First name | Simon |
Last name | Grauncher |
Gender | Male |
Source | TNA CP 40/491 m. 81d |
ID | Summary | Description | Location | Role | Charges | Comments on role | View incident |
2816 | Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al. | Sussex - Richard Earl of Arundel by John de Bretton his attorney versus John Rycoun, butcher, Richard Russell de Burgersshe, John Cogger de Hethfeld, Richard Coggere de Hethfeld, Simon Grauncher, John Whitheued, John Randolf 'chesman', John Markewyk, John de Rysshdon', John Cook de Pycombe junior, William Lambard de Hurst, Richard Hendyman de Ukkefeld, William Weston de Southnovere, John Poterne, Thomas Smalwyn, William Wrethe, Richard Storme, William Holter souter, William Shortpot de Kyngesmere, John Gile de Ferles, John Page de Bokstede 'synyere', Richard Morhale de Grenstede, Richard Osemond, John atte Cherche de Glynd, John Frenssh, Simon Skyn de Wellyngham, Jordan Cony, John Otteway, Nicholas Wynter, John Deneman junior, Alexander Knoller, William Cuffeleye and John Bradyn, on a plea that with force and arms they broke the castle, close and houses of the said Earl at Lewes, and broke into 10 tuns of wine worth £100 and drank it, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth 40 marks, and took and burnt rolls, rentals, memoranda and other muniments, and did other injuries to the grave damage of the said Earl and against the king's peace. They do not come. The sheriff is ordered to attach them, and returns they have nothing. Sheriff ordered to arrest them, to be in CP in octave of Hilary. | Sussex | Accused | View Incident page | ||
2819 | Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process | Sussex - John Rycoun 'bochere' Richard Hendyman de Ukkefeld John Poterne William Shortpot de Ryngemere Richard Osemond Simon Skyn de Wellyngham Jordan Cony, John Oteway Nicholas Wynter John Deneman junior Alexander Knoller William Cuffeleye and John Bradyn attached to answer Richard Earl of Arundel by his attorney John de Bretton on a plea that together with Richard Russell of Bergerssh, John Cogger of Hethfeld, Richard Cogger of Hethfeld, Simon Grauncher, John Whiteheued, John Randolf 'chesman', John Markewyk, Phillip de Rysshdon, John Cook de Pycombe junior, William Lambard of Hurst, William Weston of Southover, Thomas Smalwyn, William Wrethe, Richard Storme, William Holter 'souter', John Gyle of Firle, John Page of Bokstede 'synyere', Richard Morhale of Grenstede, John atte Cherche of Glynde and John French, on 16 June 1381, with force and arms, namely swords, bows and arrows, they broke the castle, close and houses of the said Earl at Lewes, and broke into 10 tuns of wine worth £100 and drank it, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth 40 marks, namely breastplates, iron helmets and other armour, bows, iron arrows, planks, woollen and linen cloth, chests, and dishes of bronze and wood, and also took and burnt court rolls, rentals and other muniments, namely charters and writings relating to the castle and honour of Lewes, to the value of £1000. Defs. come by John de Sutton their attorney and say not guilty - both parties on country - jurors to come in quindene of Easter. Earl optulit se v Russell and the others in the same plea - sheriff had been ordered to arrest them - returns that John Cogger John Whitheued John Randolf John Markewyk William Weston and William Holter are dead, so no further action against them - sheriff ordered sicut prius to arrest the others, to be in CP in quindene of Easter. | Lewes,Sussex | Accused | View Incident page | ||
2825 | Earl of Arundel versus Richard Russell et al. | Richard Earl of Arundel by John de Bretton his attorney appears against Richard Russell de Burgerssh, Richard Cogger of Hethfeld, Simon Grauncher, Phillip de Rysshdon, John Cook of Pycombe junior, William Lambard of Hurst, Thomas Smalwyn, William Wreche, Richard Storme, John Gyle of Ferles, John Page of Bokstede 'synyere', Richard Morhale of Grenstede, John atte Cherche of Glynd and John Frenssh, on a plea that together with John Ricoun 'bochere', John Cogger of Hethfeld, John Whiteheued, John Randolf 'chesman', John Markewyk, Richard Hendyman of Ukkefeld, William Weston of Southover, John Potterne, William Holter 'soutere', William Shortpot of Ryngemere, Richard Osemond, Simon Skyn of Wellynghamme, Jordan Cony, John Oteway, Nicolas Wynter, John Deneman junior, Alexander Knoller, William Cutteleye and John Bradyn, on a plea that with force and arms they broke the castle, close and houses of the said Earl at Lewes, and broke into 10 tuns of wine worth £100 and drank it, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth 40 marks, and took and burnt rolls, rentals, memoranda and other muniments, and did other injuries to the grave damage of the said Earl and against the king's peace. Sheriff had been ordered as before to arrest them, returns they are not found, and ordered as many times before to arrest them to be in CP in octave of Trinity. | Lewes,Sussex | Accused | View Incident page |
Duplicate person | Comments |
Simon Grauncher ( 7593 ) | |
Simon Grauncher ( 7691 ) | |
Simon Grauncher ( 7691 ) |