Adam Calwer, Edmund de Blofield, Robert Norman and Richard Smyth steal cows from Robert Sprot
Also that Adam Calwer, Edmund de Blofield, Robert Norman, Richard Smyth of Holkham on the same Monday in the recent uprising at Peterstone Priory stole 15 cows worth 100 s. from Robert Sprot.
John Spayne and others steal Robert Sprot's cows from Adam Calwer, and sell them on to Simon Sylk
Also that John Spayne of King's Lynn, Thomas Paynot junior, Thomas Colyn, tailor, John Whetewonge, weaver, John Snaylwell, John Bokelerpleyer and [space] Pynchebeke, tailor, of King's Lynn at the aforesaid time on the same Monday and others stole the aforesaid cows from the aforesaid Adam Calwer and his associates, and that Simon Sylk received the said cows knowing they were stolen.