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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 145/3/5/1 (o)
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageInquisitio capta apud Bruggewater coram Petro Courtenay Ivo Fitzwaryn et sociis suis justiciariis domini Regis et cetera die Sabbatis proxima ante festum Translationis sancti Thome Mart' et cetera Qu[I dicunt] super sacramentum suum quod Nicholaus Frompton provisor ecclesie de Bruggewater et alii die Mercurii proxima ante festum Nativitatis sancti Johannis anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quarto ad domum Hospital' sancti Johannis Baptist' de Bruggewater prodiciose cum vexill' domini Regis extenso accessit et domum ... fregit et Willelmo Cammel magistro Hospital' predict' et conventor' eiusdem loci de incendio domorum suarum predictarum necnon de mutilacione membrorum suorum minas imposuit et predictum magistrum cepit et in custodia sua detinuit quosque quedam scripta obligat' inter homines de Bruggewater et predictum magistrum super certis condicionibus eidem Nicholao deliberavit Et quosque idem Magister relaxavit omnia iura et proficua sua rectorie ecclesie sue de Bruggewater predicto Nicholao Frompton except' blad' in garbis existent' et tent' de decemis dicte ecclesie Et quosque idem Magister finem fecit eidem pro deliberacione sua et vita sua et conventus sui salvand' pro ducent' marcis Ac eciam domos Johannis Sydenham de Briggewater apud Sydenham et bona et catalla predicti Johannis in eisdem inventa ad valenciam cent' librarum prodiciose combussit et domus predicti Johannis apud Bruggewater prodiciose ad terram prosternab' et detractavit Et eciam ad domum ipsius Johannis Sydenham ubi commoratus fuit in eadem villa accessit et ibidem quedam scripta et munimenta hereditatem suam tangenc' necnon rotul' cur' Jacobi Dandelegh chivaler et Johannis Cole in custodia predicti Johannis existent' prodiciose cepit combussit et sigilla eisdem muniment' annexat' dilasserunt et detractavit Et eciam eodem die et anno unum domum Thome Doffeld in eadem villa precii viginti librarum prodiciose prosternabat et combussit Ac eciam dict' die et anno predict' ad domum Walteri ?Baron apud Eschilton accessit et domum dict' Walteri ad valenciam centum solidorum necnon alia bona et catalla ut in blad' et aliis bonis ad valenciam decem librarum combussit prodiciose et predictum Walterum ibidem prodiciose decapitavit Ac eciam die Veneris tunc proxima sequente apud Ivelchestre accessit et eundo ad villam predictam quemdam Johannem Burcy in domo sua apud ?Langesutton existent' contra voluntatem suam cum eo ire fecit et gaolam domini Regis ibidem prodiciose fregit et Hugonem ?Langesutton existent' contra voluntatem suam cum eo ire fecit et gaolam domini Regis ibidem prodiciose fregit et Hugonem ?Lanham de felonia indict' in eadem gaola existent' cepit et ipsum Hugonem indespect' domini regis et corone sue prodiciose per Johannem Burcy contra voluntatem suam decapitavit et capud predicti Hugonis per Johannem Burcy super quandam lanceam apud Bruggewater portari fecit et capud predict' insimul cum capite predicti Walteri Baron super pontem ville de Bruggewater indespect' domini Regis et corone sue super lanceas posuit.
Text (English translation)King to Tresilian - Sending indictment of Nicholas Frompton, chaplain, Thomas Brugge and others, as indicted in court of Peter de Courtenay and fellows, assigned to chastise and punish rebels who arose against the peace - their allegiance in Somerset - to be determined - 11 Feb 5 Ric. II. King to Courteney - terminari on indictments of rebels in Bridgewater 12 Feb 5 Ric. II. Inquisition, taken at Bridgewater before Peter Courtenay, Ivo Fitzwaryn and their fellow justices of the lord king, etc, on Saturday next before the feast of the translation of St Thomas the martyr, etc. Who [say] upon their oath that Nicholas Frompton, provisor of the church of Bridgwater, and others, on Wednesday next before the feast of the nativity of St John, in the fourth year of the reign of King Richard II, came to the house of the hospital of St John the Baptist of Bridgwater traitorously with the standard of the lord king extended, and broke into the [said] house and made threats to William Cammel, master of the aforesaid hospital and conventor of the same place, about the burning of their aforesaid houses, and also about the mutilation of their members, and he took the aforesaid master and detained him in his custody until he delivered certain deeds obligatory between the men of Bridgwater and the aforesaid master upon certain conditions to the same Nicholas. And until the same master released all his rights and profits to the rectory of his church of Bridgwater to the aforesaid Nicholas Frompton, excepting corn being in sheaves and held of the tithes of the said church. And until the same master made a fine to the same man for his delivery and for saving his life and that of his convent, for 200 marks. And also he traitorously burnt down the houses of John Sydenham of Bridgwater at Sydenham and burnt the goods and chattels of the aforesaid John, found in the same, to the value of £100, and traitorously knocked and pulled to the ground the houses of the aforesaid John at Bridgwater. And also he came to the house of the same John Sydenham, where he stayed in the same vill, and there traitorously took and burnt certain deeds and muniments concerning his inheritance and also rolls of the court of James Dandelegh, knight, and John Cole, being in the custody of the aforesaid John, and tore and pulled off the seals annexed to the same muniments. And also on the same day and year, he traitorously knocked and burnt down one house of Thomas Doffeld in the same vill, worth £20. And also on the said day and aforesaid year, he came to the house of Walter Baron at 'Eschilton' and traitorously burnt the house of the said Walter to the value of 100s and also goods and chattels, as in corn and other goods, to the value of £10, and he beheaded the aforesaid Walter there traitorously. And also on Friday then next following, he came at Ilchester, and going to the aforesaid vill, he caused a certain John Burcy, being in his house at Long Sutton, against his will to go with him, and he traitorously broke into the gaol of the lord king there, and he caused Hugh Langesutton to go with him against his will, and he traitorously broke into the gaol of the lord king there, and took Hugh Lanham [sic], indicted of felony, being in the same gaol, and traitorously caused the same Hugh to be beheaded by John Burcy against his will, in disrespect of the lord king and his crown, and he caused the head of the aforesaid Hugh to be carried by John Burcy upon a certain lance at Bridgewater, and he placed the aforesaid head, together with the head of the aforesaid Walter Baron, upon lances upon the bridge of the vill of Bridgewater in disrespect of the lord king and his crown.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
24626WalterBaronMale4293,4294Go to participant page
24627JohnBurcyMaleLong Sutton,Somerset4294Go to participant page
24621WilliamCammelMaleMasterBridgwater,Somerset4289Go to participant page
24624JohnColeMale4291Go to participant page
24623JamesDandeleghMaleKnight4291Go to participant page
24625ThomasDoffeldMaleBridgwater,Somerset4292Go to participant page
24620NicholasFromptonMaleChaplainBridgwater,Somerset4289,4293,4291,4294,4290,4292Go to participant page
24628HughLanhamMalePrisoner4294Go to participant page
24622JohnSydenhamMaleBridgwater,Somerset4290,4291Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4289Nicholas Frompton attacks the hospital of St John the Baptist of Bridgwater Nicholas Frompton, provisor of the church of Bridgwater, and others, on Wednesday 20 June 1381, came to the house of the hospital of St John the Baptist of Bridgwater traitorously with the standard of the lord king raised, and broke into the [said] house and made threats to William Cammel, master of the aforesaid hospital and 'conventor' of the same place, about the burning of their aforesaid houses, and also about the mutilation of their members, and he took the aforesaid master and detained him in his custody until he delivered certain deeds obligatory between the men of Bridgwater and the aforesaid master upon certain conditions to the same Nicholas. And until the same master released all his rights and profits to the rectory of his church of Bridgwater to the aforesaid Nicholas Frompton, excepting corn being in sheaves and held of the tithes of the said church. And until the same master made a fine to the same man for his delivery and for saving his life and that of his convent, for 200 marks.Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine ,Larceny: theft of documents,Making flags and banners,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to person: extortion,Trespass to person: threatsGo to incidents page
4294Nicholas Frompton breaks the gaol at Long Sutton and makes John Burcy behead Hugh LanhamNicholas Frompton, on Friday 22 June 1381 came to Ilchester, and caused a certain John Burcy, being in his house at Long Sutton, against his will to go with him, and he traitorously broke into the gaol of the lord king there, and he caused Hugh Langesutton to go with him against his will, and he traitorously broke into the gaol of the lord king there, and took Hugh Lanham [sic], indicted of felony, being in the same gaol, and traitorously caused the same Hugh to be beheaded by John Burcy against his will, in disrespect of the lord king and his crown, and he caused the head of the aforesaid Hugh to be carried by John Burcy upon a certain lance at Bridgewater, and he placed the aforesaid head, together with the head of the aforesaid Walter Baron, upon lances upon the bridge of the vill of Bridgewater in disrespect of the lord king and his crown.Breach of prison,Homicide: beheading,Killing of prisoners,Raising the commons: forcing others to join companyGo to incidents page
4292Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Thomas DoffeldNicholas Frompton on Wednesday 20 June 1381 traitorously knocked and burnt down one house of Thomas Doffeld in Bridgwater, worth £20.Arson: burning of houses,Trespass to land: throwing down of houseGo to incidents page
4293Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Walter Baron and beheads himNicholas Frompton on Wednesday 20 June 1381 came to the house of Walter Baron at 'Eschilton' and traitorously burnt the house of the said Walter to the value of 100s and also goods and chattels, as in corn and other goods, to the value of £10, and he beheaded the aforesaid Walter there traitorously. Trespass to chattels: destruction of goods,Arson: burning of houses,Homicide: beheadingGo to incidents page
4290Nicholas Frompton burns the houses, goods and chattels of John SydenhamNicholas Frompton traitorously burnt down the houses of John Sydenham of Bridgwater at Sydenham and burnt the goods and chattels of the aforesaid John, found in the same, to the value of £100, and traitorously knocked and pulled to the ground the houses of the aforesaid John at Bridgwater. Trespass to land: throwing down of house,Arson: burning of houses,Trespass to chattels: destruction of goodsGo to incidents page
4291Nicholas Frompton destroys documents in the care of John SydenhamNicholas Frompton came to the house of John Sydenham in Bridgwater, and there traitorously took and burnt certain deeds and muniments concerning his inheritance and also rolls of the court of James Dandelegh, knight, and John Cole, being in the custody of the aforesaid John, and tore and pulled off the seals annexed to the same muniments. Trespass to chattels: destruction of documents,Arson: burning of documentsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

William Cammel ( 24621 )Nicholas Frompton attacks the hospital of St John the Baptist of Bridgwater (4289)Victim
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton attacks the hospital of St John the Baptist of Bridgwater (4289)Accused
Walter Baron ( 24626 )Nicholas Frompton breaks the gaol at Long Sutton and makes John Burcy behead Hugh Lanham (4294)Victim
John Burcy ( 24627 )Nicholas Frompton breaks the gaol at Long Sutton and makes John Burcy behead Hugh Lanham (4294)Victim
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton breaks the gaol at Long Sutton and makes John Burcy behead Hugh Lanham (4294)Accused
Hugh Lanham ( 24628 )Nicholas Frompton breaks the gaol at Long Sutton and makes John Burcy behead Hugh Lanham (4294)Victim
Thomas Doffeld ( 24625 )Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Thomas Doffeld (4292)Victim
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Thomas Doffeld (4292)Accused
Walter Baron ( 24626 )Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Walter Baron and beheads him (4293)Victim
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton burns the house of Walter Baron and beheads him (4293)Accused
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton burns the houses, goods and chattels of John Sydenham (4290)Victim
John Sydenham ( 24622 )Nicholas Frompton burns the houses, goods and chattels of John Sydenham (4290)Accused
John Cole ( 24624 )Nicholas Frompton destroys documents in the care of John Sydenham (4291)Victim
James Dandelegh ( 24623 )Nicholas Frompton destroys documents in the care of John Sydenham (4291)Victim
Nicholas Frompton ( 24620 )Nicholas Frompton destroys documents in the care of John Sydenham (4291)Accused
John Sydenham ( 24622 )Nicholas Frompton destroys documents in the care of John Sydenham (4291)Victim