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First nameThomas
Last nameCrowe
SourceTNA KB 27/496 m. 47


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
3863William Plomere breaks the houses of Andrew Tettesworth at St Mary le StrandWilliam Plomere of Greenwich was attached to respond to Andrew Tettesworth on a plea that with force and arms he broke into the houses of the same Andrew in the parish of St. Mary le Strand, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth £40, and inflicted other injuries, to the great damage of the said Andrew and against the king's peace. And the same Andrew complains by his attorney Thomas Crowe that the aforesaid William on Thursday 13th June 1381 with force and arms, namely a sword, broke into the houses of the same Andrew in the parish of St. Mary le Strand, and took and carried away goods and chattels, namely pans, woollen and linen cloths, vessels of brass, wood and lead, gold and silver rings, maple bowls, silver spoons and other utensils. Thus he says that he suffered damages of £100. St Mary-le-Strand,MiddlesexAttorneyView Incident page
4326John, vicar of Fordham and others plunder Elena MakworthElena Makworth through John Kyrkeby, her attorney, complains that John, vicar of Fordham and others on Sunday 16 June 1381, with force and arms, namely with swords, sticks etc. broke into the same Elena's close and houses at Soham, and took and carried off her goods and chattels found there, namely linen and woolen cloth, vessels of brass, wood and lead, barley, wheat, peas and oats, gold and silver and other utensils of the house to the value etc. and other outrages etc. against the peace etc.; concerning which she says that she has been injured and has damages to the value of one hundred pounds. Soham,CambridgeshireAttorneyView Incident page

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