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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 9/166/1 m. 55
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageEynesford Iurati presentant quod Iohannes filius Iacobi Flemmyng de Costeseye fuit principalis levator gentium in dicto hundredo contra coronam domini Regis dicendo quod fuit ad mortem domini Iohannis de Cavendich et quod dispoliavit cum aliis ignotis bona et catalla Martinus de Taverham in Taverham die martis proxima ante festum Nativitatis' Sancti Iohannis Baptiste anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi a conquestum quarto. Item presentant quod Willelmus de Eggemere nuper manens in Ryngelond fuit manutentor et consorator dicti Iohannis et dispoliavit domum Martinum in Taverham dicto die et anno apud Taverham. Item presentant quod Rogerus Bakoun miles cum Galfridus Lyster et aliis exconspiracione' sua fuit unus principalis levator gencium contra dictam coronam et pacem qui quidem Rogerus die lune proxima ante festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste apud Iernemut' anno ut supra cepit Willelmum Clere et eum minavit de capite suo perdendo nisi voluisset relaxare totum ius suum dicto Rogero de manerio suo de Antyngham et hoc per manucapcionem Willelmi Wynt' Roberti Herward et Nicholi de Wychyngham quod quidam manerium dictus Rogerus prius vendidit domino Willelmo de Wychyngham per cartem et relaxionem dicti Rogeri. Item quod dictus Rogerus die martis proxima ante festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste anno ut supra fecit deliberacionem duorum latronum qui furati fuerunt i vaccam de stabularario de Martini de Taverham qui quidam latrones arestati fuerunt per Galfridum Kynge et socium suum subconstabularium ville de Ryngelond ex auctoritate sua contra coronam et legem et quod dictus Rogerus fuit obediens ad omnia iura et precepta dicti Galfridi. Item presentant quod dictus Rogerus eodem die et eodem anno fuit principalis ductor exspoliator catallorum Iohannis Fastolf contra coronam et pacem dicti domini regis apud Castre. Item presentant quod Iohannes Gyldyng de Heydon die martis proxima post festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste anno ut supra ex malicia sua contra pacem levavit gentes et pergit de villa ad villam videlicet Salle Dallynge Corpsti et alibi dicendo diversis hominibus quod bonum et magnum proficium esset communibus arestare episcopum et illum obstupare de malicia sua. Item presentant quod Iohannes Gentilhume de Boxton Ricardus Fylmond de eadem et Iohannes Wattes de Scotthowe fuerunt principals levatores totius comitatus usurpando eis regiam postestcionem faciendo novas leges in preiudicium domini Regis et peregendo de villa ad villam die veneris proxima ante festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste per totam comitatam levando clamando et vocando communes diversarum villarum contra coronam et leges anglie in preiudicium dicte corone. Item presentant quod Willelmus capellanus parochialis ville de Skotthowe die sabbati proxima post festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste anno ut supra ex malicia sua precogitata interfecit Hugonem Aveline de Holbesshe racione quod dictus Hugo dixit quod male fecerunt qui dispoliaverunt bona et catalla Iohannis Whyte et predictus Willelmus fuit communis levator gencium contra pacem et co. Item presentant quod Thomas Aslake de Norwico cordewanus manens in Norwico' in parochia Sancti Gregorii in Norwico fuit principalis auxilians ad mortem Reginaldi Ekkes die lune ut supra. Item presentant quod Robertus Stermy de Kerdeston apud Norwicum die lune ut supra fuit auxilians ad mortem Roberti de Salle militis'. Item presentant quod Henricus Sherman et Simon Cock de Walsyngham die martis proxima ante festum Nativitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste anno ut supra fuerunt nuncii Galfridi Lystere' et pergerunt de villa ad villam videlicet a villa de Heverynglond usque ad villam de Wyghton' et Walsyngham et levacionem gencium fecerunt in preiudicium corone contra leges anglie per quam levacionem Thomas Curson Iohannes atte Mille et Robertus Hore et alii fuerunt dispoliati. Item presentant quod Willelmus Pyxton alio nomine Willelmus Braunch serviens Gosselin Smyth de Repham fuit principalis levator in villa de Repham Salle Causton et aliorum villarum contra pacem et coronam domini Regis levand' patrie et co. Item presentant quod Willelmus Drapier de Lyng et Ricardus Bray de Framyngham Pygot proclamacionem facerunt per Galfridum Lystere apud Mushold pergebant usque Iernemut et ab hinc cum aliis hominibus usque Ormesby usque manerium Willelmi Clere et ibidem fecerunt finem cum uxore Willelmi Clere et cepit xxiii s. ne dispoliarent' manerium dicti Willelmi ibidem. Et super hoc venit Richardus Filymond cum xx hominibus et cepit medietatem denariorum predictorum et postea infra octo dies dictus Willelmus Drapner satisfecit dicto Willelmo Clere. Item presentant quod Iohannes Waleys manens in Sparham die lune et anno predictis habuit duas parcellas zone capate capate deaurata domini Roberti de Salle et fuit principals levator in villa de Sparham in dicto hundredi et minavit Iohannem Fychet de eadem apud Mushold de vita sua et de capite suo perdendo quod de cetero aliquam taxacionem domini Regis tangentem ab eo non levaret Et fecit finem quod eum ab omnibus taxacionibus acquietare et qui quidem Iohannes Waleys arestatus fuit per preceptum inquisit' per subconstabulariis ville de Sparham et in custodium per inquisit' prout cognoverunt. Item presentant quod Ioahnnes Child de Boton die lune et anno predicto apud Mushold dispoliavit dominum Robertum de Salle militem de parcella de cloca sua et eidem inde fecit unum capionum et habuit i parcellam zone dicti domini Roberti et similiter xx denariis de catallis suis. Item quod Willelmus Bisshop de Byntre Iohannes Ba de eadem et Iohannes Meliour de Folsham ex malicia sua apud Byntre die lune et anno ut supra conspiraverunt mortem Iohannis Newlyn de Byntre' nativus Ducis Lancastrie et eum duxerunt usque Mushold ad magnam societatem et eum per auxilium dicte societatis decollaverunt quam quidam decollacionem fecerunt per procuramentum et abbetum Ricardi atte Ee Iohannis servientis Petri Faukener . Item presentant quod Adam Wegge iunior de Wychyngham die lune et anno supradicto habuit i cultellum precii xii d. de catallis Reginaldi Ekles apud Norwicum et habuit i hutchiame precii xl d. de Henrico' Luminour et alia catalla dicti Henrici et restitucionem eis non fecit et minavit capitalem constababularium ita quod non potuit arestare aliquem in patria. Et eis communis latro.
Text (English translation)Eynesford The jurors present that John son of Jacob Flemmyng of Costessey was a chief raiser of people in the said hundred against the king's crown, saying that he was at the death of Lord John de Cavendich and that, with others unknown, he plundered the goods and chattels of Martin de Taverham in Taverham on Tuesday 18th June 1381. William de Eggemere, lately dwelling in Ringland was a supporter and fellow of the said John, and plundered the house of Martin de Taverham in Taverham on the same day and year. Also they present that Roger Bakoun, knight, with Geoffrey Lyster and others of their conspiracy, was one of the chief raisers of men against the said crown and peace, and on Monday 17th June 1381 at Great Yarmouth same Roger took William Clere and threatened him that he would lose his head unless he agreed to release to Roger all rights over his manor of Antingham, and this under the guarantee of William Wynter, Robert Herward and Nicholas of Wychyngham, the which manor the said Roger had previously sold to William de Wychyngham by charter and release by the said Roger. Also they present that the said Roger on Tuesday 18th June 1381 set free on his own authority against the crown and the law two thieves who had stolen a cow from the stable of Martin de Taverham, the which thieves have been arrested by Geoffrey Kynge and his associates, under-constables of the village of Ringland, and that the said Roger was obedient to all laws and orders of the said Geoffrey [Lyster]. Also they present that the aforesaid Roger on the same day and the same year was chief leader and pillager of the chattels of John Fastolf at Caister, against the crown and the aforesaid king's peace. Also they present that John Gyldyng of Heydon on Tuesday 25th June 1381, out of his own wickedness against the peace rose the people to revolt and proceeded from village to village, namely Salle, Field Dalling, Corpusty and others, saying to various men that it would be a good and great profit to the common people to arrest the bishop and to put an end to his wickedness Also they present that John Gentilhume of Buxton, Richard Fylmond of the same and John Wattes of Scottow were chief raisers of the whole county, usurping royal power and making new laws, in prejudice of the lord king, travelling from village to village on Friday 21st June [1381] throughout the whole county, rising in revolt, summoning and calling upon the commons of various villages, against the crown and the laws of England, in prejudice of the said crown. Also they present that William, parish chaplain of the village of Scottow on Saturday 29th June 1381, out of his wickedness and with premeditation, killed Hugo Aveline of Hautbois, for the reason that the said Hugo had said that they did wrong who plundered the goods and chattels of John Whyte, and that the aforesaid William was a common raiser of the people against the peace etc. Also they present that Thomas Aslake of Norwich, cordwainer, dwelling in Norwich in the parish of St Gregory, was a chief accessory to the murder of Reginald Ekkes on the aforesaid Monday. Also they present that Robert Stermy of Kerdiston on the aforesaid Monday was an accessory to the murder of Robert de Salle, soldier, at Norwich. Also they present that Henry Sherman and Simon Cock of Walsingham on Tuesday 18th June 1381 were messengers of Geoffrey Lystere, and travelled from village to village, namely from Haveringland up to Wighton and Walsingham, and caused the people to rise in revolt, in prejudice of the crown and against the laws of England, by which uprising Thomas Curson, John atte Mille, Robert Hore and others were plundered. Also they present that William Pyxton also called William Braunch, servant of Jocelyn Smyth of Reepham, was a chief rebel in the villages of Reepham, Salle, Cawston and other villages, against the peace and the lord king's crown, rising the country to revolt etc. Also they present that William Drapier of Lyng and Richard Bray of Framingham Pigot made proclamations on Geoffrey Lyster behalf at Mousehold, proceeding up to Great Yarmouth and from there with many other men up to Ormesby to the manor of William Clere, and they took a fine from the wife of William Clere of 23 s. for not plundering the manor. And upon this came Richard Filymond with twenty men and took half of the aforesaid sum, and eight days later the said William Drapier made amends to the said William Clere. And also they present that John Waleys, dwelling in Sparham, on the Monday and the aforesaid year had two parts of a large gilded belt belonging to Lord Robert de Salle, and was a chief rebel in the village of Sparham in the said hundred, and threatened John Fychet of the same at Mousehold with the loss of his life and head that henceforth he should not levy a tax of the lord king from him [again]. And he made a fine that he might be exempt from all taxes, and that the same John Waleys was arrested on the order of the judicial inquiry by the under-constables of Sparham, and he is in the custody of the inquisition as they have acknowledged. Also they present that John Child of Booton on Monday in the aforesaid year at Mousehold despoiled Lord Robert de Salle, knight, of part of his cloak, and of the same he made a cape, and he had one part of Lord Robert's belt and likewise 2000 d. of his chattels. William Bisshop of Bintree, John Ba of the same and John Meliour of Foulsham, out of their wickedness, at Bintree on the Monday and the aforesaid year, conspired the death of John Newlyn of Bintree, serf of the Duke of Lancaster, and led him up to Mousehold [Heath] to the great society , and beheaded him with the help of the said society , the which beheading was carried out at the instigation of Richard atte Ee and John servant of Peter Faukener. Adam Wegge junior of Witchingham on the Monday in the aforesaid year had a knife worth 12 d. of the chattels of Reginald Ekles at Norwich, and had a linen sheet worth 40 d. and other chattels belonging to Henry Luminour, and has not made restitution, and he threatened the chief constable so that he did not dare to arrest him anywhere in the county. And he is a common thief.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
9169ThomasAslakeMaleCordwainerNorwich,Norfolk3006Go to participant page
9167HugoAvelineMaleGreat Hautbois,South Erpingham Hundred,Norfolk3005Go to participant page
9185JohnBaMale3013Go to participant page
9153RogerBakounMaleKnight3001,3000,3002Go to participant page
9184WilliamBisshopMaleBintree,Norfolk3013Go to participant page
9180RichardBrayMaleFramingham Pigot,Norfolk3010Go to participant page
9150Johnde CavendichMale2998Go to participant page
9183JohnChildMaleBooton,South Erpingham Hundred,Norfolk3012Go to participant page
9192DietaClereFemale3010Go to participant page
9155WilliamClereMaleAntingham,Norfolk3000,3010Go to participant page
9174SimonCockMaleGreat Walsingham,Norfolk3008Go to participant page
9175ThomasCursonMale3008Go to participant page
9179WilliamDrapierMaleLyng,Norfolk3010Go to participant page
9188Richardatte EeMale3013Go to participant page
9152Williamde EggemereMaleRingland,Norfolk2999Go to participant page
9170ReginaldEklesMale3014,3006Go to participant page
9161JohnFastolfMaleCaister-on-Sea,Norfolk3002Go to participant page
11476JacobFlemmyngMaleCostessey,Norfolk2999Go to participant page
9149JohnFlemmyngMaleCostessey,Norfolk2999,2998Go to participant page
9182JohnFychetMaleMousehold,Norfolk3011Go to participant page
9164RichardFylmondMaleBuxton,Norfolk3004,3010Go to participant page
9163JohnGentilhumeMaleBuxton,Norfolk3004Go to participant page
9162JohnGyldyngMaleHeydon,Norfolk3003Go to participant page
9157RobertHerwardMale3000Go to participant page
9177RobertHoreMale3008Go to participant page
9160GeoffreyKyngeMaleUnder-constableRingland,Norfolk3001Go to participant page
9191HenryLuminourMale3014Go to participant page
9154GeoffreyLysterMale3001,3008,3010,3000Go to participant page
9186JohnMeliourMaleFoulsham,Norfolk3013Go to participant page
9176Johnatte MilleMale3008Go to participant page
9187JohnNewlynMaleSerfBintree,Norfolk3013Go to participant page
9178WilliamPyxtonMaleServant3009Go to participant page
9172Robertde SalleMaleSoldier3012,3007,3011Go to participant page
9173HenryShermanMale3008Go to participant page
9171RobertStermyMaleKerdiston,Norfolk3007Go to participant page
9151Martinde TaverhamMaleTaverham,Norfolk2999,2998,3001Go to participant page
9181JohnWaleysMaleSparham,Norfolk3011Go to participant page
9165JohnWattesMaleScottow,Norfolk3004Go to participant page
9190AdamWeggeMaleLittle Witchingham,Norfolk3014Go to participant page
9168JohnWhyteMale3005Go to participant page
9158Nicholasde WychynghamMale3000Go to participant page
9159Williamde WychynghamMale3000Go to participant page
9156WilliamWynterMale3000Go to participant page
9189JohnMaleServant3013Go to participant page
9166WilliamMaleChaplainScottow,Norfolk3005Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3014Adam Wegge junior in possession of goods belonging to Reginald Ekles and Henry LuminourAdam Wegge junior of Witchingham on the Monday in the aforesaid year had a knife worth 12 d. of the chattels of Reginald Ekles at Norwich, and had a linen sheet worth 40 d. and other chattels belonging to Henry Luminour, and has not made restitution, and he threatened the chief constable so that he did not dare to arrest him anywhere in the county. And he is a common thief.Larceny: receiving stolen goodsGo to incidents page
3008Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore Also they present that Henry Sherman and Simon Cock of Walsingham on Tuesday 18th June 1381 were messengers of Geoffrey Lystere, and travelled from village to village, namely from Haveringland up to Wighton and Walsingham, and caused the people to rise in revolt, in prejudice of the crown and against the laws of England, by which uprising Thomas Curson, John atte Mille, Robert Hore and others were plundered.Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of goods,Raising the commons: riding Go to incidents page
3012John Child despoils Robert de SalleAlso they present that John Child of Booton on Monday in the aforesaid year at Mousehold despoiled Lord Robert de Salle, knight, of part of his cloak, and of the same he made a cape, and he had one part of Lord Robert's belt and likewise 2000 d. of his chattels.Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of goodsGo to incidents page
2998John Flemmyng present at the killing of John Cavendish and plunders Martin de TaverhamThe jurors present that John son of Jacob Flemmyng of Costessey was a chief raiser of people in the said hundred against the king's crown, saying that he was at the death of Lord John de Cavendich and that, with others unknown, he plundered the goods and chattels of Martin de Taverham in Taverham on Tuesday 18th June 1381. Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Homicide: accompliceGo to incidents page
3004John Gentilhume, Richard Fylmond and John Wattes raise the countyAlso they present that John Gentilhume of Buxton, Richard Fylmond of the same and John Wattes of Scottow were chief raisers of the whole county, usurping royal power and making new laws, in prejudice of the lord king, travelling from village to village on Friday 21st June [1381] throughout the whole county, rising in revolt, summoning and calling upon the commons of various villages, against the crown and the laws of England, in prejudice of the said crown.Raising the commons: riding ,Raising the commons: otherGo to incidents page
3003John Gyldyng raises the people of Salle, Field Dalling and Corpusty against the bishopAlso they present that John Gyldyng of Heydon on Tuesday 25th June 1381, out of his own wickedness against the peace rose the people to revolt and proceeded from village to village, namely Salle, Field Dalling, Corpusty and others, saying to various men that it would be a good and great profit to the common people to arrest the bishop and to put an end to his wickedness. Raising the commons: other,Raising the commons: riding Go to incidents page
3011John Waleys has a belt of Robert de Salle, threatens John Fychet and refuses to pay taxAnd also they present that John Waleys, dwelling in Sparham, on the Monday of the aforesaid year had two parts of a large gilded belt belonging to Lord Robert de Salle, and was a chief rebel in the village of Sparham in the said hundred, and threatened John Fychet of the same at Mousehold with the loss of his life and head that henceforth he should not levy a tax of the lord king from him [again]. And he made a fine that he might be exempt from all taxes, and that the same John Waleys was arrested on the order of the judicial inquiry by the under-constables of Sparham, and he is in the custody of the inquisition as they have acknowledged.Larceny: receiving stolen goods,Trespass to person: threatsGo to incidents page
3009Rebellion of William Pyxton aka William BraunchAlso they present that William Pyxton also called William Braunch, servant of Jocelyn Smyth of Reepham, was a chief rebel in the villages of Reepham, Salle, Cawston and other villages, against the peace and the lord king's crown, rising the country to revolt etc. Raising the commons: otherGo to incidents page
3007Robert Stermy as an accessory to the murder of Robert de SalleAlso they present that Robert Stermy of Kerdiston on the aforesaid Monday was an accessory to the murder of Robert de Salle, soldier, at Norwich.Homicide: accompliceGo to incidents page
3000Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of AntinghamAlso they present that Roger Bakoun, knight, with Geoffrey Lyster and others of their conspiracy, was one of the chief raisers of men against the said crown and peace, and on Monday 17th June 1381 at Great Yarmouth same Roger took William Clere and threatened him that he would lose his head unless he agreed to release to Roger all rights over his manor of Antingham, and this under the guarantee of William Wynter, Robert Herward and Nicholas de Wychyngham, the which manor the said Roger had previously sold to William de Wychyngham by charter and release by the said Roger.Trespass to person: threats,Trespass to land: forcible ejection of landholder,Trespass to person: abductionGo to incidents page
3002Roger Bakoun plunders John FastolfAlso they present that the aforesaid Roger on the same day and the same year was chief leader and pillager of the chattels of John Fastolf at Caister, against the crown and the aforesaid king's peace.Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of goodsGo to incidents page
3001Roger Bakoun sets free thieves who had stolen from Martin de TaverhamAlso they present that the said Roger on Tuesday 18th June 1381 set free on his own authority against the crown and the law two thieves who had stolen a cow from the stable of Martin de Taverham, the which thieves have been arrested by Geoffrey Kynge and his associates, under-constables of the village of Ringland, and that the said Roger was obedient to all laws and orders of the said Geoffrey [Lyster].Breach of prison,Escape from prisonGo to incidents page
3006Thomas Aslake as accessory to murder of Reginald Ekkes (Ekles)Also they present that Thomas Aslake of Norwich, cordwainer, dwelling in Norwich in the parish of St Gregory, was a chief accessory to the murder of Reginald Ekkes on the aforesaid Monday.Homicide: accompliceGo to incidents page
3013William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John NewlynWilliam Bisshop of Bintree, John Ba of the same and John Meliour of Foulsham, out of their wickedness, at Bintree on the Monday and the aforesaid year, conspired the death of John Newlyn of Bintree, serf of the Duke of Lancaster, and led him up to Mousehold [Heath] to the great society , and beheaded him with the help of the said society, the which beheading was carried out at the instigation of Richard atte Ee and John servant of Peter Faukener.Homicide: beheadingGo to incidents page
3005William, chaplain of Scottow, kills Hugo AvelineAlso they present that William, parish chaplain of the village of Scottow on Saturday 29th June 1381, out of his wickedness and with premeditation, killed Hugo Aveline of Hautbois, for the reason that the said Hugo had said that they did wrong who plundered the goods and chattels of John Whyte, and that the aforesaid William was a common raiser of the people against the peace etc.Homicide: unspecifiedGo to incidents page
2999William de Eggemere aids John Flemmyng in plundering Martin de TaverhamWilliam de Eggemere, lately dwelling in Ringland was a supporter and fellow of the said John, and plundered the house of Martin de Taverham in Taverham on the same day and year.Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of goodsGo to incidents page
3010William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William ClereAlso they present that William Drapier of Lyng and Richard Bray of Framingham Pigot made proclamations on Geoffrey Lyster's behalf at Mousehold, proceeding up to Great Yarmouth and from there with many other men up to Ormesby to the manor of William Clere, and they took a fine from the wife of William Clere of 23 s. for not plundering the manor. And upon this came Richard Filymond with twenty men and took half of the aforesaid sum, and eight days later the said William Drapier made amends to the said William Clere.Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine ,Raising the commons: proclamationsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Reginald Ekles ( 9170 )Adam Wegge junior in possession of goods belonging to Reginald Ekles and Henry Luminour (3014)Victim
Henry Luminour ( 9191 )Adam Wegge junior in possession of goods belonging to Reginald Ekles and Henry Luminour (3014)Victim
Adam Wegge ( 9190 )Adam Wegge junior in possession of goods belonging to Reginald Ekles and Henry Luminour (3014)Accused
Simon Cock ( 9174 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Accused
Thomas Curson ( 9175 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Victim
Robert Hore ( 9177 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Victim
Geoffrey Lyster ( 9154 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Mentioned
John atte Mille ( 9176 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Victim
Henry Sherman ( 9173 )Henry Sherman and Simon Cock as messengers of Geoffrey Lyster and aiding in plundering of Thomas Curson, John atte Mille and Robert Hore (3008)Accused
John Child ( 9183 )John Child despoils Robert de Salle (3012)Accused
Robert de Salle ( 9172 )John Child despoils Robert de Salle (3012)Victim
John de Cavendich ( 9150 )John Flemmyng present at the killing of John Cavendish and plunders Martin de Taverham (2998)Victim
John Flemmyng ( 9149 )John Flemmyng present at the killing of John Cavendish and plunders Martin de Taverham (2998)Accused
Martin de Taverham ( 9151 )John Flemmyng present at the killing of John Cavendish and plunders Martin de Taverham (2998)Victim
Richard Fylmond ( 9164 )John Gentilhume, Richard Fylmond and John Wattes raise the county (3004)Accused
John Gentilhume ( 9163 )John Gentilhume, Richard Fylmond and John Wattes raise the county (3004)Accused
John Wattes ( 9165 )John Gentilhume, Richard Fylmond and John Wattes raise the county (3004)Accused
John Gyldyng ( 9162 )John Gyldyng raises the people of Salle, Field Dalling and Corpusty against the bishop (3003)Accused
John Fychet ( 9182 )John Waleys has a belt of Robert de Salle, threatens John Fychet and refuses to pay tax (3011)Victim
Robert de Salle ( 9172 )John Waleys has a belt of Robert de Salle, threatens John Fychet and refuses to pay tax (3011)Victim
John Waleys ( 9181 )John Waleys has a belt of Robert de Salle, threatens John Fychet and refuses to pay tax (3011)AccusedIn custody
William Pyxton ( 9178 )Rebellion of William Pyxton aka William Braunch (3009)Accused
Robert de Salle ( 9172 )Robert Stermy as an accessory to the murder of Robert de Salle (3007)Victim
Robert Stermy ( 9171 )Robert Stermy as an accessory to the murder of Robert de Salle (3007)Accused
Roger Bakoun ( 9153 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Accused
William Clere ( 9155 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Victim
Robert Herward ( 9157 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Pledge
Geoffrey Lyster ( 9154 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Mentioned
Nicholas de Wychyngham ( 9158 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Pledge
William de Wychyngham ( 9159 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Mentioned
William Wynter ( 9156 )Roger Bakoun, knight, forces William Clere to hand over the manor of Antingham (3000)Pledge
Roger Bakoun ( 9153 )Roger Bakoun plunders John Fastolf (3002)Accused
John Fastolf ( 9161 )Roger Bakoun plunders John Fastolf (3002)Victim
Roger Bakoun ( 9153 )Roger Bakoun sets free thieves who had stolen from Martin de Taverham (3001)Accused
Geoffrey Kynge ( 9160 )Roger Bakoun sets free thieves who had stolen from Martin de Taverham (3001)Petty Constable
Geoffrey Lyster ( 9154 )Roger Bakoun sets free thieves who had stolen from Martin de Taverham (3001)Mentioned
Martin de Taverham ( 9151 )Roger Bakoun sets free thieves who had stolen from Martin de Taverham (3001)Victim
Thomas Aslake ( 9169 )Thomas Aslake as accessory to murder of Reginald Ekkes (Ekles) (3006)Accused
Reginald Ekles ( 9170 )Thomas Aslake as accessory to murder of Reginald Ekkes (Ekles) (3006)Victim
John Ba ( 9185 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Accused
William Bisshop ( 9184 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Accused
Richard atte Ee ( 9188 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Mentioned
John of Gaunt ( 5695 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Mentioned
John Meliour ( 9186 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Accused
John Newlyn ( 9187 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Victim
John ( 9189 )William Bisshop, John Ba and John Meliour conspire the death of John Newlyn (3013)Mentioned
Hugo Aveline ( 9167 )William, chaplain of Scottow, kills Hugo Aveline (3005)Victim
John Whyte ( 9168 )William, chaplain of Scottow, kills Hugo Aveline (3005)Mentioned
William ( 9166 )William, chaplain of Scottow, kills Hugo Aveline (3005)Accused
William de Eggemere ( 9152 )William de Eggemere aids John Flemmyng in plundering Martin de Taverham (2999)Accused
Jacob Flemmyng ( 11476 )William de Eggemere aids John Flemmyng in plundering Martin de Taverham (2999)Mentioned
John Flemmyng ( 9149 )William de Eggemere aids John Flemmyng in plundering Martin de Taverham (2999)Mentioned
Martin de Taverham ( 9151 )William de Eggemere aids John Flemmyng in plundering Martin de Taverham (2999)Victim
Richard Bray ( 9180 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Accused
Dieta Clere ( 9192 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Victim
William Clere ( 9155 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Victim
William Drapier ( 9179 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Accused
Richard Fylmond ( 9164 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Mentioned
Geoffrey Lyster ( 9154 )William Drapier and Richard Bray make proclamations on behalf of Geoffrey Lystere and take a fine from the wife of William Clere (3010)Mentioned