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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 145/3/5/1 (g)
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageInquisitio capta apud Hospicium Iohannis Barbor filii Walteri Barbour iuxta Crucem Lapideam apud la Stronde extra partem Non Templi London in com' Midd' die lune proxima post festum S' Pet Advincula anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quinto coram Willelmo Walleworth maiore civitatis London et sociis suis iustic' domini Regis ad inquirendum audiend' et terminand' de quibuscumque prodicionibus homicidiis et ceteris felon' in eodem com' Midd' qualitercumque perpetratis per litteras domini Regis patentes assignat' per sacramentum Willelmi Lovel Andr' Tettlesworth Willelmi Hull Willelmi Brenge Willelmi Sudbury Willelmi Grendon Iohanni Basford Willelmi But Thome Brandesby Willelmi Est Ricardi Est et Iohannis Lorymer qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Willelmus fil' Nich' Gardener et alii malefactores videlicet Thomas Bedford de Holborne Iohannes Loveliche Edmundus Weston Thomas Brembele Matill' uxor eius et Isabella filia eiusdem Thome Iohannes Foke meriell Willelmus Shepherd de Totill Thomas Taillour de Charyng Willelmus Capon laborer Iohannes Nevell barbor Ricardus Bristowe hostiler Iohannes Smyth de Lewesham Iohannes serviens eiusdem Iohannis et Iohannes Huntyngdon bocher die iovis in festo Corporis Christi anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quarto simul cum aliis malefactoribus contra dominum Regem insurgentibus manerium domini Iohannis Ducis Lancastr' vocatur la Savoye et manerium Prioris Sancti Iohannis Ierusalem in Angl' vocatur Clerkenwell in comitati Midd' felonice combusserunt et co. Item al' inquisitio capta ibidem eodem die lune coram iustic' predict' ... per sacramentum Iohannis Lorchon Iohannis Pycard Thome Chese Willelmi Knott de Fulham Iohannis Wragston Iohannis de Ardern' Iohannis Bataille Iohannis Mede Iohannis Mery Iohannis Semor Willelmi Chauntour et Thome Ferrour qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Will' Gardyner voc' fil' Nich' Gardyner fuit unus eorum qui proditorie et felonice insurexit contra dominum Regem et populum suum et quod ipse simul cum aliis malefactoribus de eus covina ignotis venit die iovis in festo Corporis Christi anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quarto ad domum Willelmi Fresshawe apud le Stronde in com' Midd' et Cristinam uxorem eiusdem Willelmi ad decapitandum minabatur et eandem domum felonice intravit et hostia et fenestras ac cistas ipsius Willelmi Fresshawe ibidem felonice fregit et co.
Text (English translation)Writ on Tresilian's authority to Walworth, saying that since William brother of Nicholas Gardener of Westminster a certain servant of the Duke of Lancaster is held in the Marshalsea prison, and since it is testified by the sheriffs of London that Gardener is indicted in the court of Walleworth and his fellow justices assigned to hear and determine divers felonies and treasons within the city of London and county of Middlesex, these indictments to be sent into King's Bench - dated 10th February SRII. The jury say that William son of Nicholas Gardener and other malefactors, namely Thomas Bedford of Holborn, John Loveliche, Edmund Weston, Thomas Brembele, Matilda his wife and Isabella daughter of the same Thomas, John Foke 'meriell', William Shepherd of Tothill, Thomas Taillour of Charing Cross, William Capon, labourer, John Nevell, barber, Richard Bristowe, innkeeper, John Smyth of Lewisham, John servant of the same John and John Huntyndon, butcher, on Thursday 13 June 1381, along with other malefactors rising up against the king, feloniously burnt the manor of John Duke of Lancaster called the Savoy and the manor of the Prior of St John of Jerusalem in England called Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex. Also they say that William Gardyner called the son of Nicholas Gardyner was one of those who treasonably and feloniously rose up against the king and his people, and along with other unknown malefactors of the same faction went on Thursday 13 June 1381 to the house of William Fresshawe at the Strand in the county of Middlesex and threatened to decapitate Christina wife of the same William, and feloniously entered the same house and broke the doors, windows and chests.
General InformationSee Reville p. 201 no. 18 and p. 202 no. 21.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
24158Johnde ArdernMale4199Go to participant page
24121JohnBarborMaleStrand,Middlesex4198Go to participant page
24122WalterBarbourMale4198Go to participant page
24129JohnBasfordMale4198Go to participant page
24159JohnBatailleMale4199Go to participant page
24137ThomasBedfordMaleHolborn,Middlesex4198Go to participant page
24131ThomasBrandesbyMale4198Go to participant page
24142IsabellaBrembeleFemale4198Go to participant page
24141MatildaBrembeleFemale4198Go to participant page
24140ThomasBrembeleMale4198Go to participant page
24126WilliamBrengeMale4198Go to participant page
24148RichardBristoweMaleInnkeeper4198Go to participant page
24130WilliamButMale4198Go to participant page
24146WilliamCaponMaleLabourer4198Go to participant page
24163WilliamChauntourMale4199Go to participant page
24155ThomasCheseMale4199Go to participant page
24133RichardEstMaleJuror4198Go to participant page
24132WilliamEstMale4198Go to participant page
24164ThomasFerrourMale4199Go to participant page
24143JohnFokeMale4198Go to participant page
24166ChristinaFresshaweFemaleStrand,Middlesex4199Go to participant page
24165WilliamFresshaweMaleStrand,Middlesex4199Go to participant page
24136NicholasGardenerMale4199,4198Go to participant page
24135WilliamGardenerMale4199,4198Go to participant page
24128WilliamGrendonMale4198Go to participant page
24125WilliamHullMale4198Go to participant page
24151JohnHuntyngdonMaleButcher4198Go to participant page
24156WilliamKnottMaleFulham,MiddlesexJuror4199Go to participant page
24153JohnLorchonMale4199Go to participant page
24134JohnLorymerMale4198Go to participant page
24123WilliamLovelMale4198Go to participant page
24138JohnLovelicheMale4198Go to participant page
24160JohnMedeMale4199Go to participant page
24161JohnMeryMale4199Go to participant page
24147JohnNevellMaleBarber4198Go to participant page
24154JohnPycardMale4199Go to participant page
24162JohnSemorMale4199Go to participant page
24144WilliamShepherdMaleTothill,Middlesex4198Go to participant page
24149JohnSmythMaleLewisham,Kent4198Go to participant page
24127WilliamSudburyMale4198Go to participant page
24145ThomasTaillourMaleCharing Cross,Middlesex4198Go to participant page
24124AndrewTettlesworthMale4198Go to participant page
24152WilliamWalleworthMaleMayor4198Go to participant page
24139EdmundWestonMale4198Go to participant page
24157JohnWragstonMale4199Go to participant page
24150JohnMaleServant4198Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
4198William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, ClerkenwellThe jury say that William son of Nicholas Gardener and other malefactors, namely Thomas Bedford of Holborn, John Loveliche, Edmund Weston, Thomas Brembele, Matilda his wife and Isabella daughter of the same Thomas, John Foke 'meriell', William Shepherd of Tothill, Thomas Taillour of Charing Cross, William Capon, labourer, John Nevell, barber, Richard Bristowe, innkeeper, John Smyth of Lewisham, John servant of the same John and John Huntyndon, butcher, on Thursday 13 June 1381, along with other malefactors rising up against the king, feloniously burnt the manor of John Duke of Lancaster called the Savoy and the manor of the Prior of St John of Jerusalem in England called Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex.Arson: burning of housesGo to incidents page
4199William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wifeWilliam Gardyner was one of those who treasonably and feloniously rose up against the king and his people, and along with other unknown malefactors of the same faction went on Thursday 13 June 1381 to the house of William Fresshawe at the Strand in the county of Middlesex and threatened to decapitate Christina wife of the same William, and feloniously entered the same house and broke the doors, windows and chests.Trespass to land: throwing down of house,Trespass to person: threats,Trespass to chattels: destruction of goodsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

John Barbor ( 24121 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Mentioned
Walter Barbour ( 24122 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Mentioned
John Basford ( 24129 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
Thomas Bedford ( 24137 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Thomas Brandesby ( 24131 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
Isabella Brembele ( 24142 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Matilda Brembele ( 24141 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Thomas Brembele ( 24140 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
William Brenge ( 24126 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
Richard Bristowe ( 24148 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
William But ( 24130 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
William Capon ( 24146 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Richard Est ( 24133 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
William Est ( 24132 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
John Foke ( 24143 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Nicholas Gardener ( 24136 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Mentioned
William Gardener ( 24135 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
William Grendon ( 24128 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
William Hull ( 24125 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
John Huntyngdon ( 24151 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
John Lorymer ( 24134 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
William Lovel ( 24123 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
John Loveliche ( 24138 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
John Nevell ( 24147 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
William Shepherd ( 24144 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
John Smyth ( 24149 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Mentioned
William Sudbury ( 24127 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
Thomas Taillour ( 24145 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
Andrew Tettlesworth ( 24124 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Juror
William Walleworth ( 24152 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Justice
Edmund Weston ( 24139 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
John ( 24150 )William Gardener and others burn the Savoy and the Hospital of St John, Clerkenwell (4198)Accused
John de Ardern ( 24158 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Bataille ( 24159 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
William Chauntour ( 24163 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
Thomas Chese ( 24155 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
Thomas Ferrour ( 24164 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
Christina Fresshawe ( 24166 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Victim
William Fresshawe ( 24165 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Victim
Nicholas Gardener ( 24136 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Mentioned
William Gardener ( 24135 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Accused
William Knott ( 24156 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Lorchon ( 24153 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Mede ( 24160 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Mery ( 24161 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Pycard ( 24154 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Semor ( 24162 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror
John Wragston ( 24157 )William Gardener attacks property of William Fresshawe and threatens his wife (4199)Juror