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Unique Identifying TextTNA SC 8/225/11239
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)English summary taken from the TNA catalogue entry, compiled as part of the AHRC project 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of Exchequer, Chancery and Gascon petitions in the National Archives', led by W. Mark Ormrod (2006-7)
Text (English translation)Memorandum detailing the process following from the complaints of Adam Coppandale and other burgesses of Beverley of great evils, oppressions and extortions made against them by Geoffrey Bridon and other common men. Adam Coppandale Thomas de Beverley John de Kelke John Gervas Thomas Manby Thomas Gerveys William Dudyll Stephen Coppandale Thomas Yole Adam Barkar William Roleston Thomas Catour Richard Aglyoun Robert Cotyngham John Carleton Adam Toundu John Gervays, goldsmith John Holme Nicholas de Louthe John Ergum Adam de Rypoun William de Leycet Richard Langstra Robert Aldgate William Bury John Baude John Benome John de Garton Alan Chamberleyn Peter Catwyk John Rygdon William Tyler William Ydon Simon Cartwryght John de Wakyngton, mercer John Tryppok Paul de Butby Thomas Jolyf John de Scorby William Byrd John Gete Walter Walthef John de Melton William de Holym Thomas de Eccon John de Clareburgh Richard Ebson Thomas Gemelyng John Wellyng Robert Sprotley John Swan Roger de Wynketon Geoffrey Bridon, shoemaker John Whyte, tiler Richard Wodmanse, butcher Roger Spoford, tailor William Scofer, walker John de Staennes Thomas Chandeler Thomas Pryston William Kend Robert Sherbrun, walker Robert Bekyngfeld, tanner Robert Coteler John Miller John Cuteberd, tailor Roger Bedeford Thomas Bedeford Alexander Harewod John de Burton, shoemaker Thomas Chaloner John de Corby John Mirre Nicholas Bakestere Robert Hilton John Lokesmyth Henry Coreyour William Plummer Henry Howeton John de Felton Robert Hewetson, dyer John de Brakne, draper John Houdan, butcher Peter Lyenge William de Lond John Morton, cordwainer Thomas de Forest, tailor Henry de Wanum, cordwainer John Fenster of Flemingate John Coldover, cordwainer Thomas Goldsmith Robert Westmerland, walker Thomas de Aclyf, cordwainer Robert Tropenell, glover John Burbrik, tailor William Whitton, tailor John Shupton, fletcher Roger Birneston John Paenthorp Roger Norrewhet, walker John Lorimare Thomas Brud, souter Peter de Sauton Richard Caudewelle John Williamson Stephen Glovere John Lorymare Henry Scoter John Lincoln, dyer Adam Mylnere Phillip Burton John Barbour of Fishmarketgate John de Bolton of the same Richard Watton, cordwainer William Fleccher of the same Robert Waleys, tailor Robert de Sylkeston, tailor John Herawede, baker John Huntyngdon junior, tailor John Cooke of Hengate William de Cotyngham, tailor John de Montagu, seneschal of the hospital of the king
General Information[1382] The memorandum dates to 1382 as it is likely to be contemporary with two other memoranda - SC 8/225/11238 and SC 8/225/11239.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
18859ThomasAclyfMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18779RichardAglyounMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18790RobertAldgateMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18840NicholasBakestereMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18878JohnBarbourMaleFishmarketgate,Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18776AdamBarkarMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18792JohnBaudeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18833RogerBedefordMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18834ThomasBedefordMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18829RobertBekyngfeldMaleTannerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18793JohnBenomeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18768Thomasde BeverleyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18864RogerBirnestonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18879Johnde BoltonMaleFishmarketgate,Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18848Johnde BrakneMaleDraperBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18819GeoffreyBridonMaleShoemakerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18868ThomasBrudMaleShoemakerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18861JohnBurbrikMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18836Johnde BurtonMaleShoemakerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18877PhilipBurtonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18791WilliamBuryMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18803Paulde ButbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18806WilliamByrdMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18781JohnCarletonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18800SimonCartwryghtMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18778ThomasCatourMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18796PeterCatwykMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18870RichardCaudewelleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18837ThomasChalonerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18795AlanChamberleynMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18825ThomasChandelerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18812Johnde ClareburghMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18856JohnColdoverMaleCordwainerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18886JohnCookeMaleHengate,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18767AdamCoppandaleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18774StephenCoppandaleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18838Johnde CorbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18843HenryCoreyourMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18830RobertCotelerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18780RobertCotynghamMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18887Williamde CotynghamMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18832JohnCuteberdMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18773WilliamDudyllMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18813RichardEbsonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18811Thomasde EcconMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18786JohnErgumMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18846Johnde FeltonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18855JohnFensterMaleFlemingate,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18881WilliamFleccherMaleFishmarketgate,Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18853Thomasde ForestMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18794Johnde GartonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18814ThomasGemelyngMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18770JohnGervasMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18783JohnGervaysMaleGoldsmithBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18772ThomasGerveysMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18807JohnGeteMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18872StephenGlovereMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18857ThomasGoldsmithMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18835AlexanderHarewodMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18884JohnHerawedeMaleBakerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18847RobertHewetsonMaleDyerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18841RobertHiltonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18784JohnHolmeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18810Williamde HolymMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18849JohnHoudanMaleButcherBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18845HenryHowetonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18885JohnHuntingdonMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18804ThomasJolyfMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18769Johnde KelkeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18827WilliamKendMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18789RichardLangstraMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18788Williamde LeycetMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18875JohnLincolnMaleDyerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18842JohnLokesmythMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18851Williamde LondMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18867JohnLorimareMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18873JohnLorymareMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18785Nicholasde LoutheMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18850PeterLyengeMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18771ThomasManbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18809Johnde MeltonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18831JohnMillerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18839JohnMirreMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18888Johnde MontaguMale3804Go to participant page
18852JohnMortonMaleCordwainerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18876AdamMylnereMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18866RogerNorrewhetMaleWalkerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18865JohnPaenthorpMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18844WilliamPlummerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18826ThomasPrystonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18777WilliamRolestonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18797JohnRygdonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18787Adamde RypounMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18869Peterde SautonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18823WilliamScoferMaleWalkerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18805Johnde ScorbyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18874HenryScoterMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18828RobertSherbrunMaleWalkerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18863JohnShuptonMaleFletcherBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18822RogerSpofordMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18816RobertSprotleyMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18824Johnde StaennesMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18817JohnSwanMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18883Robertde SylkestonMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18782AdamTounduMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18860RobertTropenellMaleGloverBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18802JohnTryppokMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18798WilliamTylerMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18801Johnde WakyngtonMaleMercerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18882RobertWaleysMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18808WalterWalthefMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18854Henryde WanumMaleCordwainerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18880RichardWattonMaleCordwainerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18815JohnWellyngMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18858RobertWestmerlandMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18862WilliamWhittonMaleTailorBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18820JohnWhyteMaleTilerBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18871JohnWilliamsonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18821RichardWodmanseMaleButcherBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18818Rogerde WynketonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18799WilliamYdonMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page
18775ThomasYoleMaleBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3804Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3804Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in BeverleyMemorandum detailing the process following from the complaints of Adam Coppandale and other burgesses of Beverley of great evils, oppressions and extortions made against them by Geoffrey Bridon and other common men.Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine Go to incidents page

Incidents and People

Thomas Aclyf ( 18859 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Richard Aglyoun ( 18779 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Robert Aldgate ( 18790 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Nicholas Bakestere ( 18840 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Barbour ( 18878 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Adam Barkar ( 18776 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Baude ( 18792 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Roger Bedeford ( 18833 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Bedeford ( 18834 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Bekyngfeld ( 18829 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Benome ( 18793 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas de Beverley ( 18768 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Roger Birneston ( 18864 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Bolton ( 18879 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Brakne ( 18848 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Geoffrey Bridon ( 18819 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Brud ( 18868 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Burbrik ( 18861 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Burton ( 18836 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Philip Burton ( 18877 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Bury ( 18791 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Paul de Butby ( 18803 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William Byrd ( 18806 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Carleton ( 18781 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Simon Cartwryght ( 18800 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas Catour ( 18778 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Peter Catwyk ( 18796 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Richard Caudewelle ( 18870 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Chaloner ( 18837 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Alan Chamberleyn ( 18795 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas Chandeler ( 18825 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Clareburgh ( 18812 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Coldover ( 18856 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Cooke ( 18886 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Adam Coppandale ( 18767 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Stephen Coppandale ( 18774 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Corby ( 18838 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Henry Coreyour ( 18843 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Coteler ( 18830 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Cotyngham ( 18780 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William de Cotyngham ( 18887 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Courtenay ( 12871 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Mentioned
John Cuteberd ( 18832 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Dudyll ( 18773 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Richard Ebson ( 18813 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas de Eccon ( 18811 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Ergum ( 18786 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Felton ( 18846 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Fenster ( 18855 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Fleccher ( 18881 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas de Forest ( 18853 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Garton ( 18794 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas Gemelyng ( 18814 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Gervas ( 18770 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Gervays ( 18783 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas Gerveys ( 18772 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Gete ( 18807 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Stephen Glovere ( 18872 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Goldsmith ( 18857 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Alexander Harewod ( 18835 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Herawede ( 18884 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Hewetson ( 18847 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Hilton ( 18841 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Holme ( 18784 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William de Holym ( 18810 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Houdan ( 18849 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Henry Howeton ( 18845 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Huntingdon ( 18885 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Jolyf ( 18804 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Kelke ( 18769 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William Kend ( 18827 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Richard Langstra ( 18789 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William de Leycet ( 18788 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Lincoln ( 18875 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Lokesmyth ( 18842 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William de Lond ( 18851 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Lorimare ( 18867 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Lorymare ( 18873 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Nicholas de Louthe ( 18785 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Peter Lyenge ( 18850 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Manby ( 18771 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Melton ( 18809 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Miller ( 18831 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Mirre ( 18839 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Montagu ( 18888 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Mentioned
John Morton ( 18852 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Adam Mylnere ( 18876 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Roger Norrewhet ( 18866 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Paenthorp ( 18865 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Plummer ( 18844 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Thomas Pryston ( 18826 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Roleston ( 18777 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John Rygdon ( 18797 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Adam de Rypoun ( 18787 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Peter de Sauton ( 18869 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Scofer ( 18823 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John de Scorby ( 18805 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Henry Scoter ( 18874 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Sherbrun ( 18828 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Shupton ( 18863 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Roger Spoford ( 18822 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Robert Sprotley ( 18816 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Staennes ( 18824 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Swan ( 18817 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Robert de Sylkeston ( 18883 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Adam Toundu ( 18782 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Robert Tropenell ( 18860 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Tryppok ( 18802 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William Tyler ( 18798 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
John de Wakyngton ( 18801 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Robert Waleys ( 18882 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Walter Walthef ( 18808 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Henry de Wanum ( 18854 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Richard Watton ( 18880 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Wellyng ( 18815 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Robert Westmerland ( 18858 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
William Whitton ( 18862 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Whyte ( 18820 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
John Williamson ( 18871 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Richard Wodmanse ( 18821 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Accused
Roger de Wynketon ( 18818 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
William Ydon ( 18799 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim
Thomas Yole ( 18775 )Memorandum listing names of those involved in the disturbance in Beverley (3804)Victim