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TypePatent Roll
Unique Identifying TextTNA CPR 1381-1385 p. 137
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text (English translation)Patent Roll, 5 Ric. II, Part 2, m. 23d 3 March 1382 Westminster Commission to Simon de Quixlay, mayor, and Simon de Clapeham, Simon Vaghen and Henry de Bolton, bailiffs, of York, Thomas Gra, John de Berden, William de Selby, Robert Savage, Robert de Ampilford, John de Rypon and William de Burton, mercer, to compel the persons who in the late tumult broke the closes, walls, and doors of the hospital of St Leonard, York, and of the king's chantry near York castle and a wall within the habitation of the house of the Friars Preachers, York, to repair the same before Midsummer, to take sufficient security for the good behaviour of Robert de Harume, John de Bolton the younger and William Rumilay, mercers, John Chaffar, Michael Knyght and Alan Bradlay, butchers, John de Santon, 'pynner', Robert de Elvyngton, carpenter, John son of William Bell, William de Stokton, Henry Chaloner, Adam de Wyghale, 'coverlitwever', Richard Sadeler, William de Hornby, draper, Thomas de Santon, draper, John de Canlethorne, 'swerdsliper', William de Aynderby, tailor, Simon del Castell, tailor, John de Studelay, Thomas Taillour, Adam Cornburgh, tailor, William Girye, John Flescher, Simon de Elvyngton, John Marshall of Mikelgate [Mickelgate], John de Calthorne, 'armurer', John de Cotyngham, 'sadeler', Thomas del Wald, porter, Hugh de Wangue, 'shether', John de Studlay, John de Cotom, William de Wartre, William de Erkendene, John de Erkendene his son, Henry de Snathe, Thomas Copgrave, John de Ruddestan, Richard de Cotyngham, John de York, William de Tankerlay, William de Sampson, goldsmith, Nicholas Mallom, barber, William Barbour, John Santon, 'girdeler', Robert de Burlay, 'boteler', John Cardemaker, John Marshall of Bouthumbar [Bootham Bar], William Flecher of Fossegate [Fossgate], Robert Thoche, Richard Couper, Thomas de Twait, John Lambe, 'souter', Richard Sadeler, William de Bedlyngton, glover, John de Ledes and William Barnby, carpenters, Alan Sandale, John Rofford and others of that city, 120 in all, by mainprise of £100 each before 1 May, and to apprehend and send before the council any who refuse security; and to certify touching the taking of this security before May 1 and touching the execution of certain articles of this commission before Midsummer. By C. Memorandum, that the said mayor pledged himself in Chancery at Westminster in £5,000 of his lands and chattels to execute this commission, on 3 March. Memorandum, that the said mayor and others of the city pledged themselves to keep the peace, as appears in two memoranda on the dorse of the Close Roll of this year. The said mainprize and promise of the mayor of York was vacated by surrender and cancelled, because he and the others appointed executed the commission within the time limited, as appears by their certificates in Chancery.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
27267Robertde AmpilfordMale4528Go to participant page
27287Williamde AynderbyMaleTailor4528Go to participant page
27313WilliamBarbourMale4528Go to participant page
27326WilliamBarnbyMaleCarpenter4528Go to participant page
27324Williamde BedlyngtonMaleGlover4528Go to participant page
27278JohnBellMale4528Go to participant page
27279WilliamBellMale4528Go to participant page
27264Johnde BerdenMale4528Go to participant page
27262Henryde BoltonMaleBailiffYork,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27271Johnde BoltonMaleMercer4528Go to participant page
27275AlanBradlayMaleButcher4528Go to participant page
27315Robertde BurlayMaleBottler4528Go to participant page
27269Williamde BurtonMaleMercer4528Go to participant page
27296Johnde CalthorneMaleArmourer4528Go to participant page
27286Johnde CanlethorneMaleSword sharpener4528Go to participant page
27316JohnCardemakerMale4528Go to participant page
27288Simondel CastellMaleTailor4528Go to participant page
27273JohnChaffarMaleButcher4528Go to participant page
27281HenryChalonerMale4528Go to participant page
27260Simonde ClapehamMaleBailiffYork,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27306ThomasCopgraveMale4528Go to participant page
27291AdamCornburghMaleTailor4528Go to participant page
27301Johnde CotomMale4528Go to participant page
27297Johnde CotynghamMaleSaddler4528Go to participant page
27308Richardde CotynghamMale4528Go to participant page
27320RichardCouperMale4528Go to participant page
27277Robertde ElvyngtonMaleCarpenter4528Go to participant page
27294Simonde ElvyngtonMale4528Go to participant page
27304Johnde ErkendeneMale4528Go to participant page
27303Williamde ErkendeneMale4528Go to participant page
27318WilliamFlecherMaleFossgate,York,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27293JohnFlescherMale4528Go to participant page
27292WilliamGiryeMale4528Go to participant page
27263ThomasGraMale4528Go to participant page
27270Robertde HarumeMaleMercer4528Go to participant page
27284Williamde HornbyMaleDraper4528Go to participant page
27274MichaelKnyghtMaleButcher4528Go to participant page
27322JohnLambeMaleShoemaker4528Go to participant page
27325Johnde LedesMaleCarpenter4528Go to participant page
27312NicholasMallomMaleBarber4528Go to participant page
27295JohnMarshallMaleMicklegate,York,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27317JohnMarshallMaleBootham Bar,York,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27259Simonde QuixleyMaleMayorYork,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27328JohnRoffordMale4528Go to participant page
27307Johnde RuddestanMale4528Go to participant page
27272WilliamRumilayMaleMercer4528Go to participant page
27268Johnde RyponMale4528Go to participant page
27283RichardSadelerMale4528Go to participant page
27323RichardSadelerMale4528Go to participant page
27311Williamde SampsonMaleGoldsmith4528Go to participant page
27327AlanSandaleMale4528Go to participant page
27276Johnde SantonMalePinner4528Go to participant page
27314JohnSantonMaleGirdler4528Go to participant page
27285Thomasde SantonMaleDraper4528Go to participant page
27266RobertSavageMale4528Go to participant page
27265Williamde SelbyMale4528Go to participant page
27305Henryde SnatheMale4528Go to participant page
27280Williamde StoktonMale4528Go to participant page
27289Johnde StudelayMale4528Go to participant page
27300Johnde StudlayMale4528Go to participant page
27290ThomasTaillourMale4528Go to participant page
27310Williamde TankerlayMale4528Go to participant page
27319RobertThocheMale4528Go to participant page
27321ThomasTwaitMale4528Go to participant page
27261SimonVaghenMaleBailiffYork,Yorkshire4528Go to participant page
27298Thomasdel WaldMalePorter4528Go to participant page
27299Hughde WangueMaleSheather4528Go to participant page
27302Williamde WartreMale4528Go to participant page
27282Adamde WyghaleMaleCoverlet-weaver4528Go to participant page
27309Johnde YorkMale4528Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4528Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviourCommission to Simon de Quixlay and others to compel the persons who in the late tumult broke the closes, walls, and doors of the hospital of St Leonard, York, and of the king's chantry near York castle and a wall within the habitation of the house of the Friars Preachers, York, to repair the same before Midsummer, to take sufficient security for the good behaviour of Robert de Harume and numerous others, by mainprise of £100 each before 1 May, and to apprehend and send before the council any who refuse security; and to certify touching the taking of this security before May 1 and touching the execution of certain articles of this commission before Midsummer.Trespass to land: throwing down of house,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and housesGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Robert de Ampilford ( 27267 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
William de Aynderby ( 27287 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Barbour ( 27313 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Barnby ( 27326 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Bedlyngton ( 27324 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Bell ( 27278 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Bell ( 27279 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Berden ( 27264 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Henry de Bolton ( 27262 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
John de Bolton ( 27271 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Alan Bradlay ( 27275 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Robert de Burlay ( 27315 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Burton ( 27269 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
John de Calthorne ( 27296 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Canlethorne ( 27286 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Cardemaker ( 27316 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Simon del Castell ( 27288 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Chaffar ( 27273 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Henry Chaloner ( 27281 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Simon de Clapeham ( 27260 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Thomas Copgrave ( 27306 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Adam Cornburgh ( 27291 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Cotom ( 27301 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Cotyngham ( 27297 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Richard de Cotyngham ( 27308 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Richard Couper ( 27320 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Robert de Elvyngton ( 27277 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Simon de Elvyngton ( 27294 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Erkendene ( 27304 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Erkendene ( 27303 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Flecher ( 27318 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Flescher ( 27293 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Girye ( 27292 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Thomas Gra ( 27263 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Robert de Harume ( 27270 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Hornby ( 27284 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Michael Knyght ( 27274 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Lambe ( 27322 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Ledes ( 27325 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Nicholas Mallom ( 27312 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Marshall ( 27295 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Marshall ( 27317 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Simon de Quixley ( 27259 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
John Rofford ( 27328 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Ruddestan ( 27307 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William Rumilay ( 27272 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Rypon ( 27268 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Richard Sadeler ( 27283 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Richard Sadeler ( 27323 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Sampson ( 27311 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Alan Sandale ( 27327 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Santon ( 27276 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John Santon ( 27314 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Thomas de Santon ( 27285 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Robert Savage ( 27266 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
William de Selby ( 27265 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Henry de Snathe ( 27305 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Stokton ( 27280 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Studelay ( 27289 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de Studlay ( 27300 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Thomas Taillour ( 27290 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Tankerlay ( 27310 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Robert Thoche ( 27319 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Thomas Twait ( 27321 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Simon Vaghen ( 27261 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Justice
Thomas del Wald ( 27298 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Hugh de Wangue ( 27299 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
William de Wartre ( 27302 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
Adam de Wyghale ( 27282 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused
John de York ( 27309 )Commission to compel those who attacked Hospital of St Leonard at York to give security for good behaviour (4528)Accused