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TypeExclusions from the general pardon
Unique Identifying TextTNA PROME/Nov 1381 and Oct 1382 item 63 and item 16
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)Parliament Rolls of Medieval England (PROME)
Text in Original Language63. Memorandum quod nomina subscripta sunt nomina quorumdem malefactorum, qui nuper in diversis partibus regni Anglie, contra fidem et ligeanciam suam domino nostro regi Anglie debitas, ac pacem ipsius domini regis, se una cum aliis malefactoribus levaverunt, et prodiciones, felonias, et alia malefacta plurima perpetrarunt. Et eadem nomina domino nostro regi, in parliamento suo apud Westm' in crastino animarum, anno regni sui Anglie quinto [3 November 1381] tento, tanquam nomina illarum personarum que de hujusmodi insurreccionibus, feloniis, et malefactis principales ductores, abettatores, procuratores, et inceptores notorie pro communitate regni Anglie rectati sunt, per eandem communitatem liberata fuerunt: ad effectum, ut ipse persone et earum quelibet ab omni gratia per ipsum dominum regem populo suo in eodem parliamento facta et concessa excipientur, et omnino excluderentur. Et quod processus versus easdem personas ad accusacionem ipsius communitatis in hac parte, ac si inde prius legitime indictati fuissent, fieret. Quod postmodum per dominum nostrum regem, de assensu procerum et magnatum sibi in parliamento suo assistencium concessum est; et ulterius ordinatum quod eadem nomina ex hac causa coram ipso rege in bancum regis mittantur, ibidem execucioni debite demandanda, juxta ordinacionem predictam. 16. Et fait a remembrer qe par certains seignours du roialme esteantz en ce parlement si furent deliverez en ce parlement les nouns de Thomas Farndon', Richard Mory, et Richard Dell, pur estre exceptz de toute grace a faire par nostre seignour le roi a ses liges de dit roiaume, come de celles persones les quelles furent principalx comenceours, abettours et procurours, de le grant et horrible rumour et insurreccione nadgairs treiterousement faitz deinz le roiaume, encontre la paix, la coroune et le dignitee nostre dit seignour le roi: et especialment principalx del arsure et destruccione del maisoun et manoirs de l'ordre Seint Johan < Jerusalem > en Engleterre. Et est assentuz qe par tant ils soient forclos de toute grace et pardoun, et qe au tiel proces soit fait envers eux et chescun de eux come ordenez est d'estre fait envers les autres traitours qi sont semblablement exceptz de grace pur la dite cause, en parlement tenuz a Westm' lendemain des almes, l'an du regne nostre seignour le roi dessuisdit quint. (fn. iii-132-45-1) Et qe par celle cause lours nouns soient liverez ou envoiez par brief en bank le roi.
Text (English translation)63. Be it known that the names listed below are the names of certain malefactors, who lately rebelled with other malefactors in various parts of England, contrary to the faith and allegiance they owed to our lord the king of England, and the peace of the lord king, and perpetrated treasons, felonies, and many other misdeeds. And these same names were submitted to our lord the king by the commons in his parliament held at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls, in the fifth year of his reign [3 November 1381], together with the names of those persons who were publicly judged on behalf of the community of the kingdom of England to be the principal leaders, abettors, agents, and instigators of such insurrections, felonies, and misdeeds: with the intent that these persons and every one of them shall be excepted and wholly excluded from all grace granted and conceded by this lord king to his people in the same parliament. And that a process shall be begun against these same persons at the accusation of the community in the matter, and if they shall first have been lawfully indicted, let it be done. And later, by the lord our king, with the assent of the nobles and magnates assisting him in his parliament, it was conceded and also ordained that the same names for that reason should be sent before the king in the king's bench, for due action to be taken there, in accordance with the aforesaid ordinance. 16. And be it remembered that the names of Thomas Farndon, Richard Mory, and Richard Dell were submitted in this parliament by certain lords of the realm present in this parliament, to be excluded from all grace to be granted by our lord the king and his lieges of the said kingdom, as the people who were the chief instigators, abettors and procurers of the great and terrible rising and insurrection lately treacherously committed within the kingdom, contrary to the peace, crown and dignity of our said lord the king: and especially the leaders of the firing and destruction of the house and manors of the order of St John of Jerusalem in England. And it was agreed therefore that they should be barred from all grace and pardon, and that such process be brought against them and each one of them as was ordained for other such traitors who were similarly excluded from grace for the said reason, in the parliament held at Westminster on the day after All Souls, in the fifth year of the reign of our aforesaid lord the king. And that for that reason their names should be delivered or sent by writ to the King's Bench.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
12078ThomasAbsolonMaleShearmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11862JohnAdamMaleServantBraintree,Essex3283Go to participant page
11885HenryAleynMaleChatham,Kent3286Go to participant page
12079RichardAmptonMaleTailorLondon3287Go to participant page
12068WilliamAndreweMaleClerkenwell Street,London3287Go to participant page
11820WilliamAnneMaleSmall Hythe,Kent3286Go to participant page
12014ThomasAslakMaleCordwainerNorwich,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11924JohnAstonMaleIsleworth,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11806JohnAwedynMaleEssex3287Go to participant page
12092ThomasBarberMaleWells,Somerset3290Go to participant page
11857EdmundBarbourMaleBeccles,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
12102WalterBarbourMaleRoyston,Cambridgeshire3282Go to participant page
11903JohnBarcelotMaleHeston,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12057WilliamBarstonMaleSaddlerLondon3287Go to participant page
11895NicholasBassetMaleHartfield,Sussex3292Go to participant page
12058WilliamBateMaleCapperLondon3287Go to participant page
12059JohnBatemanMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11863JohnBatisfordMaleParsonBucklesham,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
11904ThomasBedfordMaleHolborn,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11819JamesBedyngfeldMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
11932JohnBegyndenneMaleCranbrook,Kent3286Go to participant page
11856WilliamBelhouseMaleAylsham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
12101WilliamBeningtonMaleSteeple Bumpstead,Essex3291Go to participant page
11982JohnBenteleMaleFullerLondon3287Go to participant page
11890Johnatte BercheMaleFrittenden,Kent3286Go to participant page
11891Johnatte BercheMaleFrittenden,Kent3286Go to participant page
11847RichardBercornMaleSomerset3290Go to participant page
11893ThomasBerghamstedeMaleGillingham,Kent3286Go to participant page
11894ThomasBerghamstedeMaleGillingham,Kent3286Go to participant page
12053JohnBetesMaleWymondham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11983ThomasBetonMaleTailorLondon3287Go to participant page
28774HenryBiredenMaleLondonMentionedGo to participant page
12176HenryBitredenMale3287Go to participant page
11827JohnBlakeMaleScrivenerSomerset3290Go to participant page
11956RobertBlaunchardMalePorterLondon3287Go to participant page
11855WilliamBlicheMaleAldbury,Hertfordshire3285Go to participant page
11902HenryBlundell'MaleKent3287Go to participant page
12065WilliamBocherMalePorterBillingsgate,London3287Go to participant page
11984JohnBokedenMaleTravellingmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11985RichardBoneMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11842???BotemorMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
11859JohnBoucherMaleBorden Wood,Kent3286Go to participant page
11861JohnBoucherMaleBorden Wood,Kent3286Go to participant page
12071WilliamBramptonMaleGatekeeperLondon3287Go to participant page
12192RichardBrentwoodMale3287Go to participant page
11986JacobBreuersmanMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11952WilliamBrewerMalePiperLondon3287Go to participant page
12035JohnBrewersmanMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11941JohnBriseMaleHeadcorn,Kent3286Go to participant page
11943JohnBriseMaleHeadcorn,Kent3286Go to participant page
11987JohnBrondMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11968JacobBruerMalePoor Jewry,London3287Go to participant page
12047JohnBrusebonMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
11906ThomasBunnyMaleSheatherLondon3287Go to participant page
11854WilliamCamysMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11944JohnCanonMaleSheatherSomerset3290Go to participant page
11988JohnCanterburyMaleCapperLondon3287Go to participant page
11858RobertCardemakerMaleBocking,Essex3283Go to participant page
11937JohnCarpenterMaleGreenford,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11878RichardCarpenterMaleSt Mary Axe,London3287Go to participant page
12063RichardCarpenterMaleBellwether Lane,London3287Go to participant page
12076ThomasCarpenterMaleApprenticeLondon3287Go to participant page
11826JohnCartereMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
11969JohnCastell'MalePoor Jewry,London3287Go to participant page
12056ThomasCastellaynMaleKent3286Go to participant page
11955WilliamCausMaleFullerLondon3287Go to participant page
11897RobertCaveMaleDartford,Kent3286Go to participant page
11935RobertCaveMaleDartford,Kent3286Go to participant page
11911JohnCayseMaleBishop's Stortford,Hertfordshire3287Go to participant page
11989Johnatte ChaumbreMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12017Johnatte ChaumbreMalePotter Heigham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11814PhilipChepereggeMaleKent3286Go to participant page
11868JohnClakMaleBury St Edmunds,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
11990ThomasClaypoleMaleShearmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11900WalterClercMaleFilby,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11970WilliamClereMaleCobblerQueenhithe,London3287Go to participant page
12050HenryClerkMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
11877HamoCobelerMaleSt Leonard,London3287Go to participant page
11876JohnCoggereMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
11888JohnColtmanMaleClavering,Essex3285Go to participant page
11954SimonCookMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11834ThomasCookMaleKent3287Go to participant page
11966NicholasCordewanerMaleLe Herber,London3287Go to participant page
11971NicholasCornemetreMaleQueenhithe,London3287Go to participant page
11991JohnCornewailleMalePlastererLondon3287Go to participant page
12193RichardCornewailleMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11953EdwardCotelerMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11809RichardCoventreMaleLabourerEssex3283Go to participant page
11992StephenCoventreMaleTawyerLondon3287Go to participant page
12054JohnCreykMaleWymondham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11993ThomasCroweMaleFullerLondon3287Go to participant page
12083RichardCullyMaleTwickenham,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12084ThomasCutberdMaleWadhurst,Sussex3292Go to participant page
11839ForsterDartfordMaleThe Seven Hundreds,Kent3286Go to participant page
11994SilvesterDaubereMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11845RichardDellMale3293Go to participant page
11808Johnle DeneMalePedlarSuffolk3291Go to participant page
11976WalterDeneMaleButcher's ManLondon3287Go to participant page
11822GeoffreyDenhamMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
12094JohnDeyeMaleWillingham,Cambridgeshire3282Go to participant page
12198JohnDonetMaleSmall Hythe,Kent3286Go to participant page
12005StephenDonetMaleSmall Hythe,Kent3286Go to participant page
12199PhilipDunstapleMale3284Go to participant page
12187JohnDurhamMale3287Go to participant page
11959WilliamDymbilbyMaleGrinderLondon3287Go to participant page
11973JohnEllesworthMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11995RobertEnefeldMaleCobblerLondon3287Go to participant page
11840ThomasErnesbyMaleMiddlesex3288Go to participant page
11960JohnEssexMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12048ThomasFalconerMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
11846ThomasFarndonMale3293Go to participant page
12052ThomasFauconerMaleWindsor,Berkshire3287Go to participant page
11810JohnFerrourMaleThe Seven Hundreds,Kent3286Go to participant page
12172JohnFerrourMaleVintry,London3287Go to participant page
11824RichardFilmondMaleNorfolk3289Go to participant page
12073RichardFlechereMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11996JohnForestMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11997RichardForsterMaleSaddlerLondon3287Go to participant page
11934WilliamForsterMaleDartford,Kent3286Go to participant page
12049PeterFrensschMaleServantWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
11873ThomasFurbourMaleCambridge,Cambridgeshire3282Go to participant page
11837WilliamFychetMaleWallerSomerset3290Go to participant page
11835JohnGamelynMaleServantMiddlesex3288Go to participant page
11998JohnGamelynMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12200NicholasGardynerMaleSancystret,Westminster,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11807WilliamGardynerMaleSancystret,Westminster,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12189JohnGauncelyMale3287Go to participant page
11872ThomasGentilhommeMaleBuxton,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11999SimonGerardMaleFullerLondon3287Go to participant page
12000WilliamGibewyn'MaleSpurrierLondon3287Go to participant page
11942RogerGlovereMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12007JohnGoldboundeMaleRainham,Kent3286Go to participant page
12019JohnGoldboundeMaleRainham,Kent3286Go to participant page
12062RichardGoldsmythMaleAldgate (outside),London3287Go to participant page
12201JohnGondredMale3290Go to participant page
11957JohnGranthamMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11913ThomasGrauntMaleWinedrawerVintry,London3287Go to participant page
11925ThomasGreneMaleIsleworth,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12016Johnin the HaleMaleRuislip,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11867ThomasHalsworthMaleBury St Edmunds,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
11916WilliamHampermakerMaleWood Street,Cripplegate Within Ward,London3287Go to participant page
12178RobertHarngeyeMale3287Go to participant page
12038JohnHarryMaleNorthiam,Sussex3292Go to participant page
11950WilliamHarweMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
12001WilliamHatfeldMaleButlerLondon3287Go to participant page
12196RobertHatfieldMale3287Go to participant page
11926RobertHemeryMaleLenham,Kent3286Go to participant page
11927RobertHemeryMaleLenham,Kent3286Go to participant page
11851RobertHodgeMaleSussex3292Go to participant page
11852StephenHolstokMaleSussex3292Go to participant page
12066JohnHorshamMaleChrist Church,London3287Go to participant page
12002JohnHorsmanMaleBoatmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11919WilliamHostelerMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11917JohnHostelereMaleCookLondon3287Go to participant page
12086JohnHuntMaleWeaverWaldron,Sussex3292Go to participant page
11817ThomasInglelbyMaleSomerset3290Go to participant page
11978WilliamInglondMaleBoatmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11818HenryIveMaleEssex3283Go to participant page
12089JohnJamynMaleWarbleton,Sussex3292Go to participant page
11843JohnKellyMaleHosierSomerset3290Go to participant page
12190JohnKentMaleSheather3287Go to participant page
12055ThomasKentMaleBrewerKent3287Go to participant page
11979WalterKeyeMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12170WilliamKillingworthMalePriorWymondham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11886JohnKnotMaleChelsea,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11980JohnKyrtonMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12173JohnLawMaleCook3287Go to participant page
11972???LedesMaleCapperLondon3287Go to participant page
12067JohnLeicesterMaleSkinnerChrist Church,London3287Go to participant page
11853JohnLetheMaleKenardington,Kent3286Go to participant page
11899JohnLitleMaleBrewerEdgware,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11881JohnLondonMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
11963JohnLucasMalePorterLondon3287Go to participant page
11977JohnLyghtburyMaleBrewerLondon3287Go to participant page
11981RichardMalmeshillMaleClerkLondon3287Go to participant page
11864JohnManMaleBurham,Kent3286Go to participant page
11865JohnManMaleBurham,Kent3286Go to participant page
12060JohnMarchMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11909WilliamMareshallMaleStepney,Ossulstone Hundred,Middlesex3287Go to participant page
12042JohnMarhamMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11946JohnMartynMaleHeston,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12061JohnMasonMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11823JohnFoke MeriellMaleMiddlesex3288Go to participant page
11812AdamMichelMaleEssex3283Go to participant page
12085JohnMilesMaleFlaxmanLondon3287Go to participant page
11914JohnMillereMaleWinedrawerVintry,London3287Go to participant page
11813JohnModeleghMaleThe Seven Hundreds,Kent3286Go to participant page
11831JohnModeleghMaleKent3286Go to participant page
12087JohnMoreMaleTinkerLondon3287Go to participant page
12046WilliamMoreweMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
12088ThomasMortymerMalePlastererLondon3287Go to participant page
11841RichardMoryMale3293Go to participant page
12104JohnMounfordMaleDyer's ManLondon3287Go to participant page
11949HenryNaffeMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11889JohnNaillereMaleGoldsmithLondon3287Go to participant page
11896JohnNevyleMaleBarberLondon3287Go to participant page
12090JohnNokeMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
12009JohnNorwichMaleCookNorwich,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11879JohnNotynghamMaleSomerset3290Go to participant page
11933JohnOnewyneMaleCranbrook,Kent3286Go to participant page
12081RalphOynMaleTenterden,Kent3286Go to participant page
12072RobertPanyereMalePaternoster Row,London3287Go to participant page
12080GeoffreyParfayMaleVicarSudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
11922RobertParysMaleWeaverHounslow,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12091RalphPaulyMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11892JohnPeccheMaleBoatmanFulham,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11928JohnPeperMaleLinton,Chilford Hundred,Cambridgeshire3282Go to participant page
12044WilliamPolfootMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12105JohnPopeMaleTaverner's ManLondon3287Go to participant page
12093WilliamPotkynMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
11848MatthewPottereMaleSomerset3290Go to participant page
12095HenryPottonMaleQuernpeckerLondon3287Go to participant page
12096WilliamPouchemakerMaleCobblerLondon3287Go to participant page
11828JohnPoyntolMaleEssex3283Go to participant page
11811RobertPriorMaleMendlesham,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
12015AdamPulterMalePotter Heigham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
12194RichardPurdieuMale3287Go to participant page
12069NicholasPurserMaleMile End,Middlesex3287Go to participant page
11951WilliamPycoysMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
12070WilliamPypereMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
12051JohnQueynyldeMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
12098JohnQuiltmakerMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12021WilliamQuynberghMaleChaplainScottow,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11907ThomasRavenMaleSouthwark,Surrey3287Go to participant page
11940RichardRedyngMaleSkinnerLondon3287Go to participant page
11936HenryReyseMaleDilham,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
12022RichardRislepMaleTailorLondon3287Go to participant page
12024JohnRooMaleLabourerLondon3287Go to participant page
11905ThomasRoteMaleKent3287Go to participant page
12175WilliamRothwellMale3287Go to participant page
12026StephenRyslepMaleTawyerLondon3287Go to participant page
12027JohnSackerMaleSackmakerLondon3287Go to participant page
11869RobertSadMaleBury St Edmunds,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
12191PaulSalesburyMale3287Go to participant page
12029JohnSalmanMaleTavernerLondon3287Go to participant page
11805ThomasSampsonMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
12074RobertSandwichMaleTawyerLondon3287Go to participant page
11908JohnSawyerMaleSt Katherine Coleman,London3287Go to participant page
11850JohnSayMaleSoothsayerSomerset3290Go to participant page
11948RichardScotMaleHosierLondon3287Go to participant page
12186AbrahamSeintfeyeMale3287Go to participant page
12174JohnSemanMale3287Go to participant page
11825RobertSenyngMaleKent3286Go to participant page
11830RobertSenyngMaleThe Seven Hundreds,Kent3286Go to participant page
12082WilliamShepherdMaleTothill,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12031EdmundSilkMaleTilerLondon3287Go to participant page
11860GregorySkinnerMaleBraintree,Essex3283Go to participant page
11844RichardSkynnereMaleSomerset3290Go to participant page
11821JohnSmythMaleClerkEssex3283Go to participant page
11967StephenSondayeMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11832WilliamSouterMaleServantSomerset3290Go to participant page
11929JohnSpaigneMaleCordwainerKing's Lynn,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11880WilliamSporiereMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
11912JohnSpryngaldMaleCarpenterSutton at Hone,Kent3287Go to participant page
12099WilliamStableMaleSt Albans,Hertfordshire3285Go to participant page
11833JohnStoneMaleWeaverSomerset3290Go to participant page
11974ThomasStotemanMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12011JohnStotesburyMaleChildren's ShoemakerLondon3287Go to participant page
11838JohnStotesfoldMaleBedfordshire3287Go to participant page
11829ThomasSuffolkMaleNorfolk3289Go to participant page
12032JohnSuttonMaleMattressmakerLondon3287Go to participant page
11921RichardSuttonMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11965RichardTaillorMaleHarrow,Middlesex3287Go to participant page
11836JohnTaillourMaleChaplainEssex3283Go to participant page
11939RichardTaillourMaleHarrow,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11816JohnTalmageMaleSuffolk3291Go to participant page
12034WalterTaunton'MaleSaddlerLondon3287Go to participant page
11884ThomasTayllourMaleCharing Cross,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
11898ThomasThakstereMaleEast Carleton,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11975JohnThornMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12036JohnThurgoreMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
12037NicholasThurstonMaleCarpenterLondon3287Go to participant page
11875RobertTonefordeMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
12018JohnTornourMaleRuislip,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12039RichardTracyMaleSawyerLondon3287Go to participant page
12040RichardTrentMaleDyerLondon3287Go to participant page
11931StephenTreubodyMaleCodicote,Hertfordshire3285Go to participant page
12103JohnTurnourMaleHerder,BucklemakerStisted,Essex3283Go to participant page
12177JohnTwyfordMale3287Go to participant page
11882HenryTwysdennMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
11883JohnTwysdennMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
11964SimonTylereMaleCripplegate,London3287Go to participant page
11947JohnTynkerMaleHolborn,Middlesex3287Go to participant page
11901ThomasUnderwoodMaleFinchingfield,Essex3291Go to participant page
12041RichardVaucyMaleTilerLondon3287Go to participant page
12004JohnWadeMaleVintnerLondon3287Go to participant page
11874HenryWaleysMaleCanterbury,Kent3286Go to participant page
12006WilliamWaleysMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11887PeterWalshMaleChiswick,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12008ThomasWalshMaleBrewerLondon3287Go to participant page
11923WilliamWalshMaleHounslow,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12010PhilipWalsshMaleWaterbearerLondon3287Go to participant page
12013RobertWarrewykMaleGloverLondon3287Go to participant page
11910RichardWaterbererMaleStocks,London3287Go to participant page
12020JohnWattesMaleScottow,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
11938RobertWebbeMaleHampton Wick,Middlesex3288Go to participant page
12097ThomasWebbeMaleKingsgate Street,Winchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
11870RobertWestbromMaleBury St Edmunds,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
12169RichardWhiteMaleBraintree,Essex3283Go to participant page
12064ThomasWillesMaleCarpenterBellwether Lane,London3287Go to participant page
11866ThomasWillotMaleBurwash,Sussex3292Go to participant page
12003RobertWodehewerMaleNorwich,Norfolk3289Go to participant page
12043ThomasWolfMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11849JohnWraweMaleChaplainSuffolk3291Go to participant page
12012JohnWraweMaleParsonRingsfield,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
12023JohnWraweMaleWeaverLondon3287Go to participant page
12100WilliamWyggeMaleWinchester,Hampshire3284Go to participant page
12025JohnWykereMaleLondon3287Go to participant page
11930JohnWynterflodeMaleCoggeshall,Essex3283Go to participant page
12028LaurenceWythtegreteleggMaleSawyerLondon3287Go to participant page
11945JohnYongeMaleHereford,Herefordshire3287Go to participant page
12195Robertof YorkMale3287Go to participant page
11871ThomasYoxfordMaleBury St Edmunds,Suffolk3291Go to participant page
11920AndrewMaleApprenticeLondon3287Go to participant page
12075JanynMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11918JohnMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12030JohnMaleBrewer,InnkeeperLondon3287Go to participant page
12045JohnMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12033RichardMaleDyerLondon3287Go to participant page
11961ThomasMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
11962ThomasMaleServantLondon3287Go to participant page
12077ThomasMalePlastererLondon3287Go to participant page
11915WilliamMaleServantVintry,London3287Go to participant page
11958WilliamMaleTailorLondon3287Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3282Exclusions from the General Pardon - CambridgeshireExclusions from the General Pardon - CambridgeshireGo to incidents page
3283Exclusions from the General Pardon - EssexExclusions from the General Pardon - EssexGo to incidents page
3284Exclusions from the General Pardon - HampshireExclusions from the General Pardon - HampshireGo to incidents page
3285Exclusions from the General Pardon - HertfordshireExclusions from the General Pardon - HertfordshireGo to incidents page
3286Exclusions from the General Pardon - KentExclusions from the General Pardon - KentGo to incidents page
3287Exclusions from the General Pardon - LondonExclusions from the General Pardon - LondonGo to incidents page
3288Exclusions from the General Pardon - MiddlesexExclusions from the General Pardon - MiddlesexGo to incidents page
3293Exclusions from the General Pardon - No location givenExclusions from the General Pardon - No location givenGo to incidents page
3289Exclusions from the General Pardon - NorfolkExclusions from the General Pardon - NorfolkGo to incidents page
3290Exclusions from the General Pardon - SomersetExclusions from the General Pardon - SomersetGo to incidents page
3291Exclusions from the General Pardon - SuffolkExclusions from the General Pardon - SuffolkGo to incidents page
3292Exclusions from the General Pardon - SussexExclusions from the General Pardon - SussexGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Walter Barbour ( 12102 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Cambridgeshire (3282)Accused
John Deye ( 12094 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Cambridgeshire (3282)Accused
Thomas Furbour ( 11873 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Cambridgeshire (3282)Accused
John Peper ( 11928 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Cambridgeshire (3282)Accused
John Adam ( 11862 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Robert Cardemaker ( 11858 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Richard Coventre ( 11809 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Henry Ive ( 11818 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Adam Michel ( 11812 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
John Poyntol ( 11828 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Gregory Skinner ( 11860 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
John Smyth ( 11821 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
John Taillour ( 11836 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
John Turnour ( 12103 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
Richard White ( 12169 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Mentioned
John Wynterflode ( 11930 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Essex (3283)Accused
John Brusebon ( 12047 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
Henry Clerk ( 12050 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
Philip Dunstaple ( 12199 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Mentioned
Thomas Falconer ( 12048 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
Peter Frenssch ( 12049 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
William Morewe ( 12046 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
John Queynylde ( 12051 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
Thomas Webbe ( 12097 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
William Wygge ( 12100 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hampshire (3284)Accused
William Bliche ( 11855 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hertfordshire (3285)Accused
John Coltman ( 11888 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hertfordshire (3285)Accused
William Stable ( 12099 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hertfordshire (3285)Accused
Stephen Treubody ( 11931 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Hertfordshire (3285)Accused
Henry Aleyn ( 11885 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
William Anne ( 11820 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Begyndenne ( 11932 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John atte Berche ( 11890 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John atte Berche ( 11891 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Thomas Berghamstede ( 11893 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Thomas Berghamstede ( 11894 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Boucher ( 11859 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Boucher ( 11861 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Brise ( 11941 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Brise ( 11943 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Thomas Castellayn ( 12056 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Cave ( 11897 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Cave ( 11935 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Philip Cheperegge ( 11814 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Coggere ( 11876 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Forster Dartford ( 11839 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Donet ( 12198 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Mentioned
Stephen Donet ( 12005 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Ferrour ( 11810 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
William Forster ( 11934 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Goldbounde ( 12007 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Goldbounde ( 12019 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Hemery ( 11926 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Hemery ( 11927 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Lethe ( 11853 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John London ( 11881 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Man ( 11864 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Man ( 11865 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Modelegh ( 11813 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Modelegh ( 11831 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Onewyne ( 11933 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Ralph Oyn ( 12081 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Senyng ( 11825 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Senyng ( 11830 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
William Sporiere ( 11880 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Robert Toneforde ( 11875 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Henry Twysdenn ( 11882 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
John Twysdenn ( 11883 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Henry Waleys ( 11874 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Kent (3286)Accused
Thomas Absolon ( 12078 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Ampton ( 12079 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Andrewe ( 12068 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Awedyn ( 11806 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Barston ( 12057 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Bate ( 12058 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Bateman ( 12059 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Bentele ( 11982 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Beton ( 11983 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Henry Bitreden ( 12176 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Blaunchard ( 11956 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Henry Blundell' ( 11902 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Bocher ( 12065 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Bokeden ( 11984 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Bone ( 11985 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Brampton ( 12071 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Brentwood ( 12192 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Jacob Breuersman ( 11986 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Brewer ( 11952 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Brewersman ( 12035 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Brond ( 11987 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Jacob Bruer ( 11968 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Bunny ( 11906 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Camys ( 11854 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Canterbury ( 11988 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Carpenter ( 11878 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Carpenter ( 12063 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Carpenter ( 12076 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Castell' ( 11969 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Caus ( 11955 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Cayse ( 11911 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John atte Chaumbre ( 11989 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Claypole ( 11990 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Clere ( 11970 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Hamo Cobeler ( 11877 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Simon Cook ( 11954 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Cook ( 11834 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Nicholas Cordewaner ( 11966 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Nicholas Cornemetre ( 11971 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Cornewaille ( 11991 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Cornewaille ( 12193 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Edward Coteler ( 11953 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Stephen Coventre ( 11992 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Crowe ( 11993 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Silvester Daubere ( 11994 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Walter Dene ( 11976 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Durham ( 12187 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
William Dymbilby ( 11959 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Ellesworth ( 11973 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Enefeld ( 11995 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Essex ( 11960 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Fauconer ( 12052 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Ferrour ( 12172 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Richard Flechere ( 12073 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Forest ( 11996 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Forster ( 11997 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Gamelyn ( 11998 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Gauncely ( 12189 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Simon Gerard ( 11999 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Gibewyn' ( 12000 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Roger Glovere ( 11942 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Goldsmyth ( 12062 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Grantham ( 11957 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Graunt ( 11913 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Hampermaker ( 11916 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Harngeye ( 12178 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
William Harwe ( 11950 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Hatfeld ( 12001 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Hatfield ( 12196 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
John Horsham ( 12066 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Horsman ( 12002 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Hosteler ( 11919 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Hostelere ( 11917 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Inglond ( 11978 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Kent ( 12190 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Thomas Kent ( 12055 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Walter Keye ( 11979 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Kyrton ( 11980 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Law ( 12173 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
??? Ledes ( 11972 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Leicester ( 12067 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Lucas ( 11963 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Lyghtbury ( 11977 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Malmeshill ( 11981 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John March ( 12060 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Mareshall ( 11909 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Marham ( 12042 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Mason ( 12061 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Miles ( 12085 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Millere ( 11914 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John More ( 12087 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Mortymer ( 12088 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Mounford ( 12104 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Henry Naffe ( 11949 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Naillere ( 11889 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Nevyle ( 11896 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Noke ( 12090 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Panyere ( 12072 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Ralph Pauly ( 12091 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Polfoot ( 12044 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Pope ( 12105 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Potkyn ( 12093 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Henry Potton ( 12095 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Pouchemaker ( 12096 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Purdieu ( 12194 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Nicholas Purser ( 12069 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Pycoys ( 11951 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Pypere ( 12070 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Quiltmaker ( 12098 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Raven ( 11907 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Redyng ( 11940 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Rislep ( 12022 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Roo ( 12024 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Rote ( 11905 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Rothwell ( 12175 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Stephen Ryslep ( 12026 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Sacker ( 12027 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Paul Salesbury ( 12191 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
John Salman ( 12029 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Sandwich ( 12074 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Sawyer ( 11908 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Scot ( 11948 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Abraham Seintfeye ( 12186 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
John Seman ( 12174 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Edmund Silk ( 12031 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Stephen Sondaye ( 11967 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Spryngald ( 11912 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Stoteman ( 11974 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Stotesbury ( 12011 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Stotesfold ( 11838 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Sutton ( 12032 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Sutton ( 11921 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Taillor ( 11965 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Walter Taunton' ( 12034 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Thorn ( 11975 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Thurgore ( 12036 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Nicholas Thurston ( 12037 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Tracy ( 12039 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Trent ( 12040 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Twyford ( 12177 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Simon Tylere ( 11964 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Tynker ( 11947 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Vaucy ( 12041 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Wade ( 12004 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William Waleys ( 12006 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Walsh ( 12008 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Philip Walssh ( 12010 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert Warrewyk ( 12013 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard Waterberer ( 11910 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Willes ( 12064 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas Wolf ( 12043 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Wrawe ( 12023 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Wykere ( 12025 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Laurence Wythtegretelegg ( 12028 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Yonge ( 11945 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Robert of York ( 12195 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Mentioned
Andrew ( 11920 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Janyn ( 12075 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John ( 11918 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John ( 12030 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John ( 12045 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Richard ( 12033 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas ( 11961 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas ( 11962 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
Thomas ( 12077 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William ( 11915 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
William ( 11958 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - London (3287)Accused
John Aston ( 11924 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Barcelot ( 11903 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Thomas Bedford ( 11904 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Carpenter ( 11937 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Richard Cully ( 12083 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Thomas Ernesby ( 11840 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Gamelyn ( 11835 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Nicholas Gardyner ( 12200 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Mentioned
William Gardyner ( 11807 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Thomas Grene ( 11925 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John in the Hale ( 12016 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Robert Hales ( 6778 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Mentioned
John Knot ( 11886 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Litle ( 11899 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Martyn ( 11946 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Foke Meriell ( 11823 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Robert Parys ( 11922 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Pecche ( 11892 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
William Shepherd ( 12082 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Richard Taillour ( 11939 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Thomas Tayllour ( 11884 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
John Tornour ( 12018 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Peter Walsh ( 11887 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
William Walsh ( 11923 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Robert Webbe ( 11938 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Middlesex (3288)Accused
Richard Dell ( 11845 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - No location given (3293)Accused
Thomas Farndon ( 11846 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - No location given (3293)Accused
Richard Mory ( 11841 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - No location given (3293)Accused
Thomas Aslak ( 12014 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
William Belhouse ( 11856 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
John Betes ( 12053 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
John atte Chaumbre ( 12017 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Walter Clerc ( 11900 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
John Creyk ( 12054 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Richard Filmond ( 11824 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Thomas Gentilhomme ( 11872 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
William Killingworth ( 12170 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Mentioned
John Norwich ( 12009 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Adam Pulter ( 12015 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
William Quynbergh ( 12021 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Henry Reyse ( 11936 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
John Spaigne ( 11929 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Thomas Suffolk ( 11829 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Thomas Thakstere ( 11898 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
John Wattes ( 12020 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Robert Wodehewer ( 12003 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Norfolk (3289)Accused
Thomas Barber ( 12092 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
Richard Bercorn ( 11847 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Blake ( 11827 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Canon ( 11944 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
William Fychet ( 11837 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Gondred ( 12201 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Mentioned
Thomas Inglelby ( 11817 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Kelly ( 11843 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Notyngham ( 11879 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
Matthew Pottere ( 11848 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Say ( 11850 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
Richard Skynnere ( 11844 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
William Souter ( 11832 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
John Stone ( 11833 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Somerset (3290)Accused
Edmund Barbour ( 11857 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Batisford ( 11863 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
James Bedyngfeld ( 11819 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
William Benington ( 12101 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
??? Botemor ( 11842 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Cartere ( 11826 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Clak ( 11868 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John le Dene ( 11808 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Geoffrey Denham ( 11822 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Thomas Halsworth ( 11867 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Geoffrey Parfay ( 12080 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Robert Prior ( 11811 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Robert Sad ( 11869 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Thomas Sampson ( 11805 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Talmage ( 11816 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Thomas Underwood ( 11901 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Robert Westbrom ( 11870 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Wrawe ( 11849 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
John Wrawe ( 12012 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Thomas Yoxford ( 11871 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Suffolk (3291)Accused
Nicholas Basset ( 11895 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
Thomas Cutberd ( 12084 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
John Harry ( 12038 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
Robert Hodge ( 11851 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
Stephen Holstok ( 11852 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
John Hunt ( 12086 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
John Jamyn ( 12089 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused
Thomas Willot ( 11866 )Exclusions from the General Pardon - Sussex (3292)Accused