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Unique Identifying TextTNA SC 8/225/11205
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)English summary taken from the TNA catalogue entry, compiled as part of the AHRC project 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of Exchequer, Chancery and Gascon petitions in the National Archives', led by W. Mark Ormrod (2006-7); C.T. Flower, The Beverley Town Riots, 1381-2 (Transactions of the Royal Historical Soc, 1905), Appendix no. VI
Text in Original Language[Taken from Flower, 1905] Ricardus dei gratia rex Anglie, Francie et dominus Hibernie dilectis sibi Thome de Manby aldermanno, Simoni Cartwryght et Willelmo Ithoun camerariis ville Beverlaci salutem. Quia facta conquestione nobis in parliamento nostro quod quamplures malefactores et pacis nostre perturbatores de communitate ville predicte, sue prosperitatis immemores, nuper in conventiculis contra pacem nostram insurgentes, in villa predicta ad domos et mansiones quorundam ligeorum nostrorum ibidem armata potencia accesserunt et eisdem ligeis nostris ad ipsos interficiendos ac mansiones et domos suas prosternendas sive comburendas minati fuerunt; et insuper Adam Coppendale Thomam de Beverley Johannem Gerveys Willelmum Dudhill et alios probos homines ejusdem ville diversa scripta obligatoria quammagnas summas continencia, Ricardo de Middelton nuper aldermanno ac Thome White Tyler et Henrico de Neuwark nuper camerariis ville predicte ad certum terminum sub certis forma et condicione solvenda, per hujusmodi sim minas et metum mortis facere et liberare compulerunt; et nobis est supplicatum de remedio in hac parte providere; nos unicuique ligeorum nostrorum quod justum fuerit cupientes de assensu et consilio procerum et magnatum in dicto parliamento nobis assistencium, vobis precipimus districtius quo poterimus injungentes, quod eadem scripta obligatoria que penes vos jam resident, ut dicitur, coram nobis in cancellaria nostra in quindena sancti Hillarii proximo futuri ubicumque tunc fuerit salvo et secure mittatis; et insuper prefatis nuper aldermanno et camerariis ex parte nostra sub forisfactura summe in dictis scriptis contente detis in mandatis, quod tunc sint ibi in propriis personis suis ad ostendendum si quid pro se habeant vel dicere sciant, quare dicta scripta ut ea que per duriciam et compulsionem contra legem regni nostri Anglie facta fuerunt cancellari non debeant et adnullari; ac prefatos nuper aldermannum et camerarios coram nobis tunc ibidem venire faciatis ex causa predicta, ut, auditis eorum rationibus in hac parte inspectisque et diligenter examinatis scriptis predictis, ulterius in premissis fier; jubere valeamus quod justum fuerit et rationis. Et habeatis ibi hoc breve, nos de eo quod ad presens mandatum nostrum feceritis distincte et aperte certificantes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium x die Decembris anno regni nostri quinto. Martyn. [In dorso.] Responsum Thome de Manby aldermanni et camerariorum ville Beverlaci infrascriptorum; Quo ad mittendum quedam scripta obligatoria in brevi isto contenta, nulla talia scripta penes nos resident nec unquam in custodia nostra devenerunt, per quod scripta illa ad diem in brevi isto contentam mittere non possimus. Et ulterius dicunt quod Ricardus de Middelton nuper aldermannus, Thomas Whyte Tylere, et Henricus de Newark nuper cam erarii in frascripti non fuerunt invent; infra libertatem Beverlaci post recepcionem istius brevis; propter quod execucionem istius brevis in premissis fieri non potuimus.
Text (English translation)Writ of Richard II to Manby, Cartwright and Ithoun commanding them to send certain bonds which are in their possession which the late alderman and chamberlains of the town forced Coppendale and others to make following an assembly made against the peace, and to make the late alderman and chamberlain to come before the king. Response: The response of Manby and the others: Concerning the bonds, they are not in their possession, and nor have they been in their possession so that they cannot send them. Concerning Middleton and the others, they were not in the liberty of Beverley at the time that the writ was received, so they have not been able to make execution.
General Information1381. The writ is dated in its dating clause to 10 December 1381 (5 Ric. II).


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
18012Thomasde BeverleyMale3722Go to participant page
18009SimonCartwryghtMaleChamberlainBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page
18011AdamCoppendaleMale3722Go to participant page
18014WilliamDudhullMale3722Go to participant page
18013JohnGerveysMale3722Go to participant page
18010WilliamIthounMaleChamberlainBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page
18008Thomasde ManbyMaleAldermanBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page
18015Richardde MiddeltonMaleAldermanBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page
18017Henryde NeuwarkMaleChamberlainBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page
18016ThomasWhiteMaleTiler,ChamberlainBeverley,Yorkshire East Riding3722Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3722Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of BeverleyWrit of Richard II to Manby, Cartwright and Ithoun commanding them to send certain bonds which are in their possession which the late alderman and chamberlains of the town forced Coppendale and others to make following an assembly made against the peace, and to make the late alderman and chamberlain to come before the king. Response: The response of Manby and the others: Concerning the bonds, they are not in their possession, and nor have they been in their possession so that they cannot send them. Concerning Middleton and the others, they were not in the liberty of Beverley at the time that the writ was received, so they have not been able to make execution. Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine Go to incidents page

Incidents and People

Thomas de Beverley ( 18012 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Victim
Simon Cartwryght ( 18009 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Mentioned
Adam Coppendale ( 18011 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Victim
William Dudhull ( 18014 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Victim
John Gerveys ( 18013 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Victim
William Ithoun ( 18010 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Mentioned
Thomas de Manby ( 18008 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Mentioned
Richard de Middelton ( 18015 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Accused
Henry de Neuwark ( 18017 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Accused
Thomas White ( 18016 )Writ to Thomas de Manby, Simon Cartwryght and William Ithoun, townsmen of Beverley (3722)Accused