Type | Approvers appeal |
Unique Identifying Text | TNA KB 27/484 rex mm. 26-26d |
Archive name | The National Archives (London) |
County | Suffolk |
Published source (may be more than one) | Partly published in A. Réville, Le Soulèvement des Travailleurs d'Angleterre en 1381 (Paris, 1898), pp. 175-82. Partly translated in R. B. Dobson, The Peasants' Revolt of 1381 (London, 1970), pp. 248-254 |
Text in Original Language | Suff'. Dominus rex mandavit vicecomitibus civitatis London' et coronatore eiusdem civitatis brevem suum clausum in hec verba. Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglorum et Francie et dominus Hibernie vicecomitibus civitatis London' et coronatore civitatis salutem. Quia Iohannes Wrawe qui coram nobis de diversis feloniis et proditionibus est impetitus coram vobis alias devenit probator et de huiusmodi feloniis et proditionibus quamplures appellavit super quo quidem appello certis de causis certiorari volumus vobis precipimus quod appellum predictum cum omnibus illud tangentibus sub sigillis vestris distincte et aperte mittatis coram nobis apud Westmonasterium ac instanti die veneris proxima ante festum Pentecost ut ulterius inde fieri faciamus quod de iure fore viderimus faciendum. Teste R. Tresilian apud Westm' xxij die Maii anno regni nostri quinto. Appellum de quo in brevi predicto fit mentio sequitur in hec verba. Die mercurii proximo post festum translationis sancti Thome martiris anno regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto Iohannes Wrawe de Sudbury venit coram Willelmo Knyghtcote et Waltero Doget vicecomitibus Londoniarum et Iohanne Charneye coronatore eiusdem civitatis et cognovit se esse proditorem et felonem dicti domini regis pro eo quod ipse die mercurii in vigilia Corporis Christi anno predicti regis Ricardi quarto venit apud Lyston iuxta Melford in comitatu Suffolchie et ibidem ex sua voluntate propria proditorie et felonice insurrexit in comitivam quamplurimorum malefactorum de comitatibus Essexie Hertfordie Suffolchie et Norffolchie nuper contra predictum dominum regem proditorie et felonice insurgentium et pariter ibidem congregatorum. Et eodem die mercurii in vigilia predicta idem Iohannes Wrawe apud Lyston predictam mansit in comitiva malefactorum predicta et consentivit eisdem malefactoribus ad eundum secum et faciendum sicut ipsi illo tempore fecerunt et facere voluerunt ubi ipse bene potuit tunc ab eisdem malefactoribus rececisse et evasisse si voluisset et statim super hoc idem Iohannes Wrawe misit usque villam de Sudbury predictam ad precipiendum omnes homines de dicta villa de Sudbury ut venirent ad eum et comitivam suam predictam usque dictam villam de Lyston et non diu post eodem die mercurii in vigilia predicta ipsi malefactores predicti unanimi assensu et voluntate ibant simul ad quoddam manerium Ricardi Lyouns de London' in eadem villa de Lyston et ibidem hostia fenestras et parietes domorum manerii predicti felonice et proditorie fregerunt et tegulas de eisdem domibus verberaverunt et fregerunt et alia plura dampna ibidem fecerunt, etc. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe cognovit quod ipse una cum predicta comitiva malefactorum predictorum die iovis in festo Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto tales prodiciones et felonias ut supradictum est continuando ivit a predicta villa de Sudbury usque villam de Bury in comitatu Suffolchie predicto et ibidem in eadem villa de Bury predictus Iohannes Wrawe fieri fecit quandam clamorem quod omnes homines dicte ville de Bury incontinente appropinquarent et accederent usque le Southgate eiusdem ville de Bury ad comitivam malefactorum predictam ad eundum cum eis et ad faciendum sicut ipsi tunc fecerunt sub pena decapitacionis ipsorum qui hoc facere contradixerunt, etc. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe cognovit quod ipse simul cum Thoma Halesworth squier Galfredo Denham squier servientibus prioris monasterii Sancti Edmundi de Bury Roberto Westbroun de Bury et aliis quampluribus malefactoribus de comitiva sua predicta die sabbati proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto iverunt usque Mildenhaleheth juxta Mildenhale in comitatu Sulfolchie et ibidem presentes fuerunt ad interfectionem predicti prioris de Bury felonice et proditorie interfecti per quosdam malefactores de comitiva sua predicta ad abbettum et procuracionem predictorum Thome Halisworth Galfredi Denham et Roberti Westbroun et dicit precise idem Iohannes Wrawe quod si predicti Thomas Galfredus et Robertus non fuissent ibi et mortem ipsius prioris procurassent idem prior tunc non fuisset mortuus neque interfectus et unde predictus Johannes Wrawe devenit probator et appellavit predictos Thomam Galfredum et Robertum de interfectione predicta. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Thomam Langham de Bury predicta de eo quod ipse in societate prefati probatoris et aliorum plurimorum malefactorum sibi incognitorum de comitiva sua predicta die sabbati proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto in villa de Bury in comitatu Suffolchie per consensum et auxilium predictorum probatoris et malefactorum proditorie et felonice interfecit Iohannem de Lakynghith monachum monasterii Sancti Edmundi predicti unde eum appellavit. Die iovis proximo sequenti idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Robertum Tavell de Lavenham in comitatu Suffolchie et Iohannem Talmache squier de eo quod ipsi simul cum prefato probatore et aliis quampluribus malefactoribus eidem probatori ignotis de comitiva sua die veneris proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto felonice et proditorie fregerunt quoddam tenementum et domos eidem tenemento adiacentes supradicti prioris monasterii Sancti Edmundi de Bury in dicta villa de Bury et diversa bona et catalla ipsius prioris de quorum valore idem probator penitus ignorat in dicto tenemento inventa ibidem felonice et prodiciose ceperunt et depredati fuerunt et similiter ipsi eodem die veneris in villa de Bury predicta felonice et proditorie fregerunt et intraverunt quandam mansionem Iohannis de Cavendissh nuper justiciarii domini regis et diversa bona et catalla ipsius Iohannis de Cavendissh, in eadem mansione inventa ibidem felonice et prodiciose ceperunt et depredati fuerunt de quibus bonis et catallis ipsius Iohannis de Cavendissh predictus Iohannes Talmache habuit de quodam serviente predicti probatoris unum gladium argento harnesiatum deaurato et perre ad valorem centum marcarum unde eos appellavit. Die veneris proxime sequenti idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit predictum Iohannem Talmache squier de eo quod ipse per assensum et concensum prefati probatoris die sabbati proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto abbathiam Sancti Edmundi de Bury simul cum quibusdam aliis malefactoribus de comitiva predicta sibi ignotis in presencia ipsius probatoris apud Bury predictam felonice et proditorie intravit et unum equum bay precii viginti marcarum prioris monasterii ibidem inventum felonice et prodiciose cepit et depredatus fuit quem quidem equum predictus Iohannes Talmache tunc habuit penes se et dictus probator nichil habuit inde ad partem suam unde eum appellavit. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Radulphum Somerton de Bury dyere Iohannem Suell seniorem de Bury et fratrem ejusdem Iohannis Suell cujus nomen ignorat Iohannem Noke de eadem Iohannem Rande de eadem Iohannem Gode similiter de eadem Iohannem servientem Iohannis Tippere de eadem Willelmum Ressheye de Twynstede servientem Iohannis Thurgor de Sudbury draper Robertum Quyk de Sudbury Iohannem Freeman de Edwardeston manentem in Sudbury Germanum Webbe de eadem Thomam Bogylt de eadem Iohannem servientem Iohannis Whyte bakere de Sudbury Iohannem Bokelerpleyere de Cravemertye manentem in Melford in comitatu Sulfolchie Iohannem Byere de Melford predicta Thomam Debdale dictum Pelour de Edwardeston Thomam Sweyn de Coggeshale et Thomam Doget de Sudbury de eo quod ipsi simul cum eodem probatore et aliis quampluribus malefactoribus sibi ignotis de comitiva predicta die iovis in festo Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto venerunt ad ecclesiam parochialem ville de Cavendissh in comitatu Sulfolchie et ibidem dictam ecclesiam felonice et proditorie fregerunt et intraverunt et diversa bona et catalla Iohannis de Cavendissh nuper iusticiarii domini regis videlicet duas ollas de argento unam peciam de argento et unum candelebrum de argento precii septem librarum duo paria cultellorum et unum jakke de velewet precii viginti sex solidorum et octo denariorum ipsius Iohannis de Cavendissh in campanile dicte ecclesie inventa ibidem felonice et proditorie ceperunt et depredaverunt que bona et catalla malefactores prenominati per communem assensum fecerunt prefatum probatorem partire inter eos die iovis predicto. Et statim post eodem die jovis predictus probator et malefactores, apud Melfordgrene in dicto comitatu Sulfolchie ad invicem biberunt unam pipam vini rubii precii septem marcarum trium solidorum et quatuor denariorum pro qua pipa vini predicti ipsi probator et malefactores tunc ibidem eadem bona cuidam Enewene tabernario invadiaverunt et quas quidem septem marcas tres solidos et quatuor denarios predictus probator de pecunia sua propria postea solvit prefato tabernario et cepit penes se bona predicta et ea dimisit in camera sua apud Sudbury predictam tempore capcionis sue et que bona immediate post capcionem suam predictam ibidem arestata fuerunt ad opus domini regis unde de felonia et prodicione predictis eos appellavit etc. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Willelmum Hook de Hecham in comitatu Suffolchie de eo quod ipse cognovit prefato probatori quod fuit in comitiva ipsius probatoris et aliorum malefactorum predictorum ad capcionem et depredacionem bonorum predicti Iohannis de Cavendissh apud ecclesiam parochialem de Cavendissh predictum die iovis in festo Corporis Christi supradicto et similiter de co quod ipse tunc ibidem felonice et proditorie depredavit de eisdem bonis ipsius Iohannis de Cavendissh sex discos de argento quorum precium dictus probator ignorat et interrogavit de prefato probatore quid fecerit cum discis predictis et idem probator precepit dicto Willelmo quod eosdem discos bene custodiret ad opus ipsorum probatoris et Willelmi quousque tempus habere potuerit illos partire inter eos et sic disci predicti adhuc remanent penes prefatum Willelmum Hook unde eum appellavit. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit predictum Radulphum Somerton de Sudbury dyer de eo quod ipse die iovis in festo Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto proditorie et felonice cepit claves hostiorum ecclesie de Cavendissh predicte et dicta hostia inde aperuit et ipsos probatorem et malefactores duxit in campanile eiusdem ecclesie ubi bona predicti Iohannis de Cavendissh abscondita fuerunt et concensiens ac auxilians fuit ad capcionem et depredacionem eorumdem bonorum et in societatem sic ipsius probatoris et aliorum malefactorum predictorum apud Melford predictam bibit partem suam vini predicti pro quo dicta bona invadiata erant et alia bona idem Radulfus tunc ibidem penes se prodiciose cepit et felonice furatus fuit unde eum appellavit. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Galfredum Parfeye vicarium ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum de Sudbury et quemdam Thomam capellanum eiusdem Galfredi cuius cognomen dictus probator penitus ignorat Adam Bray de parochia Omnium Sanctorum de Sudbury predicta et Thomam Munchesy de Edwardeston squier iuniorem de eo quod ipsi in absencia predicti probatoris iverunt ad villam de Thetford in comitatu Norffolchie die veneris proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto supradicto et ibidem felonice et prodiciose ceperunt et depredati fuerunt de maiore et capitalibus burgensibus dicte ville de Thetford viginti marcas auri numerati ad salvandum eos et villam suam de Thetford predictam et tunc minabantur ibidem eosdem majorem et burgenses nisi voluissent eis deliberasse summam predictam quod predictus Iohannes Wrawe cum comitiva sua predicta eodem die veneris veniret ibidem ad destruendum et opprimendum ipsos majorem et capitales burgenses ac villam suam predictam comburendum, etc. Et de quibus quidem viginti marcis predictis de eisdem maiore et burgensibus ut premittitur receptis prefatus Galfredus dedit predicto Thome Mounchesy pro parte sua viginti solidos predicto Ade Bray viginti solidos et cepit penes se pro se ipso et pro predicto Thoma capellano suo quadraginta solidos et residium videlicet quatuordecim marcas idem Galfredus postea liberavit predicto Iohanni Wrawe apud Sudbury predictam et ibi narravit eidem Iohanni Wrawe qualiter et quomodo ipse Galfredus et socii sui predicti dictum aurum cepissent et ubi etc. et qui quidem Iohannes Wrawe tunc predictas quatuordecim marcas recepit ibidem de prefato Galfredo apud Sudbury predictam sciens ipsum et socios predictos dictam pecuniam in forma predicta felonice et prodiciose cepisse et depredator fuisse et consentivit ad easdem felonias et prodicionem factas unde eos appellavit etc. Item idem Iohannes Wrawe probator appellavit Thomam de Cornuerde militem de eo quod predictus Thomas Cornuerde prefato probatore nesciente die veneris proximo post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto ivit ad Iohannem Rokwode de Stanefeld in comitatu Sulfolchie et prodiciose ac felonice recepit de eodem Iohanne Rokwode apud Stanefeld vel apud Bury in dicto comitatu Sulfolchie decem marcas pecunie numerate et minabatur eadem Iohannem Rokwode tunc ibidem nisi voluisset sibi deliberasse summam predictam quod predictus Iohannes Wrawe eodem die veneris veniret ibidem simul cum aliis quampluribus malefactoribus de comitiva sua ipsum Iohannem Rokwode ad interficiendum et tenementa sua ibidem prosternandum et comburendum. Et postea eodem die veneris predictus Thomas Cornuerde venit ad prefatum probatorem, et narravit ei quod recepisset de predicto Iohanne Rokwode octo marcas et non plus quas quidem octo marcas optulit prefato probatori et interrogavit de eo quid haberet inde pro labore suo et super hoc idem probator cepit de prefato Thoma quinque marcas summe predicte et dedit predicto Thome quadraginta solidos pro labore suo et residuum predictarum decern marcarum videlicet duas marcas quas predictus Thomas dicto probatori non cognovit se recepisse habuit penes se una cum predictis quadraginta solidis quos dictus probator dedit ei pro labore suo et sic dictus Thomas Cornuerde predictas duas marcas felonice et prodiciose furatus fuit unde eum appellavit et sic completum fuit appellum ipsius probatoris. Et nulla habuit catalla infra libertatem civitatis Londoniarum, nex extra, ut dicit per sacramentum suum, etc. Per recorda de anno quinto. Per quod preceptum est vicecomitibus quod caperet eos si etc. Postea scilicet die veneris proxima ante festum Pentecost' anno regni regis nunc quinto coram domino rege apud Westmonasterium venit predictus Iohannes Wrawe per constabularium Turris London' per brevem domini regis inde directo ductus qui alias in custodia sua per curiam comissus fuit qui committitur marescallo. Et statim per marescallum ductus venit et quesitur est ab eo si ipse appellum suum predictum manutenere velit necne qui dicit quod non. Ideo ipse distrahatur et suspendatur. Et inquiratur de terris et catallis suis etc. Postea scilicet die iovis proxima post octabis sancti Iohannis Baptiste isto eodem anno coram domino rege apud Westmonasterium venit predictus Thomas de Halesworth et reddidit se prisone marescalli domini regis occasionibus predictis qui comittitur marescallo. Et statim per marescallum ductus venit et quia predictus probator iam distrahatur et suspendatur predictus Thomas de Halesworth instanter allocutus est ad sectam domini regis qualiter de feloniis et prodicionibus predictis se velit acquietare dicit quod in nullo est inde culpabile et inde de bono et malo ponit se super patriam. Ideo venerunt inde iurati coram domino rege in octabis sancti Michaelis ubicumque etc Et qui etc ad recognoscendum etc. Et interim predictus Thomas de Halesworth comittitur prisone in custodia Roberti Bracy marescalli etc. Postea scilicet die lune in festo translationis sancti Thome Martiris isto eodem anno coram domino rege apud Westmonasterium venit predictus Thomas de Cornuerde miles et reddidit se prisone marescalli domini regis occasionibus predictis qui comittitur marescallo. Et statim per marescallum ductus venit et quia predictus probator iam distrahatur et suspendatur predictus Thomas de Cornuerde instanter allocutus est ad sectam domini Regis qualiter de feloniis et prodicionibus predictis se velit acquietare dicit quod in nullo est inde culpabile et inde de bono et malo pene super patriam. Ideo venerunt inde iurati coram domino rege in octabis sancti Michaelis ubicumque etc. Et qui etc. ad recognoscendum etc. Et interim predictus Thomas Cornuerde comittitur prisone in custodia Roberti Bracy marescalli etc. Ad quas octabis sancti Michaelis coram domino rege apud Westmonasterium venit predictus Thomas Cornuerde in custodia marescalli. Et similiter iurati venerunt qui ad hoc electi triati et iurati dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Thomas Cornuerde in nullo est culpabile de feloniis et prodicionibus predictis nec hiis occasionibus se retraxit. Ideo ipse eat inde quietus etc. |
Text (English translation) | Suffolk. The Lord King sent a writ close to the sheriffs of the city of London and the coroner of the same city as follows: Richard by the grace of God king of the English and of France and lord of Ireland to the sheriffs of the city of London and the coroner of the city greetings. Because John Wraw who is impeached before us concerning various felonies and treasons and has appealed various people concerning these felonies and treasons we wish for certain causes to be certified on this appeal and command that you send the said appeal together with everything relating to it under your seals clearly and openly to the KIng's Bench at Westminster on Friday before the feast of Pentecost that we may do what is seen to be done according to the law. Witness R[obert] Tresilian at Westminster 22 May in the fifth year of our reign [1382]. The appeal mentioned in this writ follows in these words: On Wednesday 10 July 1381 John Wrawe of Sudbury came before William Knyghtcote and Walter Doget, sheriffs of London, as well as John Charneye, coroner of that city, and confessed that he was a felon and a traitor to the lord king; because, on Wednesday 12 June 1381 he had gone to Liston near Melford in the county of Suffolk and there treasonably rebelled against the king in the company of many malefactors and rebels assembled there from the counties of Essex, Hertford, Suffolk and Norfolk. On that day and while at Liston, John Wrawe remained in the company of the said malefactors and agreed to go with them and do what they wished, although he could easily have left them and escaped if he had so wished. Instead John Wrawe immediately sent a message to the town of Sudbury summoning all the men of that town to come to him and his fellowship at Liston. Not long afterwards, and on that same day, the said malefactors set out together (by their own unanimous decision) for a certain manor held by Richard Lyons of London in that same vill of Liston. Then they feloniously and treasonably broke down the doors, windows and walls of the buildings in Lyons's manor, smashed the tiles and did much other damage. Item, John Wrawe also confessed that in the company of the said band of malefactors he continued his crimes and felonies on Thursday 13 June. On that day he went from the town of Sudbury to that of Bury, in the said county of Suffolk; Wrawe then raised a cry for all the men of Bury to go forthwith to the South Gate of the town where they were to meet the said crowd of malefactors and go with them and do as they did. Anyone who opposed this summons was threatened with execution. Item, John Wrawe confessed that on Saturday 15 June he, together with Thomas Halesworth, esquire, and Geoffrey Denham, esquire, servants of the prior of the monastery of Bury St Edmunds, as well as Robert Westbroun of Bury and many other malefactors of his company went to Mildenhall Heath, near Mildenhall, in the county of Suffolk. There they were present at the killing of the prior of Bury, feloniously and treasonably murdered by various evildoers of his company who were abetted and prompted by the said Thomas Halesworth, Geoffrey Denham and Robert Westbroun. John Wrawe expressly says that if Thomas, Geoffrey and Robert had not been present to procure the prior's death, then he would not have been killed. Accordingly John Wrawe became an approver and appealed the said Thomas, Geoffrey and Robert of the said murder. Item, John Wrawe, as approver, appealed Thomas Langham of Bury on the grounds that he, in the company of Wrawe and of many other malefactors unknown to Wrawe but of the aforementioned fellowship, treasonably and feloniously killed John de Lakenheath, monk of St Edmunds, on Saturday 15 June in the town of Bury (with the help and advice of Wrawe and the said malefactors). On Thursday 11 July, John Wrawe, as approver, appealed Robert Tavell of Lavenham in the county of Suffolk and John Talmache, esquire, on the grounds that together (and in the company of Wrawe and many other malefactors unknown to Wrawe) they feloniously and treasonably on Friday 14 June broke into a certain tenement and the adjacent buildings situated in the town of Bury and belonging to the prior of St Edmunds. Moreover, they feloniously and treasonably seized and carried off various goods and chattels (of whose value Wrawe is completely ignorant) belonging to the prior and found in the said tenement. Similarly, in Bury on that same Friday, they broke into and entered a mansion belonging to John de Cavendish, lately royal justice. Various goods and chattels belonging to John de Cavendish and discovered in the said mansion were seized and carried away: among these, John Talmache received from a servant of Wrawe a sword decorated with silver, gilt and jewels which was worth 100 marks. On Friday 12 July, John Wrawe, as approver, appealed the said John Talmache, squire, on the grounds that he, with Wrawe's assent and consent, feloniously and treasonably entered the abbey of Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 15 June in the company of several other malefactors unknown to Wrawe and in Wrawe's own presence. Talmache then stole a bay horse worth 20 marks which belonged to the said prior. Talmache kept this horse for himself and Wrawe had no part in it. Item, the same John Wrawe, as approver, appealed Ralph Somerton of Bury, dyer, John Suell senior of Bury and the brother of John Suell (whose name he does not know) John Noke of Bury, John Rande of Bury, John Gode likewise of Bury, John, servant of John Tippere of Bury, William Ressheye of Twinstead [in Essex] servant of John Thurgor of Sudbury draper, Robert Quyk of Sudbury, John Freeman of Edwardstone staying in Sudbury, German Webbe of Sudbury, Thomas Bogylt of Sudbury, John servant of John White baker of Sudbury, John Bokelerpleyere of 'Cravemertye' [Cranmore Green?] staying in Melford in the county of Suffolk, John Byere of Melford, Thomas Debdale alias Pelour of Edwardstone, Thomas Sweyn of Coggeshall [in Essex] and Thomas Doget of Sudbury on the grounds that they, together with himself and many other malefactors unknown to him but of the same company, came to the parish church of the town of Cavendish in Suffolk on Thursday 13 June 1381; and they broke open the said church feloniously and treasonably and then entered it. There they took and carried off various goods and chattels belonging to John de Cavendish, recently justice of the king, namely two silver vessels, a piece of silver plate and a silver candlestick, priced at seven pounds, two pairs of knives and a jack of velvet, priced at 26s 8 d, all belonging to the said John de Cavendish and found in the tower of the church. The said evildoers, by common assent, made Wrawe share these goods and chattels among themselves on that same Thursday. The said malefactors and the approver then went that day to Melford Green in Suffolk where together they drank a pipe of red wine, valued at seven marks three shillings and four pence, for which sum Wrawe and the malefactors left the above-mentioned goods in pledge to Enewene the taverner. Wrawe later paid the said seven marks three shillings and four pence to the taverner from his own money and carried off the goods with him and left them in his room at Sudbury at the time of his capture. Immediately after his capture, these goods were arrested there for the king's needs. And so Wrawe appealed them of felony and treason. Item, the same John Wrawe as approver appealed William Hook of Hitcham in Suffolk on the grounds that he knew himself and was in his company and that of the other aforementioned malefactors when the goods of the said John de Cavendish were feloniously and treasonably stolen at the parish church of Cavendish on Thursday 13 June; and also because Hook carried off six silver dishes (whose value the said approver does not know) from Cavendish's goods. When Hook asked Wrawe what he should do with the said dishes, he was told to keep them safely for the use of them both until they had time to share them between themselves. And so the said dishes still remain in the possession of William Hook, wherefore Wrawe appealed him. Item, the same John Wrawe, as approver, appealed the said Ralph Somerton of Sudbury dyer on the grounds that on the same Thursday 13 June he treasonably and feloniously took the keys to the doors of the church of Cavendish, opened them and led Wrawe and the other malefactors into the church tower where the goods of John Cavendish were concealed. He helped and assented to the seizing and carrying away of the said goods; and in the company of Wrawe and the others he drank his share of the wine at Melford, for which Cavendish's goods were put in pledge. Ralph also treasonably took and stole other goods for himself, wherefore Wrawe appealed him. Item, the same John Wrawe, as approver, appealed Geoffrey Parfeye, vicar of All Saints Church, Sudbury, as well as Thomas, Geoffrey's chaplain (whose surname Wrawe does not know), Adam Bray of the said parish in Sudbury and Thomas Munchesy junior, esquire, of Edwardestone, on the grounds that they, in Wrawe's absence, went to the town of Thetford in Norfolk on Friday 14 June. There they feloniously and treasonably took and carried off from the mayor and chief burgesses of Thetford twenty marks of gold paid to save the town. The accused threatened the mayor and burgesses that unless they handed over the said sum, John Wrawe would arrive with his band that same Friday to destroy and oppress the mayor and chief burgesses and to burn down the town. Of these twenty marks received from the mayor and burgesses, Geoffrey Parfeye gave twenty shillings to Adam Bray. He kept forty shillings for himself and his chaplain Thomas; but afterwards delivered the remainder, i.e. fourteen marks, to John Wrawe at Sudbury. Geoffrey then told Wrawe how he and his companions had taken the said gold. John Wrawe therefore received the said fourteen marks at Sudbury knowing that they had been taken treasonably and feloniously, and so consented to these crimes. Accordingly Wrawe appealed Geoffrey and the others, etc. Item, the same John Wrawe, as approver, appealed Thomas of Cornuerd, knight, on the grounds that (without Wrawe's knowledge) he went on Friday 14 June to John Rokwode of Stansfield in Suffolk and treasonably and feloniously received from him either at Stansfield or at Bury the sum of ten marks. He threatened John Rokwode that unless he handed over the said sum, John Wrawe would come that Friday with many of the malefactors in his band to kill Rokwode and destroy and burn his tenements. Later that Friday the said Thomas Cornuerd came before Wrawe and told him that he had received eight marks, and not more, from John Rokwode. Cornuerd offered the said eight marks to Wrawe but asked that he should have something for his labour; and accordingly Wrawe took five marks and gave Comuerd forty shillings for his labour. Thomas Comuerd kept for himself the two marks whose receipt he had not acknowledged to Wrawe as well as the forty shillings which Wrawe gave him for his labour; and so Cornuerd feloniously and treasonably stole the said two marks, wherefore Wrawe appealed him. And so the appeal of John Wrawe, approver, was completed. And he had no chattels either within or without the liberty of the city of London, as he declared under oath, etc. By the records of the fifth year. By which the sheriffs are ordered to arrest them etc. Afterwards on the Friday before Pentecost in the fifth year of the present king (23 May 1382) in the King's Bench at Westminster the said John Wrawe comes by writ of the Lord King directed to the Constable of the Tower of London to whose custody he had been committed by the court and is committed to the marshal. And then he is brought by the marshal and asked if he wished to maintain his appeal and he says no. Therefore he is drawn and hanged. And let it be inquired concerning his lands and chattels etc. Afterwards on the Thursday after the Octave of St John the Baptist in the same year (3 July 1382) the said Thomas de Halesworth comes to King's Bench at Westminster and surrenders to the prison of the king's marshal on the said charges and is committed to the marshal. And he is brought by the marshal and because the said approver has been drawn and hanged the said Thomas de Halesworth is asked how he wishes to plead concerning the said felonies and treasons at the king's suit and he says that he is not guilty and places himself on the country. Therefore the jurors shall come to King's Bench in the octave of St Michael wherever etc. In the meantime Thomas de Halesworth is committed to prison in the custody of Robert Bracy the marshal. Afterwards on the Monday of the feast of the translation of St Thomas the Martyr in th same year (7 July 1382) the said Thomas de Cornuerde knight comes and surrenders to the prison of the king's marshal on the said charges and is committed to the marshal. And he is brought by the marshal and because the said approver has been drawn and hanged the said Thomas de Cornuerde is asked how he wishes to plead concerning the said felonies and treasons at the king's suit and he says that he is not guilty and places himself on the country. Therefore the jurors shall come to King's Bench in the octave of St Michael wherever etc. In the meantime Thomas Cornuerde is committed to prison in the custody of Robert Bracy the marshal. On the said octave of St Michael in the KIng's Bench at Westminster the said Thomas Cornuerde comes in the KIng's Bench at Westminster in the custody of the marshal. And likewise the jurirs come who are chosen tried and sworn and say on their oath that the said Thomas Cornurde is not guilty of the said felonies and treasons and neither did he withdraw himself because of these charges. Therefore he goes quit. |
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Image of Source |
ID | First name | Last name | Gender | Occupation | Domicile | Role in source | Incidents | Go to participant page |
26738 | Thomas | Bogylt | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26741 | John | Bokelerpleyere | Male | Cranmore Green,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26750 | Adam | Bray | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4459 | Go to participant page | |
26742 | John | Byere | Male | Long Melford,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26720 | John | of Cambridge | Male | Prior | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Victim | 4455,4451,4449 | Go to participant page |
26725 | John | Cavendish | Male | King''s justice | Victim | Go to participant page | ||
26756 | John | Charneye | Male | Coroner | London | Mentioned | Go to participant page | |
26752 | Thomas | Cornuerd | Male | Knight | Accused | 4460 | Go to participant page | |
26743 | Thomas | Debdale | Male | Edwardstone,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26717 | Geoffrey | Denham | Male | Esquire | Accused | 4449 | Go to participant page | |
26745 | Thomas | Doget | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26755 | Walter | Doget | Male | Sheriff of London | London | Mentioned | Go to participant page | |
26736 | John | Freeman | Male | Edwardstone,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26730 | John | Gode | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26718 | Thomas | Halesworth | Male | Esquire | Accused | 4449 | Go to participant page | |
26747 | William | Hook | Male | Hitcham,Suffolk | Accused | 4456 | Go to participant page | |
26754 | William | Knyghtcote | Male | Sheriff of London | London | Mentioned | Go to participant page | |
26722 | John | de Lakenheath | Male | Monk | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Victim | Go to participant page | |
26721 | Thomas | Langham | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4450 | Go to participant page | |
26716 | Richard | Lyons | Male | London | Victim | 4447 | Go to participant page | |
26751 | Thomas | Munchesy | Male | Esquire | Edwardstone,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4457 | Go to participant page |
26728 | John | Noke | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26748 | Geoffrey | Parfeye | Male | Vicar | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4459 | Go to participant page |
26735 | Robert | Quyk | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26729 | John | Rande | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4455,4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26733 | William | Ressheye | Male | Servant | Twinstead,Essex | Accused | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page |
26753 | John | Rokwode | Male | Stansfield,Risbridge Hundred,Suffolk | Victim | 4460 | Go to participant page | |
26726 | Ralph | Somerton | Male | Dyer | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4456 | Go to participant page |
26852 | Ralph | Somerton | Male | Dyer | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4456 | Go to participant page |
26727 | John | Suell | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4456,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26744 | Thomas | Sweyn | Male | Coggeshall,Essex | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26724 | John | Talmache | Male | Esquire | Accused | 4451,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26723 | Robert | Tavell | Male | Lavenham,Suffolk | Accused | 4451 | Go to participant page | |
26734 | John | Thurgor | Male | Draper | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Mentioned | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page |
26732 | John | Tippere | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Mentioned | 4455,4457 | Go to participant page | |
26737 | German | Webbe | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26719 | Robert | Westbroun | Male | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4449 | Go to participant page | |
26740 | John | White | Male | Baker | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Mentioned | 4455 | Go to participant page |
26715 | John | Wrawe | Male | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Approver | 4457,4448,4447,4459,4456,4455,4451,4450,4449 | Go to participant page | |
26746 | Enewene | Male | Taverner | Melford Green,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk | Mentioned | 4457 | Go to participant page | |
26731 | John | Male | Servant | Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4456 | Go to participant page | |
26739 | John | Male | Servant | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4457,4455 | Go to participant page | |
26749 | Thomas | Male | Chaplain | Sudbury,Stow Hundred,Suffolk | Accused | 4459 | Go to participant page | |
26853 | Male | Go to participant page |
ID | Summary | Description | Type | Go to incidents page |
4451 | Buildings belonging to Prior of Bury attacked, 14 June 1381 | A tenement and adjacent buildings belonging to the Prior of Bury in Bury attacked and goods taken on 14 June1381 | Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Larceny: theft of goods | Go to incidents page |
4454 | House of John Cavendish in Bury St Edmunds attacked, 14 June 1381 | Rebels break into a house in Bury belonging to John Cavendish, lately royal justice, and goods and chattels seized | Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to chattels: removal of goods | Go to incidents page |
4449 | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed by rebels at Mildenhall Heath near Mildenhall | Homicide: unspecified | Go to incidents page |
4450 | John Lakenheath, monk of abbey of Bury St Edmunds, killed at Bury, 15 June 1381 | John Lakenheath, monk of abbey of Bury St Edmunds, killed by rebels at Bury, 15 June 1381 | Homicide: unspecified | Go to incidents page |
4462 | John Wrawe drawn and hanged | John Wrawe refuses to maintain his approver's appeal and is drawn and hanged | Go to incidents page | |
4448 | John Wrawe orders the men of Bury St Edmunds to rise on 13 June 1381 | John Wrawe arrives in Bury St Edmunds and orders all the men of Bury to go to the south gate of the town and join the rebels. | Warlike array and insurrection,Raising the commons: proclamations,Raising the commons: forcing others to join company,Threats to raise commons | Go to incidents page |
4456 | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 | Rebels led by John Wrawe break into the church at Cavendish and take and carry off goods belonging to John Cavendish, lately justice of the king, and shared the goods, 13 June 1381 | Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses | Go to incidents page |
4457 | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 | Rebels led by John Wrawe go to tavern in Melford Green and drink pipe of wine worth 3s 4d. Leave stolen goods of John Cavendish as pledge with taverner for bill. | Go to incidents page | |
4455 | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 | Rebels entered the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds and stole a horse belonging to the Prior of Bury, 15 June 1381 | Larceny: theft of livestock,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses | Go to incidents page |
4459 | Rebels extort money from Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford, 14 June 1381 | Geoffrey Parfeye and others threaten Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford with destruction of town by John Wrawe and extort twenty marks from them to save the town, 14 June 1381 | Trespass to person: extortion | Go to incidents page |
4447 | Richard Lyons's manor at Liston attacked on 12 June 1381 | Band led by John Wrawe attack manor of Richard Lyons of London at Liston | Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to land: throwing down of house | Go to incidents page |
4460 | Sir Thomas Cornuerd threatens John Rokwode, 14 June 1381 | Sir Thomas Cornuerd went on 14 June 1381 to John Rokwode of Stansfield either at Stansfield or Bury and extorted two marks from him by threatening that John Wrawe would destroy and burn his tenements | Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine | Go to incidents page |
Person | Incident | Role | Comments |
John of Cambridge ( 26720 ) | Buildings belonging to Prior of Bury attacked, 14 June 1381 (4451) | Victim | |
John Talmache ( 26724 ) | Buildings belonging to Prior of Bury attacked, 14 June 1381 (4451) | Accused | |
Robert Tavell ( 26723 ) | Buildings belonging to Prior of Bury attacked, 14 June 1381 (4451) | Accused | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Buildings belonging to Prior of Bury attacked, 14 June 1381 (4451) | Approver | |
John of Cambridge ( 26720 ) | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June (4449) | Victim | |
Geoffrey Denham ( 26717 ) | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June (4449) | Accused | |
Thomas Halesworth ( 26718 ) | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June (4449) | Accused | |
Robert Westbroun ( 26719 ) | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June (4449) | Accused | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | John Cambridge, Prior of Bury, killed at Mildenhall Heath on 15 June (4449) | Approver | |
Thomas Langham ( 26721 ) | John Lakenheath, monk of abbey of Bury St Edmunds, killed at Bury, 15 June 1381 (4450) | Accused | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | John Lakenheath, monk of abbey of Bury St Edmunds, killed at Bury, 15 June 1381 (4450) | Approver | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | John Wrawe orders the men of Bury St Edmunds to rise on 13 June 1381 (4448) | Accused | |
John de Cavendish ( 10740 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Victim | |
William Hook ( 26747 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Accused | |
Ralph Somerton ( 26726 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Accused | |
Ralph Somerton ( 26852 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Accused | |
John Suell ( 26727 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Accused | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Approver | |
John ( 26731 ) | Rebels break into Cavendish church and seize goods of John Cavendish stored there, 13 June 1381 (4456) | Accused | |
Thomas Bogylt ( 26738 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Bokelerpleyere ( 26741 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Byere ( 26742 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Byere ( 26742 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Thomas Debdale ( 26743 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Thomas Doget ( 26745 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Freeman ( 26736 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Gode ( 26730 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Thomas Munchesy ( 26751 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Noke ( 26728 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Robert Quyk ( 26735 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Rande ( 26729 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
William Ressheye ( 26733 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Ralph Somerton ( 26726 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Alderman | |
Ralph Somerton ( 26852 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Suell ( 26727 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Thomas Sweyn ( 26744 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John Thurgor ( 26734 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Mentioned | |
John Tippere ( 26732 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Mentioned | |
German Webbe ( 26737 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Victim | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Approver | |
Enewene ( 26746 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Mentioned | |
John ( 26731 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
John ( 26739 ) | Rebels drink wine at Melford Green and leave stolen goods to cover bill, 13 June 1381 (4457) | Accused | |
Thomas Bogylt ( 26738 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Bokelerpleyere ( 26741 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Byere ( 26742 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John of Cambridge ( 26720 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Victim | |
Thomas Debdale ( 26743 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
Thomas Doget ( 26745 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Freeman ( 26736 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Gode ( 26730 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Noke ( 26728 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
Robert Quyk ( 26735 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Rande ( 26729 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Rande ( 26729 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
William Ressheye ( 26733 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
Thomas Sweyn ( 26744 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Talmache ( 26724 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John Thurgor ( 26734 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Mentioned | |
John Tippere ( 26732 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Mentioned | |
German Webbe ( 26737 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
John White ( 26740 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Mentioned | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Approver | |
John ( 26739 ) | Rebels enter Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 15 June 1381 (4455) | Accused | |
Adam Bray ( 26750 ) | Rebels extort money from Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford, 14 June 1381 (4459) | Accused | |
Geoffrey Parfeye ( 26748 ) | Rebels extort money from Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford, 14 June 1381 (4459) | Accused | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Rebels extort money from Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford, 14 June 1381 (4459) | Approver | |
Thomas ( 26749 ) | Rebels extort money from Mayor and Burgesses of Thetford, 14 June 1381 (4459) | Accused | |
Richard Lyons ( 26716 ) | Richard Lyons's manor at Liston attacked on 12 June 1381 (4447) | Victim | |
John Wrawe ( 26715 ) | Richard Lyons's manor at Liston attacked on 12 June 1381 (4447) | Approver | |
Thomas Cornuerd ( 26752 ) | Sir Thomas Cornuerd threatens John Rokwode, 14 June 1381 (4460) | Accused | |
John Rokwode ( 26753 ) | Sir Thomas Cornuerd threatens John Rokwode, 14 June 1381 (4460) | Victim |