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TypePrivate prosecution
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 145/3/5/1 (n)
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguagePhilip Bluwet de Wall armiger venit coram Johanne Rote et Johanne Hinde vicecomitibus London' et Johanne Charnoye coronatore eiusdem civitatis die Veneris proxima post festum sancti Johannis ante Portam Latinam anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto et appell' Johannem Aynel de comitatu Hertford' et Paganum Chylterne de eodem comitatu de eo quod predicti Johannes Aynel et Paganus Chilterne cum aliis prefato Phil' ignotis die Sabbati proxima post festum corporis Christi anno predicti regni regis quarto hospicium ipsius Phil' apud manerium de Mire in parochia de Rykmeresworth in comitatu Hertford' noctanter felonice intraverunt et ibidem diversas cistas ?torsar' et hanper' ipsius Philippi fregerunt et unam parvam cistam et unam hanper' cum cartis et aliis munimentis terras et tenementa dicti Philippi et Katerine uxoris sue tangentibus ad valenciam viginti librarum in dicta parva cista et in dicto uno hanper' inclus' ibidem invent' felonice ceperunt et asportaverunt unde eos appellat et invenit pleg' de prosecut' versus dictos felones videlicet Mauricium de ?Apdavit et Johannem Madoke
Text (English translation)King to sheriffs of London - ordering them to bring John Aygnol and Pagan Chilterne, held in Newgate, into the King's Bench on the morrow of the Ascension - 10 May 5 Ric. II. King to sheriffs and coroner of London - ordering them to bring appeal of Philip Elvet against John Aygnol and Pagan Chiltern into the King's Bench - same day. Philip Bluwet of Wall, esquire, came before John Rote and John Hinde, sheriffs of London, and John Charnoye, coroner of the same city, on Friday next after the feast of St John before the Latin Gate in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard II after the conquest, and appealed John Aynel of the county of Hertfordshire and Pagan Chylterne of the same county, on account that the aforesaid John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne with others unknown to the aforesaid Philip, on Saturday next after the feast of Corpus Christi in the fourth year of the aforesaid reign of the king, feloniously entered at night the lodgings of the same Philip at the manor of More in the parish of Rickmansworth in the county of Hertfordshire, and there broke diverse chests, ... and hampers of the same Philip, and feloniously took and carried away one small chest and one hamper with charters and other muniments concerning the lands and tenements of the said Philip and Katherine his wife, to the value of £20, found there enclosed in the said small chest and in the said one hamper, whereof he appeals them, and he found pledges to prosecute against the said felons, viz Maurice de Apdavit and John Madoke.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
24618Mauricede ApdavitMale4288Go to participant page
24615JohnAynelMaleHertfordshire4288Go to participant page
24617KatherineBluwetFemale4288Go to participant page
24611PhilipBluwetMaleEsquire4288Go to participant page
24614JohnCharnoyeMaleCoroner4288Go to participant page
24616PaganChilterneMaleHertfordshire4288Go to participant page
24613JohnHindeMaleSheriff of London4288Go to participant page
24619JohnMadokeMale4288Go to participant page
24612JohnRoteMaleUnder-sheriff4288Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4288John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip BluwetPhilip Bluwet of Wall, esquire, came before John Rote and John Hinde, sheriffs of London, and John Charnoye, coroner of the same city, on Friday next after the feast of St John before the Latin Gate in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard II after the conquest, and appealed John Aynel of the county of Hertfordshire and Pagan Chylterne of the same county, on account that the aforesaid John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne with others unknown to the aforesaid Philip, on Saturday 15 June 1381, feloniously entered at night the lodgings of the same Philip at the manor of More in the parish of Rickmansworth in the county of Hertfordshire, and there broke diverse chests, ... and hampers of the same Philip, and feloniously took and carried away one small chest and one hamper with charters and other muniments concerning the lands and tenements of the said Philip and Katherine his wife, to the value of £20, found there enclosed in the said small chest and in the said one hamper, whereof he appeals them, and he found pledges to prosecute against the said felons, viz Maurice de Apdavit and John Madoke.Larceny: theft of goods,Larceny: theft of documentsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Maurice de Apdavit ( 24618 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Pledge
John Aynel ( 24615 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Accused
Katherine Bluwet ( 24617 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Victim
Philip Bluwet ( 24611 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Victim
John Charnoye ( 24614 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Coroner
Pagan Chilterne ( 24616 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Accused
John Hinde ( 24613 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Sheriff
John Madoke ( 24619 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Pledge
John Rote ( 24612 )John Aynel and Pagan Chilterne steal documents from Philip Bluwet (4288)Sheriff