Type | Petition |
Unique Identifying Text | TNA SC 8/168/8356 |
Archive name | The National Archives (London) |
County | Yorkshire |
Published source (may be more than one) | English summary taken from the TNA catalogue entry, compiled as part of the AHRC project 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of Exchequer, Chancery and Gascon petitions in the National Archives', led by W. Mark Ormrod (2006-7); C.T. Flower, The Beverley Town Riots, 1381-2 (Transactions of the Royal Historical Soc, 1905), Appendix no. IV (full edition) |
Text in Original Language | [Taken from Flower, 1905] A lour tresredote seigneur le roy et a son tressage conseil supplient ses lieges le grauntz et les plus suffisantz burgeis de la ville de Beverle qe par la ou certeinz riotours et barettours de la dite ville, par conspiracie et confideracie entre eux faitz, leveront touz les menes comunes de la dite ville encontre et sur les ditz grants burgeis et par fort mayne manace et imprisonement de diverses persones des ditz grantz burgeis ount fait, et les ditz grantz burgeis constreint destre obligez par lour obligacions a certeinz persones ascuns en mille marcz et ascunz en pluis, et ascunz en meynz; et . . . ceo les ditz comunes acrochauntz a eux real power pristrent le comune seal hors de gardz des gardeins du ycelle et enseallerount un obligacion de vc marcz a un certein persone sur charge les ditz suppliantz; et ont fait de novelle par lour autorite demene un recordours un altherman et deux chaumberleyns et xxiv gardeins, encontre lour bones ussages et chartres et confermementz sibien de nostre sieur le roy comme de ses progenitours, a tort et contempte de nostre sieur le roy et de sa real mageste; sur qoy les ditz suppliantz nosent approcher le dit ville pur dout tnort issuit, qe les ditz riotours, barettours, conspiratours et confideratours safforcent de recorder par proces de loy merchant leffecte de lour obligacions et covenantz issuit faitz par dureste et par defaut selonc la loy merchant. Qe pleise a dit conseil mander as ministres de la dite ville de surcesser, et sur ser (sic) sur certein peine de touz maners proces et execucion tochantz les dites obligacions et covenants faitz puis le fest de Pentecost darrein passe, tanque que lavantdite matier soit pleinement discus par le conseill nostre sieur le roy et aux ordiner autre remedie par dieu et en eovere de charite. |
Text (English translation) | The petitioners state that rioters and trouble-makers have taken control of the town government of Beverley, removed the common seal from the keepers and instituted new officials, contrary to the king's lordship. They state that these people forced them to enter certain bonds against their will, and since they dare not approach the town for fear of death, they fear they will have payment from them by default under mercantile law. They therefore request that the king order the town ministers not to execute any such bonds made since Pentecost last until the matter can be discussed by the council. Response: Adam de Coppendale, John de Ake, draper, John Gerveys, William de Dodall and Paul de Butby of Beverley send this bill to the council for themselves and others of the said town.It is agreed by the council that they shall have a [writ of] supersedeas until [the next] parliament. |
General Information | [1381] The petition clearly relates to the upheavals in the civic government of Beverley in 1381 (Victoria County History: East Riding of Yorkshire, vol. VI, pp.22-3). A writ of supersedeas relating to these bonds was issued on 26 September 1381, seemingly in response to this petition. |
ID | First name | Last name | Gender | Occupation | Domicile | Role in source | Incidents | Go to participant page |
17904 | John | de Ake | Male | Draper | Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding | 3717 | Go to participant page | |
17907 | Paul | de Butby | Male | Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding | 3717 | Go to participant page | ||
17903 | Adam | de Coppendale | Male | Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding | 3717 | Go to participant page | ||
17906 | William | de Dodall | Male | Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding | 3717 | Go to participant page | ||
17905 | John | Gerveys | Male | Beverley,Yorkshire East Riding | 3717 | Go to participant page |
ID | Summary | Description | Type | Go to incidents page |
3717 | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley | The petitioners state that rioters and trouble-makers have taken control of the town government of Beverley, removed the common seal from the keepers and instituted new officials, contrary to the king's lordship. They state that these people forced them to enter certain bonds against their will, and since they dare not approach the town for fear of death, they fear they will have payment from them by default under mercantile law. They therefore request that the king order the town ministers not to execute any such bonds made since Pentecost last until the matter can be discussed by the council. Response: Adam de Coppendale, John de Ake, draper, John Gerveys, William de Dodall and Paul de Butby of Beverley send this bill to the council for themselves and others of the said town. It is agreed by the council that they shall have a [writ of] supersedeas until [the next] parliament. | Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine | Go to incidents page |
Person | Incident | Role | Comments |
John de Ake ( 17904 ) | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley (3717) | Petitioner | |
Paul de Butby ( 17907 ) | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley (3717) | Petitioner | |
Adam de Coppendale ( 17903 ) | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley (3717) | Petitioner | |
William de Dodall ( 17906 ) | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley (3717) | Petitioner | |
John Gerveys ( 17905 ) | Petition complaining that rioters have taken over the government of Beverley (3717) | Petitioner |