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First nameWilliam
Last nameLacy
Last name suffixjunior
SourceTNA KB 9/166/1 m. 86


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
3155Roger Bakon, Geoffrey Lyster et al attack Great Yarmouth and tear up their charterRoger Bakon, knight, Geoffrey Lyster, William Kybyt, John Tronch, John Kek and William Belsted rose up against the king's peace with a great company and came to the aforesaid Great Yarmouth on Tuesday18th June 1381 with force and arms in a warlike manner and made an assault on the aforesaid town, and compelled the burgesses to hand over their royal charter of liberties, and after the charter was given to them despoiled it, and, in contempt of our lord king, cut and tore it into two parts, of which one part they sent to John Seynesbyry, John Wraw, chaplain, Robert Garneys, William Coupere, Edmund Hemmyng, William Lacy senior, Geoffrey Barker and many others in the county of Suffolk. And thus the aforesaid wrongdoings, all and singular, came to pass by the abetment, counsel and support of the said John Seynesbyry, John Wraw and their associates.Great Yarmouth,NorfolkMentionedView Incident page
3161Roger Bakoun, Geoffrey Lister et al attack Great Yarmouth and tear up their charterRoger Bakoun, knight, Geoffrey Lister, John Trunch, William Kibit, John Kek, Thomas Sket and William Belstede were leaders of various wrongdoers of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk against the peace of the said king at Great Yarmouth, and with a multitude of people rose up and came to Great Yarmouth with force and arms on Tuesday 18th June 1381 and made an assault on the aforesaid royal town, and wickedly forced the burgesses of the same town to hand over the king's charter of liberties, the which charter they despoiled at once in contempt of the king, and they tore it into two parts, and handed over one part to John Seynsbury, Robert Gerneys, John Wrawe, chaplain, William Lacy junior, Thomas ate Tonne, Edmund Hemmyng, William Coupere and many others of Suffolk, and thus all and singular aforesaid was done by the abetment, permission, judgement and support of the said John Seynesbury and Robert Gerneys and their associates.Great Yarmouth,NorfolkMentionedView Incident page
3168Roger Bakon, Geoffrey Lister et al. attack Great Yarmouth and tear up their charterRoger Bak[oun], Geoffrey Lister, Thomas Sket, William Kibit, John Trunge, William Belsted and John Keek, leaders of various wrongdoers in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk against the king's peace, rose up [in rebellion] at the said Great Yarmouth with a great company against the said king's peace, and came on Tuesday 18th June 1381 with force and arms and in a warlike manner to Great Yarmouth and made an assault on the said royal town, and they wickedly forced the burgesses of the said town to hand over their royal charter of liberties, the which charter they at once in contempt of the lord king despoiled, cut and tore into two parts, and one part they sent to John Seynsbury, Robert Gernays, John Wraw, chaplain, William Lacy junior, Thomas ate [Tonne], Edmund Hemmyng, William Coupere and many others of Suffolk, and so all and singular aforesaid was done by the abetment, consent and support [of the said John] Seynesbury and Robert Gernays and their aforesaid associates.Great Yarmouth,NorfolkMentionedView Incident page

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