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TypeManorial Records
Unique Identifying TextERO D/DU 40/1
Archive nameEssex Record Office (Chelmsford)
Published source (may be more than one)extracts published: R.G.E. Wood, 'Essex Manorial Records and the Revolt', in: W.H. Liddell and R.G. Wood (eds), Essex and the Great Revolt of 1381 (Chelmsford, 1982), pp. 73-4; M. Bailey (ed), The English Manor, c.1200-c.1500 (Manchester, 2002), pp. 220-1.
Text in Original Language[Bromele Magna] Curia cum leta ex parte dom' Thome de Morlee ibidem tenta die jovis proxima ante festum Annuciatio Beate Marie Virginis anno regnum Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quinto ... [Insurexio pessima] Quia omnes tenentes huius manerii in bondagio contra legem et consuetudinem regni Anglie et in contemptum domini Regis et corone sue et in exheredacionem et in contemptum huius dominii proditorie versus dominum Regem et maliciose versus dominam Annam firmariam huius manerii ac eciam versus dominum Thomam de Morlee cui reversio huius manerii spectat cum magno rumore iniuriose insurexerunt et in dominam Annam in Aula sua insultum fecerunt et ipsam minarunt et contra pacem domini Regis omnes Rotulos curie omnes extentas omnia alia munimenta huius manerii tam ex parte predicte Anna quam domini Thome de Morle tangentes et contra voluntatem predictam Anne inuste ceperunt et asportaverunt in contemptum dominii et omnes rotulos predictos combusterunt falciter in perpetuam exheredacionem huius dominii et alterius dominii per quod preceptum est seisire omnia bondagia in manus domine tamquam forisfacta videlicet pro termino predicte Anne durante cum omnibus bonis et catallis in eisdem intractis et co. Et de exitibus respondebit quosque et co. [Bromeleye Magna] Curia cum visu ibidem tenta die sabbati in vigilia Beate Margarete anno regnum Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum sexto ex parte Anne de Leyre ... Preceptum est omnibus tenentibus quod de novo construere fac' unam domum super brueram nuper stante infra feodum domine. Et solagium reddere ii d per annum per Ricardum Sadelere in rumpre pessimo abradicatus contra proximam curiam sub pena xl s. Et eciam emendare omnia bondagia ruinos' contra proximam sub pena 100 s.
Text (English translation)[Great Bromley] Court and leet on behalf of lord Thomas de Morlee held there on Thursday before Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary in the 5th year of Richard II [20 March 1382] ... [Most terrible insurrection] Because all the bond tenants of this manor, against the law and the custom of the kingdom of England, and in contempt of the king and his crown, and to the disinheriting and contempt of this lordship, have with great uproar wrongfully risen treasonably against the king and wickedly against Lady Anne, lessee of this manor, and against Thomas de Morlee, to whom the reversion of this manor belongs; and they have assaulted Lady Anne in her hall and threatened her, and against the peace of the lord king and against the will of the said Anne have unlawfully taken and carried away all the court rolls, all the extents and all other records of this manor, both concerning the aforesaid Anne and lord Thomas de Morlee, in contempt of this lordship, and have falsely burned all those rolls, to the perpetual disinheriting of this and the other lordship; therefore it is ordered to seize all bond land into the hand of the lady as forfeited, namely for the duration of the term of the said Anne's (lease), with all goods and chattels within them etc. And the profits (thereof) shall be answered for until etc. [Great Bromley] Court and view held there on Saturday on the eve of the feast of the blessed Margareta in the 6th year of Richard II [19 July 1382] on behalf of Anne de Leyre ... It is ordered that all tenants rebuild a house lately standing on the heathland within the lady's fief. And the soilage [ground rent] yields 2 d per year. (The house) was razed to the ground by Richard Sadelere in the most terrible rumour; (order to rebuild) before the next court under penalty of 40 s. And also (all tenants are ordered) to repair all bond tenements before the next (court) under penalty of 100 s.
General InformationIn a court dated 19 July 1382 there is the following entry: [iiii d] Item [Radulphus, crossed out] Ricardus Bardulf occupavit terra custumaria qui seisitus fuit in manu domine sine licencia. Ideo in misericordia 4 d. [Richard Bardulf is occupying customary land which was seized into the lady's hand without licence. Therefore, he is in mercy, 4 d]. He might be one of the tenants who burnt the court rolls.
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IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
19789Annede LeyreFemaleGreat Bromley,Essex3862,3865Go to participant page
19790Thomasde MorleeMale3862,3865Go to participant page
19817RichardSadelereMaleManorial TenantGreat Bromley,Essex3865Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3862Attack on the manor of Great Bromley and manorial documents burnt.Attack on the manor of Great Bromley. Lord of the manor, Sir Thomas de Morlee, not present, but lessee Lady Anne de Leyre assaulted in her hall and manorial documents taken against her will and burnt. Trespass to person: assault,Arson: burning of documents,Treason: plotting against the King and his subjects,Trespass to chattels: destruction of documents,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and housesGo to incidents page
3865Richard Sadelere destroyed a house in Great Bromley during the rising.Richard Sadelere destroyed a house on heathland in Great Bromley during the rising. All tenants are ordered to rebuild it until the next court.Trespass to land: throwing down of houseGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Anne de Leyre ( 19789 )Attack on the manor of Great Bromley and manorial documents burnt. (3862)Victim
Thomas de Morlee ( 19790 )Attack on the manor of Great Bromley and manorial documents burnt. (3862)Victim
Anne de Leyre ( 19789 )Richard Sadelere destroyed a house in Great Bromley during the rising. (3865)Victim
Thomas de Morlee ( 19790 )Richard Sadelere destroyed a house in Great Bromley during the rising. (3865)Victim
Richard Sadelere ( 19817 )Richard Sadelere destroyed a house in Great Bromley during the rising. (3865)Accused