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TypeName list
Unique Identifying TextTNA SC 8/225/11235
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)English summary taken from the TNA catalogue entry, compiled as part of the AHRC project 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of Exchequer, Chancery and Gascon petitions in the National Archives', led by W. Mark Ormrod (2006-7); C.T. Flower, The Beverley Town Riots, 1381-2 (Transactions of the Royal Historical Soc, 1905), Appendix no. XI (partial edition)
Text in Original LanguageCeux sont les bones gentz de Beverley presentz: Adam Copandale Thomas de Beverley Johannes de Kelke Johannes Jervas Thornas Manby Thomas Gerveys Willelmus Dudyll Stephanus Coppandale Thomas Yole Adam Barkar Willelmus Roleston Thomas Cator Ricardus Aglyoun Robertus Cotyngham Johannes Carleton Adam Toundu Johannes Gervays aurifaber John Holme Nicholus de Louthe Johannes Ergum Adam de Rypon Willelmus de Leycet Ricardus Langstra Robertus Aldgate Willelmus Bury Johannes Bawde Johannes Benome Johannes de Carton Alanus Chamberleyn Petrus Catwyk Johannes Rygdon Willelmus Tyler Willelmus Ydon Sevanus Cartwryght Johannes de Wakyngton mercer John Tryppok Paulus de Butby Thomas Jolyf Johannes de Scorby Willelmus Byrd Johannes Gete Walterus Walthef Johannes de Melton Willelmus de Holym Thomas de Etton Johannes de Clareburgh Ricardus Ebson Thomas Gemelyng Johannes Wellyng Robertus Sprotley Johannes Swan Rogerus de Wynketon Excipiantur isti de submissione et plures alii quorum nomina ad presens ignorantur.
Text (English translation)Names of the good people of Beverley present.
General Information[1382] The list of names is dated to 1382 as it is very likely to be a near contemporary of the writs addressed to the sheriff of York and others in April 1382 (SC 8/225/11231).


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
18143RichardAglyounMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18154RobertAldgateMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18140AdamBarkarMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18156JohnBawdeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18157JohnBenomeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18132Thomasde BeverleyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18155WilliamBuryMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18167Paulde ButbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18170WilliamByrdMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18145JohnCarletonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18158Johnde CartonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18164SimonCartwrightMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18142ThomasCatorMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18160PeterCatwykMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18159AlanChamberleynMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18176Johnde ClareburghMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18131AdamCopandaleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18138StephenCoppandaleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18144RobertCotynghamMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18137WilliamDudhillMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18177RichardEbsunMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18150JohnErgumMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18175Thomasde EttonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18178ThomasGemelyngMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18147JohnGervaysMaleGoldsmithBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18136ThomasGerveysMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18171JohnGeteMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18148JohnHolmeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18174Williamde HolymMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18134JohnJervasMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18168ThomasJolyfMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18133Johnde KelkeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18153RichardLangstraMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18152Williamde LeycetMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18149Nicholasde LoutheMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18135ThomasManbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18173Johnde MeltonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18141WilliamRolestonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18161JohnRygdonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18151Adamde RyponMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18169Johnde ScorbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18180RobertSprotleyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18181JohnSwanMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18146AdamTounduMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18166JohnTryppokMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18162WilliamTylerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18165Johnde WakyngtonMaleMercer3730Go to participant page
18172WalterWalthefMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18179JohnWellyngMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18182Rogerde WynketonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18163WilliamYdonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page
18139ThomasYoleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3730Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3730Names of men of BeverleyList of names of men involved in the disturbances in Beverley in 1381-82.Go to incidents page

Incidents and People

Richard Aglyoun ( 18143 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Robert Aldgate ( 18154 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Adam Barkar ( 18140 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Bawde ( 18156 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Benome ( 18157 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas de Beverley ( 18132 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Bury ( 18155 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Paul de Butby ( 18167 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Byrd ( 18170 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Carleton ( 18145 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Carton ( 18158 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Simon Cartwright ( 18164 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Cator ( 18142 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Peter Catwyk ( 18160 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Alan Chamberleyn ( 18159 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Clareburgh ( 18176 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Adam Copandale ( 18131 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Stephen Coppandale ( 18138 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Robert Cotyngham ( 18144 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Dudhill ( 18137 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Richard Ebsun ( 18177 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Ergum ( 18150 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas de Etton ( 18175 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Gemelyng ( 18178 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Gervays ( 18147 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Gerveys ( 18136 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Gete ( 18171 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Holme ( 18148 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William de Holym ( 18174 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Jervas ( 18134 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Jolyf ( 18168 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Kelke ( 18133 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Richard Langstra ( 18153 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William de Leycet ( 18152 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Nicholas de Louthe ( 18149 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Manby ( 18135 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Melton ( 18173 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Roleston ( 18141 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Rygdon ( 18161 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Adam de Rypon ( 18151 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Scorby ( 18169 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Robert Sprotley ( 18180 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Swan ( 18181 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Adam Toundu ( 18146 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Tryppok ( 18166 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Tyler ( 18162 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John de Wakyngton ( 18165 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Walter Walthef ( 18172 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
John Wellyng ( 18179 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Roger de Wynketon ( 18182 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
William Ydon ( 18163 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned
Thomas Yole ( 18139 )Names of men of Beverley (3730)Mentioned