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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 27/483 rex m. 24d
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageLondon': Dominus Rex mandavit vicecomitibus London' breve suum clausum in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie vicecomitibus London' salutem. Precipimus vobis firmiter iniungentes quod Theobaldum Elys captum et detentum in gaola nostra de Neugate sub custodia vestra ut dicitur venire fac' coram nobis hac instanti die Lune proximo futuro ubicumque tunc fuerimus in Anglia cum causa capcionis sue ad respondendum ibidem super hiis que sibi tunc exponentur ex parte nostra et ad faciendum ulterius et recipiendum quod de eo tunc contigerit ordinari ibidem Et habeatis ibi hoc breve Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xij die Februarii anno regni nostri quinto - Transcriptum alterius brevis prefatis vicecomitibus direct' sequitur in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie vicecomitibus London' salutem. Quia Elizabetha que fuit uxor Radulphi Spigurnell chivaler' nobis graviter conquesta est quod Theobaldus Elys ei de corpore suo ac de incendio domorum suarum manifeste minatur vobis precipimus quod eidem Elizabethe de prefato Theobaldo firmam pacem nostram secundum consuetudinem Anglie habere fac' Ita quod securi scitis quod eidem Elizabethe de corpore suo vel de domibus suis per huiusmodi incendium per prefatum Theobaldum vel per procuracionem suam dampnum vel periculum non eveniat Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xx die Januarii anno regni nostri quinto - Retournum eorumdem vicecomitum sequitur in hec verba - Nos Johannes Heude et Johannes Rote vicecomites London' vobis significamus quod diu ante adventum brevis domini Regis nobis direct' et huic cedule consut' videlicet tempore Walteri Doget et Willelmi Knyghcote predecessorum nostrorum nuper vicecomitum civitatis predicte Theobaldus Elys in dicto brevi nominatus arestatus fuit et ad officium dictorum nuper vicecomitum ductus pro eo quod idem Theobaldus tempore insurreccionis ultime fuit unus de insurgentibus in civitate predicta et dominam de Spigurnell in eadem civitate eodem tempore insurreccionis interfecisse voluit prout Elias de Thorp Skynnere coram eisdem nuper vicecomitibus testabatur. Et eciam idem Theobaldus detentus est in prisona domini Regis de Neugate ad sectam Elizabethe que fuit uxor Radulphi Spirgurnell chivaler' virtute cuiusdam brevis domini Regis de minis cuius brevis transcriptum coram vobis mittimus predicto alio brevi consut'. attamen corpus predicti Theobaldi coram vobis prompter habemus prout in brevi domini Regis huic cedule consut' precipitur - qui quidem Theobaldus committitur marescall'. Et statim per marescallum ductus venit et dicit quod dominus Rex nunc de gratia sua speciali pardonavit ei sectam pacis sue que ad ipsum pertinet pro quibuscumque prodicionibus feloniis et transgressionibus per ipsum factis seu perpetratis et cetera per litteras suas patentes quas profert hic in curia in hec verba - Ricardus dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem licet nuper mensibus Maij Junij et Julij ultimo preterit' quamplures de populo nostro contra pacem nostram diabolo instigante quidam videlicet illorum ex malicia propria et quidam ex aliorum artacione in multitudine excessiva in diversis partibus regni nostri insurrexerint quamplura facinora diversimode perpetrando Nos tamen super interitu populi nostri pie compacientes ac considerantes bonum et fidelem gestum subditorum nostrorum regni nostri predicti erga progenitores nostros et nos antea a longo tempore preexpertum necnon delinquentes huiusmodi de commissis ut intelleximus penitere et se velle erga nos et populum nostrum bene et pacifice gerere infuturum volentesque Propterea rigorem iusticie mansuetudine temperare de gratia nostra speciali pardonavimus Theobaldo Elys de Parva Chert sectam pacis nostre que ad nos erga ipsum pertinet pro quibuscumque prodicionibus feloniis et transgressionibus factis seu perpetratis in insurrectionibus predictis unde indictatus occasionatus seu rettatus existit ac eciam utlagarias si que in ipsum hijs occasionibus fuerint promulgate et firmam pacem nostram ei inde concedimus dumtamen dicte insurrectionis aut de morte venerabilis patris Simonis bone memorie nuper Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis seu fratris Roberti Hales nuper Prioris Hospitalis sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia tunc Thesaurii nostri seu Johannis de Cavendissh nuper capitalis justicii nostri seu de combustione manerij de Savoye aut domus de Clerkenwell aut morte Prioris de Bury unus de principalibus non existat Ita quod de cetero bene et pacifice se gerat erga nos et populum nostrum et quod stet recto in curia nostra si qui versus eum loqui voluerint de premissis vel aliquo premissorum. In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xxiij die Octobris anno regni nostri quinto - Profert eciam quoddam breve domini Regis claus' justiciariis hic directum de non molestando prefatum Theobaldum contra tenorem litterarum domini Regis predictarum cuius dat' est apud Westmonasterium xviij die Februarii anno regni nostri quinto - Quarum pretextu idem Theobaldus petit ipsum a prisona domini Regis deliberari et cetera - Et quia curia nondum advisatur ad cartam predictam allocand' pro eo quod predictus Theobaldus appellatus est per prefatam Elizabetham de roboria et pace domini Regis fracta prout patet Ro [blank] inter communia placita predictus Theobaldus dimittitur per man' prout patet super principali placito et cetera
Text (English translation)London The lord king sent to the sheriffs of London his writ of close in these words: Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to the sheriffs of London, greetings. We order you, firmly enjoining, that you cause Theobald Elys, who is taken and detained in our goal of Newgate under your custody, as it is said, to come before us on this instant Monday next to come, wherever we shall then be in England, with the cause of his taking, to answer there upon those things, which are then to be explained to him, on our behalf, and to do further and receive that which will then happen to be ordered there about him. And you are to have there this writ. Witnessed by me, myself, at Westminster on the 12th day of February in the fifth year of our reign. A copy of another writ, directed to the aforesaid sheriffs, follows in these words: Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to the sheriffs of London, greetings. Because Elizabeth, who was the wife of Ralph Spigurnell, knight, has seriously complained to us that Theobald Elys has clearly made threats to her about her body and about the burning of her houses, we order you that you cause the same Elizabeth to have our firm peace about the aforesaid Theobald according to the custom of England. In such a way that you safely know that no damage or danger will happen to the same Elizabeth about her body or about her houses by burning of this kind by the aforesaid Theobald or by his procurement. Witnessed by me, myself, at Westminster on the 20th day of January in the fifth year of our reign. The return of the same sheriffs follows in these words. We, John Hende and John Rote, sheriffs of London, make known to you that a long time before the arrival of the writ of the lord king, directed to us and attached to this schedule, viz at the time of Walter Doget and William Knyghcote, our predecessors, late sheriffs of the aforesaid city, Theobald Elys, named in the said writ, was arrested and brought to the office of the said late sheriffs, on account that the same Theobald, at the time of the last insurrection, was one of the insurgents in the aforesaid city and wanted to have killed the lady of Spigurnell in the same city at the same time of the insurrection, just as Elias de Thorp, skinner, bears witness before the same late sheriffs. And also the same Theobald is detained in the prison of the lord king of Newgate at the suit of Elizabeth, who was the wife of Ralph Spigurnell, knight, by virtue of a certain writ of the lord king de minis, a copy of which writ we are sending before you, attached to the aforesaid other writ. Nevertheless, we have the body of the aforesaid Theobald before you promptly, just as is ordered in the writ of the lord king, attached to this schedule. Which same Theobald is committed to the marshal. And immediately having been brought by the marshal, he comes and says that the now lord king, out of his special grace, pardoned to him the suit of his peace, which pertains to him for any treasons, felonies and trespasses, made or perpetrated by him, etc, by his letters patent, which he produces here in court in these words. Richard, by the grace of God king of England and France and lord of Ireland, to all his bailiffs and loyal subjects, to whom these present letters will come, greetings. Although, lately in the months of May, June and July last past, very many of our people have made an insurrection against our peace at the devil's instigation, viz some of them from their own malice and some from the pressing of others, in an excessive multitude in diverse parts of our realm, perpetrating very many wicked acts in diverse ways. Nevertheless, we, piously taking pity concerning the ruin of our people and considering the good and loyal behaviour of our subjects of our aforesaid realm, experienced previously towards our progenitors and us formerly from a long time, and also that that those offending are penitent about these things that have been committed, as we have understood, and wish to behave well and peacefully towards us and our people in the future. And wishing, on this account, to temper the rigor of justice by gentleness, out of our special grace, we have pardoned to Theobald Elys of Little Chart the suit of our peace, which pertains to us towards him, for any treasons, felonies and trespasses, made or perpetrated in the aforesaid insurrections, whereof he is indicted, occasioned or charged, and also outlawries, if any will have been proclaimed against him by these occasions, and we thereupon grant to him our firm peace, provided that he is not one of the principal men of the said insurrection or about the death of the venerable father Simon, of good memory late archbishop of Canterbury, or [the death] of brother Robert Hales, late prior of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, then our treasurer, or of John de Cavendish, late our chief justice, or about the burning of the manor of the Savoy or the house of Clerkenwell, or about the death of the prior of Bury St Edmunds. In such a way that from henceforth he is to behave well and peacefully towards us and our people, and that he should stand trial in our court, if anyone wishes to speak against him about the premises or any of the premises. In testimony of which matter, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Witnessed by me, myself, at Westminster on the 23rd day of October in the fifth year of our reign. He also produces a certain writ of the lord king of close, directed to the justices here, about not molesting the aforesaid Theobald contrary to the tenor of the aforesaid letters of the lord king, whose date is at Westminster on the 18th day of February in the fifth year of our reign. By pretext of which, the same Theobald seeks that he be delivered from the prison of the lord king, etc. And because the court is not yet advised to allow the aforesaid charter, on account that the aforesaid Theobald is appealed by the aforesaid Elizabeth about the robbery and breaking of the peace of the lord king, just as appears in roll [blank] among the common pleas, the aforesaid Theobald is dismissed by mainprise, just as appears upon the principal plea, etc.
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IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
25736WalterDogetMaleSheriff of London4393Go to participant page
25730TheobaldElysMaleLittle Chart,Kent4393Go to participant page
25734JohnHendeMaleSheriff of London4393Go to participant page
25737WilliamKnyghcoteMaleSheriff of London4393Go to participant page
25735JohnRoteMaleSheriff of London4393Go to participant page
25731ElizabethSpigurnellFemale4393Go to participant page
25732RalphSpigurnellMaleKnight4393Go to participant page
25733Eliasde ThorpMaleSkinner4393Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4393Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth SpigurnellTheobald Elys threatens the person of Elizabeth Spigurnell and to burn her houses; he produces a pardon and goes free.Arson: burning of houses,Trespass to person: threatsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Walter Doget ( 25736 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Sheriff
Theobald Elys ( 25730 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Accused
John Hende ( 25734 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Sheriff
William Knyghcote ( 25737 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Sheriff
John Rote ( 25735 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Sheriff
Elizabeth Spigurnell ( 25731 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Victim
Ralph Spigurnell ( 25732 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Mentioned
Elias de Thorp ( 25733 )Theobald Elys threatens Elizabeth Spigurnell (4393)Witness