gestus subditorum nostrorum dicti regni nostri erga progenitores nostros et nos antea a longo tempore preexpertum necnon delinquent' huiusmodi de comissis ut intelleximus penitere et se velle erga nos et populum nostrum bene et pacifice gerere infuturum volentesque propterea rigorem iusticie mansuetudine temperare de gratia nostra speciali pardonavimus Johanni Refham de Cantebrig' sectam pacis nostre que ad nos pertinet erga ipsum pro quibuscumque prodicionibus feloniis et transgressionibus factis sive perpetratis in insurrectionibus predictis unde indictatus occasionatus seu rettatus existit ac eciam utlagarias si que in ipsum hijs occasionibus fuerint promulgat' et firmam pacem nostram ei inde concedimus et bona et catalla que ad tres libras ut idem Johannes asserit appreciantur licet nobis ex causis premissis sint forisfacta restituimus habend' de dono nostro dum tamen dicte insurrectionis aut de morte venerablis patris Simonis bone memorie nuper Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis seu fratris Roberti Hales nuper Prioris Hospitalis sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia tunc Thesaurii nostri seu Johannis de Cavendissh nuper capitalis justiciarii nostri seu de combustione manerij de Savoye aut domus de Clerkenwell aut morte Prioris de Bury unus de principalibus non existat Ita quod de cetero bene et pacifice se gerat erga nos et populum nostrum Et quod stet recto in curia nostra si qui erga eum loqui voluerint de premissis vel aliquo premissorum In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo tercio die Octobris anno regni nostri quinto - profert eciam quoddam breve domini Regis clausum justiciariis hic directum de non molestand' prefatum Johannem Refham contra tenorem litterarum predictarum cuius Dat' est apud Westmonasterium vj die Julij anno regni Regis nunc sexto - quarum pretextu idem Johannes Refham petit ipsum a prisona domini Regis deliberari et cetera Et inspectis litteris predictis consideratum est quod predictus Johannes Refham eat inde sine die et cetera - Et preceptum est vicecomiti quod non omitt' et cetera quin capiat prefatum Johannem Staunford sadelere si et cetera Ita quod habeat corpus eius coram domino Rege in Octab' sancti Michaelis ubicumque et cetera [Margin]: Sine die
Text (English translation)Cambridgeshire The lord king sent his beloved and faithful Hugh la Zouche his writ close in these words: Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to his beloved and faithful Hugh la Zouche, greetings. Wishing for certain reasons that the indictments made before you and your companions, appointed to chastise and punish all rebels who lately rose up against us and our peace, and to the disturbance of our people, in the county of Cambridge, concerning certain treasons and felonies for which Robert de Brygham of Cambridge in the county of Cambridge, John de Refham of Cambridge in the county of Cambridge, and John Staunford of London, saddler, are allegedly indicted, should be determined before us and not elsewhere, we order you to send the aforesaid indictments with everything concerning them to us under your seal, clearly and openly, with this writ; so that we have them at the octave of St John the Baptist wherever we then are in England, that we might further have done concerning them what is to be done rightly and according to the law and custom of our realm of England. Witness myself at Westminster, on the sixteenth day of June in the fifth year of our reign. The indictments mentioned in the aforesaid writ follow in these words: Pleas held at Cambridge before Hugh la Zouche and his companions appointed by the lord king's commission to punish and chastise certain rebels, insurgents and disturbers of the peace in the aforesaid county, on the Tuesday before the feast of St Margaret the virgin in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest. The inquisition held there on the Tuesday before the feast of St Margaret the virgin in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest, by the oath of John Curteys, John Pipere, Henry atte Feld, John Colvyll, John Sharp, Nicholas Potton, John Wattys, John Caylee, John Smyth, John Coupere, John Hadelee and Ralph Watton, who say that Robert Brigham, on the Saturday after the feast of Corpus Christi in the fourth year of the reign of the aforesaid lord king, at night, at around the tenth hour, came together with other malefactors to the house of William Bedell in Cambridge and broke into and entered the said house, and feloniously took and laid waste goods and chattels found there etc. Whereupon the sheriff was ordered to seize him, and to have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Saturday following the feast of St Peter ad vincula to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid etc. On which Saturday the sheriff returned that the aforesaid Robert was not found in his bailiwick etc. Therefore as before the sheriff was ordered to seize him if etc. and safely etc. and to have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Saturday on the feast of St Bartholomew then following, to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid. And the sheriff in the meantime should enquire diligently into what lands and tenements, goods and chattels, the aforesaid Robert has in his bailiwick, and have them seised into the lord king's hand; and he is to give full information on this at the aforesaid term, together with a reasonable valuation made of them. On which Saturday the sheriff returned that the aforesaid Robert was not found in his bailiwick etc. And as for enquiring into and seising the aforesaid Robert's lands and tenements, goods and chattels, as he is ordered above, he returned that Ralph atte Wyke, the lord king's escheator, seised them long before he received his command, by the supervision and controlment of Simon de Burgh, by virtue of the lord king's letters sent to them on this - as can be established at present. And nothing further had been done on this by him, because of lack of time. And the same Robert was solemnly put in exigent and did not appear. Therefore the sheriff was ordered to have him put in exigent from county court to county court until he was outlawed etc etc. if he did not appear. And if he appeared then he should seize him etc. And he should have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Wednesday following the feast of the Lord's Epiphany, to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid etc. And afterwards the aforesaid Robert appeared: namely on the tenth day of September in the fifth year of the present lord king's reign, and surrendered himself at Cambridge before the aforesaid appointees etc. And because the same Robert's good repute was attested to before the aforesaid appointees by trustworthy men, therefore he is granted mainprise etc. Whereupon Robert Tulyet, John Brigham, William Burton and John Aleyn of the aforesaid county stood bail for the aforesaid Robert to stand to right etc. when the lord king should wish to speak to him about the aforesaid; and this writ of supersedeas (?) etc. Pleas held at Cambridge before Hugh la Zouche and his companions, appointed by the lord king's commission to punish and chastise certain rebels, insurgents and disturbers of the peace in the aforesaid county, on the Monday following with feast of the translation of St Thomas the Martyr in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest. The inquisition held at Cambridge on the Monday following the feast of the translation of St Thoams the Martyr in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard the second, on the oath of John Marchal, John Gyboun, senior, John Smyth of Barnwell, John Norton, Simon Glovere, Henry atte Feld, Thomas Caldecote, Ralph de Watton, Roger Barbour, Bartholomew Chaundeler, Adam Lollewrth, John Hadelee, Richard Kokesford and John Berlee, draper, who say on their oath that John Refham, on the Sunday following the feast of Corpus Christi in the fourth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest, was an insurgent and malefactor at the house of John Blancpayn, in Petty Cury in Cambridge etc. And he has not yet been captured. Therefore the sheriff, namely Henry Englissh, was ordered to seize him if etc. and safely etc. And to have his body before the aforesaid appointees on the Saturday following the feast of St Peter ad vincula then following, to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid etc. On which day the sheriff returned that the aforesaid John was not found in his bailiwick, but had fled and immediately withdrawn himself after the coming of the aforesaid appointees and before he received his command concerning the aforesaid felonies and treasons; and also, by an examination made, both by the king's ministers and by other trustworthy persons sworn on the aforesaid and questioned on it, who attest that it is so, and by a proclamation publicly made, as is the custom, that he should appear and surrender himself to the peace etc. And he did not appear. Therefore, at the discretion of the aforesaid appointees his goods and chattels, and the issues of his lands and tenements, are forfeit to the lord king. And the escheator, namely Ralph atte Wyk, is ordered to do due execution of this and a valuation etc. And the sheriff was ordered as before to seize him etc. And to have his body at Cambridge before the aforesaid appointees on the Saturday on the feast of St Bartholomew then following, to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid etc. And in the meantime the sheriff is to enquire into what lands and tenements, goods and chattels, the aforesaid John has etc., and to have them seised into the lord king's hand until etc. And he is to provide full information on this at the aforesaid term etc. On which Saturday the sheriff returned that the aforesaid John was not found in his bailiwick after he had received his command; and as regards enquiring and seising his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, as he is ordered above, he returned that that lord king's aforesaid escheator seised them long before he received his command, by the supervision and controlment of Simon de Burgh, by virtue of the lord king's writ addressed to them on this matter - as can be established at present. And nothing further has been done on this by the same sheriff, because of lack of time. And the aforesaid John is solemnly put in exigent and does not appear. Therefore the sheriff of Cambridgeshire was ordered to have him put in exigent from county court to county court until he was outlawed if he did not appear etc. And to have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Wednesday following the feast of the Lord's Epiphany next, to answer to the lord king. And the aforesaid sheriff is to have the writ of exigent there then etc. On which Wednesday Thomas Sewale, the sheriff, returned the writ of exigent with this note, that Henry Englissh, his predecessor, delivered the aforesaid writ to him, endorsed in this way: that at the county court held at Cambridge on the Thursday following the feast of the Lord's Circumcision, in the fifth year of the reign of the present lord king, the aforesaid John Refham was put in exigent for the fifth time, and appeared and produced the lord king's charter of pardon for the aforesaid felonies and treasons, and the lord king's writ about taking security according to the form of the statute etc. and proclaiming his peace; and he made due execution according to the form of the aforesaid writ. And therefore nothing further has been done by him concerning the aforesaid exigent etc. Pleas held at Cambridge before Hugh la Zouche and his companions, appointed by the lord king's commission to punish and chastise certain rebels, insurgents and disturbers of the peace in the aforesaid county, on the Thursday following the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard, the second after the conquest. The jurors say that John Staunford, sadler of London, was a common leader and notorious assembler of malefactors to cast down and burn the houses of his neighbours, and that he threatened Thomas Cavell and John Topcleve and others of the lord king's faithful in the county of Cambridge, so that they did not dare to remain in their own homes. And he said that he had the lord king's commission in a certain box, to destroy the lord king's traitors and to do very many other things, at Melbourn on the Saturday following the feast of Corpus Christi in the fourth year of the reign of King Richard. Item, that the same John Staunford feloniously entered Thomas North's close at Abington, and took a horse worth two marks, on the Saturday following the feast of Corpus Christi in the fourth year of the present lord king's reign etc. And he is not yet captured. Therefore the sheriff was ordered to seize him if etc. and safely etc. and to have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Monday on the feast of St Mary Magdelene then following, to answer to the lord king about the aforesaid etc. On which day the sheriff returned that the aforesaid John was not found in his bailiwick etc. but that he had fled and withdrawn himself immediately after the coming of the justices, before he had received the command by reason of the aforesaid felonies and treasons etc.; and also by examination made both by the king's ministers and by other trustworthy men, sworn concerning the aforesaid and asked about it, who attest that it is so.; and by public proclamation made, as is the custom, that he should appear and surrender himself to the peace etc. And he did not appear. Therefore, at the discretion of the appointees, his goods and chattels, and the issues of his lands and tenements, are forfeit to the lord king. And the escheator, namely Ralph atte Wyk, was ordered to make due execution of this, and a valuation etc. And the sheriff was ordered, as before, to seize him, and to have his body at Cambridge on the Saturday on the feast of St Bartholomew then following, to answer concerning the aforesaid. And meanwhile the sheriff is to enquire into what lands and tenements, goods and chattels the aforesaid John has etc. And to have them seised into the lord king's hand until etc. And he is to provide full information concerning this at the aforesaid term etc. On which day the sheriff returned that the aforesaid John was not found in his bailiwick after he had received his order etc. And as for enquiring and seising lands and tenements, goods and chattels, as he is ordered above, he returned that Ralph atte Wyk, the lord king's escheator, seised them long before he received his order, by the supervision and controlment of Simon de Burgh, by virtue of the lord king's writ sent to them for this - as can be established at present. And nothing further has been done on this matter by the same sheriff, because of lack of time. And the aforesaid John is solemnly put in exigent and does not come. Therefore the sheriff of Cambridgeshire was ordered to have him put in exigent from county court to county court until etc. he was outlawed if he did not appear etc. And if he appeared etc. then he was to seize him etc. and to have his body before the aforesaid appointees at Cambridge on the Wednesday following the feat of the Lord's Epiphany then following, to answer to the lord king concerning the aforesaid etc. And the aforesaid sheriff is to have the writ of exigent there then. On which Wednesday Thomas Sewale, sheriff, returned the aforesaid writ of exigent with this note, that Henry Englissh, his predecessor, delivered the aforesaid writ to him, endorsed in this way, that at the county court held at Cambridge on the Thursday following the feast of the Lord's Circumcision in the fifth year of the present lord king's reign, the aforesaid John Staunford was put in exigent for the fifth time, and appeared and produced the lord king's charter of pardon for the aforesaid felonies and treasons, and the lord king's writ about taking of security according to the form of the statute etc. and about the proclamation of his peace: which he put into due execution on this matter, according to the form of the aforesaid writ. Therefore nothing further has been done by him concerning the aforesaid exigent etc. From the records of the fifth year Because of which the sheriff was ordered to capture them if etc. And now, namely on the Monday on the feast of the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr in this same term, the aforesaid Robert Brigham and John Refham appeared before the lord king at Westminster and surrendered themselves to the prison of the lord king's marshal for the aforesaid reasons; and they are handed over to the marshal. And immediately, led by the marshal, they appear and are asked, separately, how they wish to acquit themselves of the aforesaid felonies and treasons. They say, separately, that the present lord king has of his special grace pardoned them, separately, the suit of his peace that belongs to him for all manner of felonies and treasons done or perpetrated by him [sic] in the aforesaid insurrections, by his letters patent which he [sic] produces here in court in these words: Richard by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all his bailiffs and all his faithful to whom the present letters come, greetings. Know that out of reverence for God and at the special request of Anne, queen of England, our most dear consort, and from consideration of the good and faithful conduct of our subjects towards our progenitors and us, which we have experienced before the insurrections of certain rebels of ours, which have lately taken place against us and our peace, and so that our individual subjects might have happier hearts to remain faithfully in faith and love towards us, we have, of our special grace, pardoned to Robert de Brygham, of Cambridge in the county of Cambridge, the suit of our peace which belongs to us from him, for all manner of treasons and felonies done or perpetrated in any way by him in the aforesaid insurrections, from the first day of May last until the feast of All Saints then following, for which he has been indicted, accused or charged, and also outlawries, if any have been pronounced against him for these reasons, and we grant him our permanent peace on this, provided however that he did not kill the venerable father Simon of good memory, archbishop of Canterbury, lately our chancellor, or brother Robert Hales, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, then our treasurer, or John de Cavendissh, then our chief justice; and that he is not an approver or appealed of such treasons or felonies, where there is a surviving approver or appellant, nor did he escape from or leave prison and not surrender himself to the same prison. Provided always that the parties harmed in the aforesaid insurrections should have and be able to pursue any action by which it is not possible to proceed to a judgement of life, for recovery of their damages and losses in this matter against the aforesaid Robert, as might seem beneficial to them. In testimony of which thing we have had these our letters patent made. Witness myself at Westminster, the twenty-fourth day of February in the fifth year of our reign. He also produces a certain writ close of the lord king, addressed to the justices here, not to molest the aforesaid Robert de Brygham contrary to the tenor of the lord king's aforesaid letters, whose date is at Westminster, on the eighth day of July in the sixth year of the present king's reign. By reason of which the same Robert de Brygham asks that he might be delivered from the lord king's prison etc. And when the lord king's aforesaid letters have been examined, it is decided that the aforesaid Robert de Brigham should go from here without day etc. The aforesaid John Refham in these words: Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all his bailiffs and all his faithful to whom the present letters come, greetings. Although lately, during the months of May, June and July last, a great number of our people, against our peace, at the devil's instigation - some of them, that is, from their own malice and some compelled by others - rose up in a very great multitude in various parts of our realm, perpetrating a great number of crimes in various ways; we, however, with pious compassion for the destruction of our people, and from consideration of the good and faithful conduct of our subjects of our said realm towards our progenitors and towards us, experienced by us for a long time before now, and also, as we have understood, that these offenders are sorry for what they have done, and wish to conduct themselves well and peacefully towards us and our people in future, and wishing for that reason to temper the rigour of justice with mildness, we have of our special grace pardoned to John Refham of Cambridge the suit of our peace which belongs to us from him, for any treasons, felonies and transgressions done or perpetrated in the aforesaid insurrections, for which he is indicted, charged or accused, and also outlawries, if any have been pronounced against him for these reasons, and we grant him our permanent peace on this, and we have restored his goods and chattels which are valued at three pounds as the same John claims, although they are forfeit to us for the aforesaid reasons, to have of our gift; provided however that he is not one of the principals in the said insurrection, or in the death of the venerable father Simon of good memory, lately archbishop of Canterbury, or of brother Robert Hales, lately prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, then our treasurer, or of John de Cavendyssh, lately our chief justice, or of the burning of the manor of Savoy or of the house of Clerkenwell, or of the death of the prior of Bury; provided that henceforth he conducts himself well and peacefully towards us and our people, and that he stands to right in our court if anyone should wish to speak against him concerning the aforesaid or any of the aforesaid. In testimony of which thing we have had these our letters patent made. Witness myself at Westminster, the twenty-third day of October, in the fifth year of our reign. He also produces a certain writ close of the lord king, addressed to the justices here, not to molest the aforesaid John Refham contrary to the tenor of the aforesaid letters, whose date is at Westminster, on the sixth day of July in the sixth year of the present king's reign. By reason of which the same John Refham asks that he might be delivered from the lord king's prison etc. And when the aforesaid letters have been examined, it is decided that the aforesaid John Refham should go from here without day etc. And the sheriff is ordered not to fail etc. but to seize the aforesaid John Staunford, saddler, if etc., so that he has his body before the lord king at the octave of Michaelmas wherever etc.
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IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
25221JohnAleynMale4331Go to participant page
25230RogerBarbourMale4332Go to participant page
25215WilliamBedellMale4331Go to participant page
25235JohnBerleeMaleDraper4332Go to participant page
25237JohnBlancpaynMalePetty Cury,Cambridge,Cambridgeshire4332Go to participant page
25219JohnBrighamMale4331Go to participant page
25201Robertde BryghamMaleCambridge,Cambridgeshire4331Go to participant page
25217Simonde BurghMaleMentionedGo to participant page
25220WilliamBurtonMale4331Go to participant page
25228ThomasCaldecoteMale4332Go to participant page
25240ThomasCavellMale4333Go to participant page
25210JohnCayleeMale4331Go to participant page
25231BartholomewChaundelerMale4332Go to participant page
25205JohnColvyllMale4331Go to participant page
25212JohnCoupereMale4331Go to participant page
25202JohnCurteysMale4331Go to participant page
25238HenryEnglisshMaleSheriffSheriffGo to participant page
25204Henryatte FeldMale4331Go to participant page
25227Henryatte FeldMale4332Go to participant page
25226SimonGlovereMale4332Go to participant page
25223JohnGybounMale4332Go to participant page
25213JohnHadeleeMale4331Go to participant page
25233JohnHadeleeMale4332Go to participant page
25234RichardKokesfordMale4332Go to participant page
25232AdamLolleworthMale4332Go to participant page
25222JohnMarchalMale4332Go to participant page
25243ThomasNorthMaleAbington,Cambridgeshire4334Go to participant page
25225JohnNortonMale4332Go to participant page
25203JohnPipereMale4331Go to participant page
25207NicholasPottonMale4331Go to participant page
25236JohnRefhamMaleCambridge,Cambridgeshire4332Go to participant page
25239ThomasSewaleMaleSheriffSheriffGo to participant page
25206JohnSharpMale4331Go to participant page
25211JohnSmythMale4331Go to participant page
25224JohnSmythMaleBarnwell,Cambridgeshire4332Go to participant page
25242JohnStaunfordMaleSaddlerLondon4334,4333Go to participant page
25241JohnTopcleveMale4333Go to participant page
25218RobertTulyetMale4331Go to participant page
25214RalphWattonMale4331Go to participant page
25229Ralphde WattonMale4332Go to participant page
25208JohnWattysMale4331Go to participant page
25209JohnWattysMale4331Go to participant page
25216Ralphatte WykeMaleEscheatorEscheatorGo to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4332John Refham rises up at the house of John BlancpaynJohn Refham, on Sunday 16 June 1381, was an insurgent and malefactor at the house of John Blancpayn, in Petty Cury in Cambridge. He produces a pardon and goes free.Go to incidents page
4334John Staunford steals a horse from Thomas NorthJohn Staunford feloniously entered Thomas North's close at Abington, and took a horse worth two marks, on Saturday 15 June 1381.Larceny: theft of livestockGo to incidents page
4333John Staunford threatens Thomas Cavell and John TopcleveJohn Staunford, saddler of London, was a common leader and notorious assembler of malefactors to cast down and burn the houses of his neighbours, and that he threatened Thomas Cavell and John Topcleve and others of the lord king's faithful in the county of Cambridge, so that they did not dare to remain in their own homes. And he said that he had the lord king's commission in a certain box, to destroy the lord king's traitors and to do very many other things, at Melbourn on Saturday 15 June 1381. Arson: burning of houses,Trespass to person: threatsGo to incidents page
4331Robert Brigham plunders William BedellRobert Brigham, on Saturday 15 June 1381, at night, at around the tenth hour, came together with other malefactors to the house of William Bedell in Cambridge and broke into and entered the said house, and feloniously took and laid waste goods and chattels found there etc. He produces a pardon and goes free.Trespass to chattels: destruction of goods,Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to chattels: removal of goodsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Roger Barbour ( 25230 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Berlee ( 25235 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Blancpayn ( 25237 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Thomas Caldecote ( 25228 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Bartholomew Chaundeler ( 25231 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Henry atte Feld ( 25227 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Simon Glovere ( 25226 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Gyboun ( 25223 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Hadelee ( 25233 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Richard Kokesford ( 25234 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Adam Lolleworth ( 25232 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Marchal ( 25222 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Norton ( 25225 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
John Refham ( 25236 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Accused
John Smyth ( 25224 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Ralph de Watton ( 25229 )John Refham rises up at the house of John Blancpayn (4332)Juror
Thomas North ( 25243 )John Staunford steals a horse from Thomas North (4334)Victim
John Staunford ( 25242 )John Staunford steals a horse from Thomas North (4334)Accused
Thomas Cavell ( 25240 )John Staunford threatens Thomas Cavell and John Topcleve (4333)Victim
John Staunford ( 25242 )John Staunford threatens Thomas Cavell and John Topcleve (4333)Accused
John Topcleve ( 25241 )John Staunford threatens Thomas Cavell and John Topcleve (4333)Victim
John Aleyn ( 25221 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Mainpernor
William Bedell ( 25215 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Victim
John Brigham ( 25219 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Mainpernor
Robert de Brygham ( 25201 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Accused
William Burton ( 25220 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Mainpernor
John Caylee ( 25210 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Colvyll ( 25205 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Coupere ( 25212 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Curteys ( 25202 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
Henry atte Feld ( 25204 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Hadelee ( 25213 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Pipere ( 25203 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
Nicholas Potton ( 25207 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Sharp ( 25206 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Smyth ( 25211 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
Robert Tulyet ( 25218 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Mainpernor
Ralph Watton ( 25214 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Wattys ( 25208 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror
John Wattys ( 25209 )Robert Brigham plunders William Bedell (4331)Juror