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TypeTrespass action
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 27/484 m. 20d
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageEssex. Robertus Parlement attach' fuit ad respondend' Abbati de Sancti Ositha simul cum Willelmo Swalwe de Britlingseye Iohanne Dyere et Iohanne Fullere de Sancte Ositha glovere de placito quare vi et armis clausum et domos ipsius Abbatis apud Sancta Ositha etc. Et unde idem Abbas per Iohannem Hulton attornatum queritur quod predictus Robertus die dominica proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quinto simul et co vi et armis scilicet gladiis baculis et co. clausum et domos ipsius Abbatis apud villam de Sancta Osytha fregit et in ipsum Abbatem ibidem insultum fecit et ipsum verbavit vulneravit imprisonavit videlicet per tres dies tunc proxima sequente et male tractavit et ipsum ibidem in prisona quousque idem Abbas finem per viginti marcas pro deliberacione sua habenda cum prefato Roberto fecisset detinuit et cartas scripta per que diversi tenentes ten' sua de domo predicto tenuerunt rotulos videlicet omnes rotulos cur' eiusdem manerii de Sancta Ositha et extract' cur' unde amerciament' nondum levata fuerunt et alia munimenta sua ibidem inventa combussit et bona et catalla videlicet pannos lineos et laneos vasa enea plumbea et lign' peutre maseras pecias argenteas frumentum et ordeum triturat' ad valenciam viginti librarum ibidem inventa cepit et asportavit et in homines et servientes suos videlicet in Iohannem Ramboyle parkere et Willelmum Cokeyn collectorem redditus eiusdem Abbatis ibidem insultum fecit et ipsos verbavit vulneravit et male tractavit per quod idem Abbas servicium hom' et serv' suorum predictorum per magnum tempus videlicet per quart' anne tunc prox' sequente amisit et alia enormia et co contra pacem domini Regis nunc unde dicit quod deterioratus est et dampnum habet ad valenciam mille librarum. Et inde producit sectam. Et predictus Robertus per Edm' Heryng attorn' suum ven' et defend' vim et iniur' qu' et co. Et dicunt quod ipse in nullo est inde culpabile. Et de hoc pon' se super patriam. Et predictus Abbas similiter.
Text (English translation)Essex. Robert Parlement was attached to respond to the Abbot of St Osyth along with William Swalwe of Brightlingsea, John Dyere and John Fullere of St Osyth, glover, on a plea that with force and arms he broke the close and houses of the same Abbot at St Osyth. And the same Abbot by John Hulton his attorney complains that the same Robert on Sunday 16th June 1381 with force and arms, namely swords, sticks etc, broke the close and houses of the same Abbot at St Osyth and assaulted him, and insulted, wounded and imprisoned him for the next three days and maltreated him, and detained him in prison unless he wished to make a fine for 20 marks with the aforesaid Robert, and burnt charters concerning how various tenants held their land, all court rolls of the manor of St Osyth, estreats where amercements had not yet been levied, and other documents, and he took and carried away goods and chattels, namely, pans, woollen and linen cloths, vessels of brass, lead, wood, pewter and maple, pieces of silver, and threshed grain and barley worth £20, and assaulted the servants of the said Abbot, namely John Ramboyle, parker, and William Cokeyn, his rent collector, and insulted, wounded and maltreated them, so that the same Abbot lost them for a long time, namely for a quarter of a year, and other injuries etc against the king's peace, so that he suffered damages to the value of £1000. Robert appears by his attorney Edmund Heryng and pleads not guilty, and places himself upon his country. Jurors to come in quindene of Trinity; sheriff does not send writ; jurors to come in octave of St Michael.
Image of Source


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
19011Abbot of St OsythMaleAbbotSt Osyth,Tendring Hundred,Essex3824Go to participant page
19018WilliamCokeynMaleRent collector3824Go to participant page
19014JohnDyereMale3824Go to participant page
19015JohnFullereMaleGloverSt Osyth,Tendring Hundred,Essex3824Go to participant page
19016JohnHultonMaleAttorney3824Go to participant page
19012RobertParlementMale3824Go to participant page
19017JohnRamboyleMaleParker3824Go to participant page
19013WilliamSwalweMaleBrightlingsea,Essex3824Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3824Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt.Essex. Robert Parlement was attached to respond to the Abbot of St Osyth along with William Swalwe of Brightlingsea, John Dyere and John Fullere od St Osyth, glover, on a plea that with force and arms he broke the close and houses of the same Abbot at St Osyth. And the same Abbot by John Hulton his attorney complains that the same Robert on Sunday 16th June 1381 with force and arms, namely swords, sticks etc, broke the close and houses of the same Abbot at St Osyth and assaulted him, and insulted, wounded and imprisoned him for the next three days and maltreated him, and detained him in prison unless he wished to make a fine for 20 marks with the aforesaid Robert, and burnt charters concerning how various tenants held their land, all court rolls of the manor of St Osyth, estreats where amercements had not yet been levied, and other documents, and he took and carried away goods and chattels, namely, pans, woollen and linen cloths, vessels of brass, lead, wood, pewter and maple, pieces of silver, and threshed grain and barley worth £20, and assaulted the servants of the said Abbot, namely John Ramboyle, parker, and William Cokeyn, his rent collector, and insulted, wounded and maltreated them, so that the same Abbot lost them for a long time, namely for a quarter of a year, and other injuries etc against the king's peace, so that he suffered damages to the value of £1000.Trespass to person: assault,Trespass to person: wounding,Arson: burning of documents,Trespass to person: false imprisonment,Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine ,Trespass to chattels: destruction of documents,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Trespass to chattels: removal of goodsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Abbot of St Osyth ( 19011 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Victim
William Cokeyn ( 19018 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Mentioned
John Dyere ( 19014 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Mentioned
John Fullere ( 19015 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Mentioned
John Hulton ( 19016 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Attorney
Robert Parlement ( 19012 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Accused
John Ramboyle ( 19017 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Mentioned
William Swalwe ( 19013 )Attack on the Abbot of St Osyth (Essex) by Robert Parlement and documents burnt. (3824)Mentioned