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Unique Identifying TextTNA PROME/Oct 1383 item 63
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text (English translation)[63.] Also, the commons pray for the town of Guildford that, whereas during the last uprising of certain of your lieges, all the charters and muniments of your said tenants, granted them by your noble progenitors, were burned and destroyed. May it please your most gracious lordship to grant that the same charters be renewed by your rolls, on payment of a small fee, namely, 22s., 4d.


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IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4729Burning of charters and muniments at Guildford (Surrey)Burning of charters and muniments at Guildford (Surrey) during the rising.Arson: burning of documents,Trespass to chattels: destruction of documentsGo to incidents page

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