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Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 27/485 m. 37-37d
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageEssex. Iohannes Somenour de Manytre Robertus Pers Willelmus Lucas Willelmus Chaumberleyn et Iohannes Webbe de Manytre attachiati fuerunt ad respondendum Thome Wake chivaler Waltero Blount chivaler Iohanne Hamond cleric' et Thome Hardyng simul cum Iohanne Dawe Willelmo Condeveyn Iohanne Langham Ricardo Bene Roberto Vyne Roberto Bakton Iohanne Gernoun de Manytre Ricardo atte Grove Willelmo Verye Galfredo Verye et Iohanne Neweman de placito quare vi et armis quandam cistam ipsorum Thome Walteri Iohannis Hamond et Thome apud Manytre fregerunt et cartas scripta rotulos curie et alia munimmenta sua in eadem cista contenta ceperunt et asportaverunt et alia enormia et co. ad grave dampnum et co. et contra pacem et co. Et unde iidem Thomas Wake Walterus Blount Iohannes Hamond et Thomas Hamond [sic] per Edmundum Heryng attornatum suum queruntur quod predicti Iohannes Somebour Robertus Pers Willelmus Lucas Willelmus Chaumberleyn et Iohannes Webbe die lune proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno regni Regis nunc quarto vi et armis scilicet gladiis baculis et securis et co. simul cum Iohanne Dawe et aliis quandam cistam ipsorum Thome Walteri Iohannis Hamond et Thome apud Manytre fregerunt et cartas scripta rotulos curie et alia munimmenta sua in eadem cista contenta ceperunt et asportaverunt et alia enormia et co. ad grave dampnum et co. et contra pacem et co. Unde dicunt quod deteriorati sunt. Et dampnum habet ad valenciam centum marcarum et inde producunt sectam et co. Et predicti Iohannes Somenour de Manytre Robertus Pers Willelmus Lucas Willelmus Chaumberleyn et Iohannes Webbe de Manytre per Stephanum del Fall attornatum suum veniunt. Et defendunt vim et iniuriam quando et co. Et dicunt quod ipsi non sunt culpabilis. Et de hoc ponent se super patriam. Et predicti Thomas Walterus Iohannes et Thomas similiter. Ideo venire faciat inde Iur' coram donino Rege a die Sancte Michaelis in xv dies ubicumque et co de visu de Manytre. Qui nec et co. ad recog' et co Quia tam et co. Idem dies dat' est partibus et co. Iidem Thomas Wake Walterus Iohannes et Thomas Hardyng per attornatum suum predictum optulit se quarto die versus prefates Iohannem Dawe Willelmum Condeveyn Iohannem Langham Ricardum Bene Robertum Vyne Robertum Bakton Iohannem Gernoun de Manytre Ricardum atte Grove Willelmum Verye Galfredum Verye et Iohannem Neweman de placito predicto. Et ipsi non veniunt. Et preceptum fuit vicecomiti quod attachiat' eos. Et vicecomes retorn' quod ipsi non sunt inventi nec aliquid habent et co. per quod et co. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti quod capiat eos si et co. Et eos salvo et co. Et quod habeat corpora eorum coram domino Rege ad prefatum terminum et postea scilicet xi die julij isto eadem termum coram domino Rege venit predictus Iohannes Langham et reddit se et co. Et super hoc venit Iohannes Webbe de Manytre Iohannes Aubre Iohannes Duk et Iohannes Downyng et man' habend corpus euius coram domino Rege ad prefatum terminum et co. et pet' supers' et co. Iohannes Kervyll capellanus Robertus Hilp Willelmus Condman et Stephanus Tayllour de Manytre attachiati fuerunt ad respondendum Thome Hardyng simul cum Willelmo filius Willelmi Chestayne Iohanne Seman de Elmstede Thoma Chestayne Hugone Corf Roberto Hilp Rogero Cook de Misteleye Iacobo Cook de Misteleye Willelmo filius Thome atte Walle Willelmo Abel Iohanne Asselot et Iohanne atte Crowche de placito quare vi et armis et clausa et domos ipsius Thome Hardyng apud Manytre et Misteleigh fregerunt et bona et catalla sua ad valenciam quadraginta librarum ibidem inventa ceperunt et asportaverunt et alia enormia et co. ad grave dampnum et co. Et contra pacem et co. Et unde idem Thomas Hardyng per Edmundum Heryng attornatum suum queritur quod predicti Iohannes Kervylle Robertus Hilp Willelmus Condman et Stephanus Tayllour simul et co. die lune proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno regni Regis nunc Anglie quarto vi et armis scilicet gladiis baculis et securis simul cum Willelmo Willelmo Iohanne Thoma Hugo Rogero Iacobo Willelmo Willelmo Iohanne et Iohanne clausa et domos ipsius Thome Hardyng apud Manytre et Misteleigh fregerunt et bona et catalla sua videlicet pannos lineos et laneos pecias et coclear' de argento firmacula et anulos de auro et argento ciphos de marero de argento ligatos vasa enea lignea et de plumbo ad valenciam quadraginta librarum ibidem inventa ceperunt et asportaverunt et alia enormia ei intulerunt ad grave dampnum ipsius Thome Hardyng et contra pacem Regis unde (dicit) quod deterioratus est. Et dampnum habet ad valenciam centum marcarum et inde producit sectam et co. Et predicti Iohannes Kervylle Robertus Hilp Willelmus Condman et Stephanus Tayllour per [blank] attornatum suum veniunt et defendunt vim et iniuriam quan' et co. Et dicunt quod ipsi non sunt culpabilis. Et de hoc ponent se super patriam. Et predictus Thomas Hardyng similiter. Ideo veniunt inde Iur' coram donino a die Sancte Michaelis in xv dies ubicumque et co. Qui nec et co. ad recog' et co. Quia tam et co. Idem dies dat' est partibus et co. Essex. Idem Thomas Hardyng per attornatum suum optulit se quarto die versus Willelmum filius Willelmi Chestayne Iohannem Seman de Emestede Thomam Chestayne Hugonem Corf Rogerum Cook de Misteleye Iacobum Cook de Misteleye Willelmum filius Thome atte Walle Willelmum Abel Iohannem Asselot et Iohannem atte Crowch de placito predicto. Et ipsi non veniunt. Et sicut prius preceptum est vicecomiti quod caperet eos. Et vicecomes retornat quod ipsi non sunt inventi nec aliquid habent et co. per quod et co. Ideo sicut alias preceptum est vicecomiti quod capiat eos si detc. Et eos salvo et co. Et quod haberat corpora eorum coram domino Rege ad prefatium terminum ubicumque et co.
Text (English translation)Essex. John Somenour of Manningtree, Robert Pers, William Lucas, William Chaumberleyn and John Webbe of Manningtree were attached to answer Thomas Wake, knight, Walter Blount, knight, John Hamond clerk and Thomas Hardyng together with John Dawe, William Condeveyn, John Langham, Richard Bene, Robert Vyne, Robert Bakton, John Gernour of Manningtree, Richard atte Grove, William Verye, Geoffrey Verye and John Neweman in a plea that with force and arms they broke a certain chest of the same Thomas, Walter, John Hamond and Thomas at Manningtree and took and carried away charters, deeds, court rolls and other of their muniments which had been in the chest and (they committed) other enormities etc. to the grave damage etc. and against the peace etc. And therefore the same Thomas Wake, Walter Blount, John Hamond and Thomas Hamond [recte: Hardyng] by their attorney Edmund Heryng impleaded that the said John Somenour, Robert Pers, William Lucas, William Chaumberleyn and John Webbe on Monday after the feast of Corpus Christi 4 Richard II (17 June 1381) with force and arms, namely swords, clubs and axes etc., together with John Dawe and others etc. broke a certain chest of the same Thomas, Walter, John Hamond and Thomas at Manningtree and took and carried away charters, deeds, court rolls and other of their muniments which had been in the chest and (they committed) other enormities etc. and to the grave damage etc. And against the peace etc. Wherefore they said they suffered loss and had damage worth 100 marks. And therefore they bring this suit etc. And the aforesaid John Somenour of Manningtree, Robert Pers, William Lucas, William Chaumberleyn and John Webbe of Manningtree by Stephen del Fall their attorney come and defend the force and injury whenever etc. And they say that they are not guilty. And they put themselves upon the country. And the said Thomas Walter John and Thomas do the same. Therefore, a jury should come before the King's Bench in the quindene of Michaelmas wherever etc. of the view [of frankpledge?] of Manningtree ... Also, a day is given to the parties etc. The same Thomas Wake, Walter, John and Thomas Hardyng by their aforesaid attorney appear against John Dawe, William Condeveyn, John Langham, Richard Bene, Robert Vyne, Robert Bakton, John Gernoun of Manningtree, Richard atte Grove, William Verye, Geoffrey Verye and John Neweman of Manningtree on the aforesaid plea. And they do not come. Sheriff was ordered to attach them. He now returns that they cannot be found and have nothing by which they can be distrained. Therefore the sheriff is ordered to arrest them and to bring them before the King's Bench at the aforesaid term etc. and afterwards, namely on 11th of July of the same term [1382] the aforesaid John Langham appears before the King's Bench and gives himself up. And upon this John Webbe of Manningtree, John Aubre, John Duk and John Downyng came and undertake to have his body before the King's Bench at the aforesaid term etc. John Kervyll, chaplain, Robert Hilp, William Condman and Stephen Tayllour of Manningtree were attached to answer Thomas Hardyng together with William, son of William Chestayne, John Seman of Elmstead, Thomas Chestayne, Hugo Corf, Roger Cook of Mistley, Jacob Cook of Mistley, William, son of Thomas atte Walle, William Abel, John Asselot and John atte Crowche in a plea that with force and arms they broke closes and houses of the same Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley and took and carried away goods and chattels found there worth £40 and other enormities etc. to the grave damage etc. And against the peace etc. And therefore the same Thomas Hardyng by his attorney Edmund Heryng impleaded that the said John Kervylle, Robert Hilp, William Condman and Stephen Tayllour together etc. on Monday after the feast of Corpus Christi 4 Richard II (17 June 1381) with force and arms, namely swords, clubs and axes etc., together with William, William, John, Thomas, Hugo, Roger, Jacob, William, William, John and John broke closes and houses of the same Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley and took and carried away his goods and chattels found there, namely woollen and linen cloth, pieces of silver plate and silver spoons, broches and rings of gold and silver, a maple-wood bowl with a silver rim, a brazen vessel, timber and lead worth £40. And they committed other enormities to the grave damage of the said Thomas Hardyng and against the king's peace. Wherof he (says) that he suffers damage. And the damage he has is worth 100 mark and therefore he brings this suit etc. And the aforesaid John Kervyll, Robert Hilp, William Condman and Stephen Tayllour by their attorney come and defend the force and injury whenever etc. And they say that they are not guilty. And they put themselves upon the country. And the said Thomas Hardyng does the same. Therefore, a jury should come before the King's Bench in the quindene of Michaelmas wherever etc. ... Also, a day is given to the parties etc. And the same Thomas Hardyng by his attorney appears against William, son of William Chestayne, John Seman of Elmstead, Thomas Chestayne, Hugo Corf, Roger Cook of Mistley, Jacob Cook of Mistley, William, son of Thomas atte Walle, William Abel, John Asselot and John atte Crowche on the aforesaid plea. And they do not come. The sheriff, as before, was ordered to arrest them. He now returns that they cannot be found and have nothing by which they [can be distrained]. Therefore, the sheriff is ordered, as before, to have their bodies before the King's Bench at the aforesaid term ...
General InformationFor an image of TNA KB 27/485 m. 37d see
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IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
20050WilliamAbelMale3875Go to participant page
20051JohnAsselotMale3875Go to participant page
20034JohnAubreMaleMainpernorGo to participant page
20025RobertBaktonMale3874Go to participant page
20023RichardBeneMale3874Go to participant page
20017WalterBlountMaleKnight3874Go to participant page
20014WilliamChaumberleynMale3874Go to participant page
20044ThomasChestayneMale3875Go to participant page
20041WilliamChestayneMale3875Go to participant page
20042WilliamChestayneMaleMentionedGo to participant page
20021WilliamCondeveynMale3874Go to participant page
20047JacobCookMaleMistley,Essex3875Go to participant page
20046RogerCookMaleMistley,Essex3875Go to participant page
20045HugoCorfMale3875Go to participant page
20039WilliamCoudmanMale3875Go to participant page
20052Johnatte CrowcheMale3875Go to participant page
20020JohnDaweMale3874Go to participant page
20036JohnDownyngMaleMainpernorGo to participant page
20035JohnDukMaleMainpernorGo to participant page
20032Stephendel FallMaleAttorneyAttorneyGo to participant page
20026JohnGernounMaleManningtree,Essex3874Go to participant page
20027Richardatte GroveMale3874Go to participant page
20018JohnHamondMaleClerk3874Go to participant page
20019ThomasHardyngMale3875,3874Go to participant page
20031EdmundHeryngMaleAttorneyAttorneyGo to participant page
20038RobertHilpMale3875Go to participant page
20037JohnKervyllMaleChaplain3875Go to participant page
20022JohnLanghamMale3874Go to participant page
20013WilliamLucasMale3874Go to participant page
20030JohnNewemanMale3874Go to participant page
20012RobertPersMale3874Go to participant page
20043JohnSemanMaleElmstead Market,Essex3875Go to participant page
20011JohnSomenourMaleManningtree,Essex3874Go to participant page
20040StephenTayllourMaleManningtree,Essex3875Go to participant page
20029GeoffreyVeryeMale3874Go to participant page
20028WilliamVeryeMale3874Go to participant page
20024RobertVeyneMale3874Go to participant page
20016ThomasWakeMaleKnight3874Go to participant page
20049Thomasatte WalleMaleMentionedGo to participant page
20048Williamatte WalleMale3875Go to participant page
20015JohnWebbeMaleManningtree,Essex3874Go to participant page
20033JohnWebbeMaleManningtree,EssexMainpernorGo to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3875John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley.John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley, and stealing valuable worth £40 and committing other damages to the loss of a further 100 marks.Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Warlike array and insurrection,Trespass to chattels: removal of goodsGo to incidents page
3874John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents.John Someour of Manningtree (Essex) and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake, Walter Blount, John Hamond and Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and carrying away charters, deeds and court rolls.Larceny: theft of documents,Warlike array and insurrectionGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

William Abel ( 20050 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
John Asselot ( 20051 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Thomas Chestayne ( 20044 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
William Chestayne ( 20041 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Jacob Cook ( 20047 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Roger Cook ( 20046 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Hugo Corf ( 20045 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
William Coudman ( 20039 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
John atte Crowche ( 20052 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Thomas Hardyng ( 20019 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Victim
Robert Hilp ( 20038 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
John Kervyll ( 20037 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
John Seman ( 20043 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Stephen Tayllour ( 20040 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
William atte Walle ( 20048 )John Kervyll, chaplain, and others accused of breaking into the house of Thomas Hardyng at Manningtree and Mistley. (3875)Accused
Robert Bakton ( 20025 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Richard Bene ( 20023 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Walter Blount ( 20017 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Victim
William Chaumberleyn ( 20014 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
William Condeveyn ( 20021 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
John Dawe ( 20020 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
John Gernoun ( 20026 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Richard atte Grove ( 20027 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
John Hamond ( 20018 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Victim
Thomas Hardyng ( 20019 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Victim
John Langham ( 20022 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
William Lucas ( 20013 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
John Neweman ( 20030 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Robert Pers ( 20012 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
John Somenour ( 20011 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Geoffrey Verye ( 20029 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
William Verye ( 20028 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Robert Veyne ( 20024 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused
Thomas Wake ( 20016 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Victim
John Webbe ( 20015 )John Someour and others accused of breaking a chest of Thomas Wake and others at Manningtree and carrying away documents. (3874)Accused