Type | Trespass action |
Unique Identifying Text | TNA CP 40/488 m. 301 |
Archive name | The National Archives (London) |
County | London |
Text in Original Language | London'. Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yonge Willelmus atte Mersshe Ricardus Maghcyld Thomas Webbe de Weltumstowe et Thomas Waryn attachiati fuerunt ad respondendum Iohanni Berkyng Wolmonger de placito quare vi et armis clausum et domos ipsius Iohannis Berkyng apud Londoniam fregerunt et in ipsum Iohannem Berkyng ibidem insultum fecerunt et ipsum verbauerunt vulnerauerunt et male tractauerunt et quandam pixidem suam cum cartis scriptis et aliis munimentis suis in eadem pixide contentis ibidem inuentam ceperunt et asportauerunt et bona et catalla sua ad valenciam centum solidorum ibidem inuenta conculcauerunt et consumpserunt et alia enormia ei intulerunt ad graue dampnum ipsius Iohannis Berkyng et contra pacem Regis etc. Et vnde idem Iohannes Berkyng in propria persona sua queritur quod predicti Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yonge Willelmus Ricardus et Thomas die sabati proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno regnorum domini Regis nunc quarto vi et armis scilicet gladiis arcubus et sagittis clausum et domos ipsius Iohannis Berkyng apud Londoniam in parochia Sancti Olaui in Warda de la Torrestrete Londonie fregerunt et in ipsum Iohannem Berkyng ididem insultum fecerunt et ipsum verbauerunt vulnerauerunt et male tractauerunt et quandam pixidem suam cum cartis scriptis etc videlicet quodam statuto mercatorio coram maiore stapule facto per quod Iohannes Lawe Smythe tenebatur eidem Iohanni Berkyng in viginti et quatuor libris quodam alio statuto mercatorio coram eidem maiore facto per quod Willelmus Waryn tenebatur eidem Iohanni Berkyng in viginti et quatuor libris et quodam scripto obligatorio per quod Robertus Storteford tenebatur eidem Iohanni Berkyng in decem libris ac aliis diuersis cartis et munimentis in eadem pixide contentis ibidem inuentam ceperunt et asportauerunt et bona et catalla sua videlicet ciphos de mazero argento ligata lanam pannos lineos et laneos ad valenciam etc inuenta conculcauerunt et consumpserunt. Et alia enormia etc Ad graue dampnum etc. Et contra pacem etc. Vnde dicit quod deterioratus est et dampnum habet ad valenciam centum librarum. Et inde producit sectam etc. Et predicti Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yonge Willemus atte Merssh Ricardus Maghtild et Thomas Waryn per Iohannem Seymore attornatum suum et predictus Thomas Webbe in propria person sua venerunt. Et defenderunt vim et iniuriam quando etc. Et predictus Thomas Waryn dicit quod ipse in nullo est culpabilis de transgressione predicta. Et de hoc ponit se super patriam. Et predictus Iohannes Berkyng similiter. Et predictus Iohannes Waryn et omnes alii quoad venire vi et armis in necnon totam transgressionem predictam preter fractionem clausi et domorum predictorum et asportantem munimentorum dicunt quod ipsi in nullo sunt inde culpabiles. Et de hoc ponent se super patriam. Et predictus Iohannes Berkyng similiter. Et quoad restitutum fractoris domorum et asportatoris munimentorum etc predictus Thomas Webbe dicit quod quidam Sewallus Dekne de Weltumstowe tenuit in Weltumstowe quatuor acras terre de comitate Warenne vt de manerio suo de Weltumstowe et secundum consuetudinem manerii illius et secundum consuetudinem eiusdem manerii prout antea fieri consueuit prefatus Sewallus iacens languidus in extremis in vita sua sursum reddidit in manus propositi ibidem easdem quatuor acras terre ad usum predicti Thome Webbe et ad vendendam eidem Thome Webbe per executores suos et denarium inde pro debitis suis acquietandis et pro anima ipsius Sewalli distribuendi et postea obiit cuius executores Katerina que fuit uxor predicti Sewalli et nunc uxor predicti Iohannis Berkyng et predictus Willelmus atte Mersshe fuerunt post cuius mortem iidem executores terram illam eidem Thome Webbe vendiderunt et postea predicto die sabati idem Thomas Webbe venit apud Londoniam pro colloquio cum predicta Katerina habenda et clausum et domos predicti Iohannis Berking qui prefatam Katerinam desponsauit aperta inuenit et cum eadem Katerine locutus fuit requirendo ipsam quod sibi deliberare vellet diuersa memoranda de rotulis curiae predicte pro que predicte quatuor acre terre ante tempus illi extra manus duorum manerii predicti liberate fuerunt que sibi dixit quod rotuli illi apud Weltumstowe fuerunt et postea tam idem Iohannes Berkyng quam predicta Katerina venerunt apud Weltumstowe et rotulos illos eidem Thome Webbe ibidem liberunt absque hoc quod ipse clausum et domos predicti Iohannis Berkyng apud Londoniam fregit sine aliqua alia munimenta ibidem cepit et asportauit vnde non intendit aliquam iniuriam in hac parte in persona sua assignatus posse etc. Et predicti Iohannes Waryn Willelmus Merssh et Ricardus dicunt quod ipsi venerunt vsque Londoniam cum eodem Thoma Webbe et in societate sua vicinitatis et clausum et domos predicta aperta inuenerunt absque hoc quod ipsi clausum et domos predicta fregerunt sine aliqua munimenta asportarunt. Et hoc parati sunt verificare vnde petunt indictum etc. Et predictus Iohannes Yonge dicit quod prefatus Sewallus tenebatur cuidam Iohanni Aleyn nuper proposito manerii predicti cuiusquidem Iohannis Aleyn vxorem idem Iohannes Yonge desponsauit per quod ipse vsque Londoniam pro colloquio inde habendi cum predictis Iohanne Berkyng et Katerine vxorem eius nuper vxore et coexecutrice testamenti predicti Sewalli ad declarandum eis debitum prefato Iohanni Aleyn per predictum Sewallum debitum et clausum et domos predicta aperta inuenit et petiit ab eis nomine suo et nomine Iuliane vxoris sue nuper vxoris predicti Iohannis et coexecutritis testamenti eiusdem debitam predictam eidem Sewallo nuper debitum absque hoc quod ipse clausum et domos illa fregit sine aliqua munimenta predicti Iohannis asportauit. Et hoc paratus est verificare vnde non intendit aliquam iniuriam in hac parte in persona sua assignata posse etc. Et predictus Iohannes Berkyng dicit quod predictus Iohannes Waryn et omnes alii predictati clausum et domos suas vi et armis fregerunt et munimenta sua simul cum scriptis predictis superius declarata ceperunt et asportauerunt et alia quia copias[?] retor[...illegible...] superius per ipsum Thomam Webbe declarata prout per breue et narracione sua supponitur. Et hoc petit quod inquiratur per patriam. Et predictis Iohannes Waryn et omnes alii similiter. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti quod venire faciat hic a die Paschem in xv dies xii etc per quos etc. Et qui nec etc. Ad recognoscendum etc. Quia tam etc. Et super hoc Willelmus atte Wode de Londonie bocher Willelmus atte Mersshe Thomas Waryn et Iohannes Waryn de Weltamstowe manuceperunt predicatam Thomam Webbe de Weltamstowe habendum corpus eius hic ad prefatum terminum et sic de die in diem ad quemlibet diem placiti quousque iurata predicta inde inter eos transierent et iudicium inde redditum fuerit videlicet quilibet eorum corpus pro corpore etc. Et super hoc predictus Iohannes Berkyng ponit loco suo Thomam Trigy de predicto placito etc. Postea continuato inde processu inter partes predictas per iuratores predictas inde inter eas in respectum hic usque ad hunc diem scilicet in octabis Sancte Michaelis tunc proximum sequentum nisi Willelmus de Skipwythe vnius iusticiarius domini Regis de banco die Lune proxima post festum Translationis Sancti Thome martyris apud ecclesiam Santi Martini magni Londonie prius venisset. Et modo hic ad hunc diem venerunt predictus Iohannes Berkyng per attornatum suum predictum. Et predictus Willelmus de Skipwythe coram quo etc misit hic recordum suum in hec verba: Postea die et loco infracontenta coram Willelmo de Skipwythe infranominate associato sibi Edwardo del Clay per formam statuti etc venit tam Iohannes Berkyng Wolmonger infranominatus quia Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yong Willelmus atte Mersshe Ricardus Maghtild et Thomas Waryn infra nominatus per attornatos suos infranominatos et Thomas Webbe infranominatus in propria persona sua venit. Et similiter exacti venerunt qui super premissis infracontentis electi trati et iurati dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predicti Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yong Willelmus Ricardus Thomas et Thomas infranominati culpabiles sunt de transgressione infracontenta prout predictus Iohannes Berkyng inferius versus eos queritur. Et assident dampna tam occasione asportationis statutorum et obligationis infracontentis quam pro residuo transgressione ad sexaginta et quatuor libras tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios. Ideo consideratum est quod predictus Iohannes Berkyng recuperet versus predictos Iohannem Waryn Iohannem Yong Willelmum Ricardum Thomam et Thomam dampna sua predicta superius ad sexaginta et quatuor libras tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios assessa. Et iidem Iohannes Waryn Iohannes Yong Willelmus Ricardus Thomas et Thomas capiantur. |
Text (English translation) | London. John Waryn, John Yonge, William atte Mersshe, Richard Maghcyld, Thomas Webbe of Walthamstow and Thomas Waryn were attached to answer John Berkyng, wool-monger, on a plea that with force and arms they broke the close and houses of the said John Berkyng at London, and assaulted the said John Berkyng there, and beat, wounded and ill-treated him, and took and carried away a certain box of his found there with charters, writings and other muniments of his contained in the same box, and trampled and destroyed his goods and chattels to the value of 100s and inflicted other enormities on him, to the grave damage of the said John Berkyng and against the King's peace etc. And whence the same John Berkyng complains in person that the aforesaid John Waryn, John Yonge, William, Richard and Thomas, on Saturday 15 June 1381, with force and arms, namely swords, bows and arrows, broke the close and houses of said John Berkyng at London in the parish of Saint Olave in the Tower Street ward, and assaulted the said John Berkyng there, and beat, wounded and ill-treated him, and took and carried away a certain box of his found there with the charters, writings etc contained in the same box, namely a certain statute merchant, made before the mayor of the staple, by which John Law, a smith, was being held to the same John Berkyng in £24, and a writing obligatory, by which Robert Storteford was being held to the same John Berkyng in £10, and also other diverse charters and muniments and trampled and destroyed his goods and chattels, namely silver mazer cups, chains, wool, linen and woollen cloth to the value etc. And other enormities etc. To the grave damage etc whence he says that he suffered damages to the value of £100. And thereof he produces suit. And the aforesaid John Waryn, John Yonge, William atte Merssh, Richard Maghtild and Thomas Waryn appeared through John Seymore, their attorney, and the aforesaid Thomas Webbe in person, and defended the force and injury when etc. And the aforesaid Thomas Waryn says that he is not guilty of the aforesaid trespass and places himself on the country. And the aforesaid John Berkyng likewise. And the aforesaid John Waryn and all the others say that they are not guilty with respect to coming with force and arms and also the whole trespass aforesaid except for the breaking of the close and houses aforesaid and carrying away of the muniments. And regarding this they place themselves on the country. And the aforesaid John Berkyng likewise. And with respect to the restoration of the broken houses and removed muniments etc the aforesaid Thomas Webbe says that a certain Sewall Dekne of Walthamstow held, in Walthamstow, four acres of land of county of Surrey that, according to the custom of that manor, and just as was formerly accustomed to be done according to the custom of that manor, the aforesaid Sewall, lying ill at the end of his life, gave up the same four acres of land for the use of the aforesaid Thomas Webbe, and to be sold to the same Thomas Webbe, by his executors, and the money thence to acquit his debts, and to be distributed for the soul of the said Sewall, and, after he died, those executors were Katherine, who was wife of the aforesaid Sewall and now wife of the aforesaid John Berkyng, and the aforesaid William atte Mersshe, after which death the same executors sold that land to the same Thomas Webbe and then, on the aforesaid Saturday, the same Thomas Webbe appeared at London to have a discussion with the aforesaid Katherine, and he found the close and houses of the aforesaid John Berking, who was betrothed to the aforesaid Katherine, open, and had spoken with the same Katherine, that he wished her to deliver to him diverse memoranda of the court rolls aforesaid, according to which the aforesaid four acres of land were handed over to him before that time, to him it was said that those rolls were at Walthamstow. And afterwards both the same John Berkyng and the aforesaid Katherine appeared at Walthamstow, and there delivered those rolls to the same Thomas Webbe, without this, that he broke the said close and houses of the aforesaid John Berkyng at London, without having taken and carried away any other muniments there, whence he did not intend any injury be assigned to his person in this matter etc. And the aforesaid John Waryn, William Mersshe and Richard say that they themselves came to London with the same Thomas Webbe, and in his close company they found the aforesaid close and houses open, without this, that they broke the close and houses aforesaid, without taking any muniments. And this they are prepared to prove whence they beg etc. And the aforesaid John Yonge says that the aforesaid Sewall was bound to a certain John Aleyn, lately declared of the aforesaid manor, the wife of which John Aleyn in fact, John Yonge was betrothed, whereby he went to London to speak thence with the aforesaid John Berkyng and Katherine, his wife, recently the wife and co-executor of the aforesaid Sewall, to declare to them the debt owed to the aforesaid John Aleyn by the aforesaid Sewall, and he found the aforesaid close and houses open, and in his name and in the name of Juliana, lately his wife, he begged the aforesaid debt the same late Sewall owed, of the wife of the aforesaid John, and the co-executor, without this, that he broke those close and houses, without carrying away any muniments of the aforesaid John. And this he is prepared to prove, whence he did not intend any injury be assigned to his person in this matter etc. And the aforesaid John Berkyng says that the aforesaid John Waryn and all the others aforesaid, with force and arms, broke his close and houses aforesaid, and took and carried away his muniments together with the aforesaid writings previously declared, and others that were previously declared by the said Thomas Webbe just as is supposed by his writ and account. And this he begs that it be examined by the country. And the aforesaid John Waryn and all the others likewise. Therefore, the sheriff is ordered to summon twelve jurors here at the quindene of Easter 1383. And hereupon William atte Wode of London, butcher, William atte Mersshe, Thomas Waryn and John Waryn of Walthamstow undertake to have the aforesaid Thomas Webbe of Walthamstow here at the aforesaid term. And hereupon the aforesaid John Berkyng puts in his place Thomas Trigy on the aforesaid plea etc. Afterwards the process thence continued between the aforesaid parties by the aforesaid jurors thence between them in respect to this, until at this day, namely at the octave of Michaelmas 1383 unless William de Skipwythe, one of the justices of the lord King of the bench, had appeared beforehand at the church of Saint Martin the Great of London on Monday 13 July 1383. And presently at this day the aforesaid John Berkyn appeared through his aforesaid attorney. And the aforesaid William de Skipwythe, before whom etc, sent here his record in these words: Afterwards, on the day and at the place contained within, before William de Skipwythe, the associate to the Edward del Clay named within, according to the form of the statute etc, so John Berkyng, wool-monger, named within, appeared, as John Waryn, John Yong, William atte Mersshe, Richard Maghtild and Thomas Waryn, named within, through their attorneys, named within, and Thomas Webbe, named within, came in person. And likewise, the summoned jurors appeared, who, elected, tried and sworn over the premisses contained within, say under their oath that the aforesaid John Waryn, John Yong, William, Richard, Thomas and Thomas, named within, are guilty of the trespass contained within, just as the aforesaid John Berkyng complains against them. And they uphold damages both from the occasion of the carrying away of the statute and obligations, contained within, and for the rest of the trespass, at £64 13s 4d. Therefore, it is considered that the aforesaid John Berkyng should recover his aforesaid damages from the aforesaid John Waryn, John Yong, William, Richard, Thomas and Thomas to the £64 13s 4d assessed. And the same John Waryn, John Yong, William, Richard, Thomas and Thomas should be arrested. |
Image of Source |
ID | First name | Last name | Gender | Occupation | Domicile | Role in source | Incidents | Go to participant page |
23319 | John | Aleyn | Male | Walthamstow,Essex | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23320 | Juliana | Aleyn | Female | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23313 | John | Berkyng | Male | Woolmonger | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23318 | Katherine | Berkyng | Female | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23324 | Edward | del Clay | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23317 | Sewal | Dekne | Male | Walthamstow,Essex | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23314 | John | Law | Male | Smith | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23310 | Richard | Maghcyld | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23309 | William | atte Mersshe | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23316 | John | Seymore | Male | Attorney | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23323 | William | de Skipwythe | Male | King's justice | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23315 | Robert | Storteford | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23322 | Thomas | Trigy | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page | |||
23308 | John | Waryn | Male | Walthamstow,Essex | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23312 | Thomas | Waryn | Male | Walthamstow,Essex | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23311 | Thomas | Webbe | Male | Walthamstow,Essex | 4119 | Go to participant page | ||
23321 | William | atte Wode | Male | Butcher | London | 4119 | Go to participant page | |
23325 | John | Yonge | Male | 4119 | Go to participant page |
ID | Summary | Description | Type | Go to incidents page |
4119 | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London | Property of John Berkyng, wool-monger, at London attacked on Saturday 15 June 1381 by John Waryn and others; they broke the close and houses, assaulted John, stole documents [details given in source] and destroyed goods and chattels. They appear and plead not guilty with exception of breaking close and houses and theft of documents, which they claim they did to settle property dispute in which they were involved with John Berkyng and his wife Katherine [details given in source]. They are found guilty and ordered to pay damages of £64 13s 4d. | Larceny: theft of documents,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to chattels: destruction of goods | Go to incidents page |
Person | Incident | Role | Comments |
John Aleyn ( 23319 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
Juliana Aleyn ( 23320 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
John Berkyng ( 23313 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Victim | |
Katherine Berkyng ( 23318 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
Edward del Clay ( 23324 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
Sewal Dekne ( 23317 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
John Law ( 23314 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
Richard Maghcyld ( 23310 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused | |
William atte Mersshe ( 23309 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused | |
John Seymore ( 23316 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Attorney | |
William de Skipwythe ( 23323 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Justice | |
Robert Storteford ( 23315 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
Thomas Trigy ( 23322 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Attorney | |
John Waryn ( 23308 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused | |
Thomas Waryn ( 23312 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused | |
Thomas Webbe ( 23311 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused | |
William atte Wode ( 23321 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Mentioned | |
John Yonge ( 23325 ) | Attack on property of John Berkyng at London (4119) | Accused |