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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA JUST 1/103 m. 3
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)Extracts printed in W. Palmer, 'Records of the Villein Insurrection in Cambridgeshire', East Anglian, n.s., vi (1896). Discussed in Powell, Rising in East Anglia, pp. 41-56.
Text in Original Languagem. 3 Adhuc de inquisitiones captis apud Novum Mercatum die et anno ut in rotulo precedento. Hundredus de Stapelho Robertus Tevell Willelmus Cobbe Iohannes Noble Item xii iuratores dicunt per sacramentum suum quod Robertus Tavell Willelmus Cobbe de Gaislee , et Iohannes filius Thome Noble de Frekenham simul cum pluribus aliis ignotis venerunt apud Chipenham et ibidem die sabati proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno domini Regis nunc quarto et felonice ceperunt bona et catalla Prioris Hospitalis Sancti Iohannis Ierusalem in Anglia scilicet boves pannos lineos et laneos et alii utensilia domus ad valenciam c li. et abduxerunt et asportaverunt. Et eciam quod predictus Robertus et alii supranominati eodem die et anno iverunt apud Saham et ibidem ceperunt de Ricardo Macwurth quatuor libras argenti felonice. Et quod ipse die et anno predictas felonice ceperunt de Augusto Kellynge et Gilberto Helgeye apud Iselham quatuor libras argenti felonice. Et quod ipse sunt communes et notarii malefactores et co. Et preceptum fuit vic' quod caperet eos si et co. salvo et co. Et quod habeat corpora eorum coram prefat' assignat' apud Cantabrigiam die sabati proxima post festum Sancti Petri Advincula tunc proximo sequente. Ad respond' domino Reg' de felon' predictis et co. Et quia testatum est tam per vic' per alios ministros Reg' ad hoc requisites quod omnes predicti indictati statim post felonias predictas fugierunt et se retraxerunt occasionibus predictis. [fforisfacture] Et ipsi hac die solempniter exacti sunt ad reddendum se paci Rege et standum recto et nulla eorum ven'. Ideo bona et cat' eorum et exit terrarum et tenementorum suorum forisfact' sunt domino Rege. Ideo preceptum est Radulphus atte Wyk esc' quod fac' inde debitam execucionem et co. Et sic prius precept' est vic' quod cap' eos et co. Et quod haberet corpora eorum coram prefatis Iustic' apud Cantabregium die sabati in feste Sancti Bartholomei proximo futuro ad respondum seperatim de premissis. Et quod vic' interim inquirat que terras et tenementas bona et catalla predicti indictati habent coniunctim seu divisum et co. et ea seisir' fac' in manu domini Regis et co. Et inde plene certificet ad prefatis term'. Ad quem diem vic' retornavit quod predicti Robertus Willelmus et Iohannes non fuer' invent' in balliva sua post recepcionem precepti sui. Et quo ad inquirendum et seisend' terras et tenementas bona et catalla eorum prout superius precipitur retornavit quod Radulfus atte Wyk Esc' domini Regis diu ante recepcionem precepti sui ea seisint per supervisum et contrarotul' Simon' de Burgh' virtute brevis Reg' ei ad hoc inde directi prout ad presens sibi constar' potest. Et nichil per se ulterius inde actum est propter temporis brevitatem et co. Et ipsi Robertus Willelmus et Iohannes filius Thom' Noble solempniter exacti sunt et non venerunt. Ideo preceptum est vicecom' quod exigi facta eos de comitatu in comitatu quousque utlagent' et co. si non comperunt et co. Et si et co. tunc eos capias et co. Et quod habeat corpora eorum coram prefatis assignatis apud Cantabregium die mercurii proxima post festum Epiphani domini proximo futuro ad id' domino Reg' de articulis predict' seperatim et co. Et predictus vic' habeat ibi tunc bre' de exig' et co. [exig' fac'] Placita tenta apud Badburham coram prefatis assignatis die iovis post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis Ricardi supradicti quinto. Stapelho. Ricardus Farwel de Asshele captus ibidem pro eo quod compertum est de eo quod ipse cum aliis perturbatoribus et insurrectionibus diebus sabati et dominica proximis post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto apud manerium Iohannis Sybyle de Upwere venit vi et armis et ibidem clausum intravit et xxiv vaccas et boviculos et i taurum pretii x li. ibidem inventa cepit et abduxit felonice ac domos et edificia ipsius Iohannis ibidem dispoliavit sive combussit et co. Et idem Ricardus inde statim allocutus est de premissis qualiter inde se et co. Qui dicit quod de omnibus premissis sibi imposit' in nullo est culpabile. Et de hoc ponit super patriam. Et super hoc fact' fuit inde iurata pro domino Reg' per xii iurati et triat' de visum predicto. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod de feloniis predictis non est culpabile sed dicunt quod ipse fuit ibidem ductus vi et armis mortis coactis per Robertum Tanell et alios plures perturbatores ignotos sed quod idem Ricardus ibidem nichil malefecit. Et super hoc proclamacione facta si quis et co. versus eum et co. et nullus venit. Ideo de premissis per discrecionem assign' eat quietus. Et inveniunt pl' de se bene gerendo erga dominum Regis et populum Stephane Stotenyll Willelmo Kyrkeby Thomam Lev'er et Willelmo Smyth et co. Et iuratus est et co. [Quietus] Hundredum de Chilford. Iurati dicunt quod Iohannes Hanchach de Shodicamps die sabati proximo ante festum Sancti Botolphi anno domini Regis nunc quarto fuit capitalis ductor et insurrector infra comitau Cantabregie. Et quod ipse et Edmundus Hornene de eadem Andreas [Mower] de Lynton et alii homines ignotis intraverunt clausum Roberti Crisp apud Abyton' Magnam contra voluntatem idem Roberti et in ipsum insultum fecerunt contra pacem domini Regis. Et quod Iohannes Songer de Hyngston die [mardis] proxima post festum supradictum in forma predicta fecit insultum predicto Roberto in campum de eadem villa et co. [Edmundus Hornene, Andreas Mower, Iohannes Songere] Item dicunt quod Iohannes Peper de Lynton equitavit in societate predicti Iohannis Hanchach et portavit unam lanceam eum i penoun et fuit malefactor. Et quod Iohannes Whelwryghte de Berkelowe fuit auxilians dicto Iohannis Hanchach tempore suo contra pacem. [Iohannes Peper, Iohannes Whelwryght] Item dicunt quod Iacobus Hog de Ikelyngton die dominica supradicta intravit clausum Priorisse de Ikelyngton vi et armis et asportavit extra clausum dicte Priorisse rotulos curie et alias evidencias terrarum et tenementorum eiusdem Priorisse et illos combussit ex malicia sua propria. Et idem Iacobus indictatus est per alios inquisitiones captum de diversis hundredis de articulis predictis. Hundred' de Witlesford. Item iurati dicunt quod Iohannes Hanchauch fuit capitalis ductor malefactorum. Et quod ipse cum societate sua et potestate congregate de hominibus ignotis die sabati proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno domini Regis nunc quarto noctanter prostravit domos Prioris Hospitalis Sancti Iohannis in Dokeswurth et diversa bona et catalla ibidem inventa ad valenciam xx li. Ricardi Masterman firmarii' ibidem cepit et asportavit felonice et in preiudicium Regis. Et per diversas inquisiciones diversorum hundredorum capt' compertum est quod idem Iohannes Hanchauch fuit in toto tempore perturbacionis equitans cum potestate vi armata sibi congregata de pluribus comitatibus et quod ipse fuit preceptor et ductor ad maneria Thome Haselden Willelmi Bateman Hospitalis de Shengeye Edwardi Walsyngham Thome Torell Roger Harlaston et Iohannis Blauncpayn in Cantabrgium et ad alia furta prostraciones domorum et arsuras infra dictum comitatum in preiudicium domini Regis et magnam perturbacionem populi. Et super hoc preceptum fuit vic' quod caperet predictos Iohannem Hanchach Edm' Hornere Iohannem Songer Iohannem Peper Andream Mowere de Lynton' Iohannem Whelwryght de Berkelowe et Iacobus Hog de Iklyngton' si et co. [...] corpora eorum coram prefatis assignatis apud Cantabregium [die] sabati proxima post festum Sancti Petri Advincula [...] respondum domino Reg' de feloniis predictis seperatim super eos present'. Ad quem diem vicecom [...] Hanchach mortuus est eo quod decoll' fuit per discrecionem Hugo la Zouch apud Cantabregium [...] qui et fecit dum ante recepcionem preceptum sibi directi et co. Et de predictis Edmundo H[ornere] [...] inventus in balliva sua et co. Et quia testatus est tam per vicecom' quam per alios iurat' [...] et se retraxerunt occasionibus feloniarum et prodicionum predictorum et noluerunt stare recto scilicet post ad [...] venirent et reddirent se paci Rege et co. sub pena forisfact' [...] bona et catalla eorum [...] terrarum et ten' suorum dom' Reg' sunt forisfact' [...] inde debitam execucionem et co. Et sic prius precept' est vice' quod capiat [...]. [decollates est, fforifactura, capiantur]
Text (English translation)m. 3 Inquisition held at Newmarket, continued, on the day stated in the previous roll [Wednesday 3rd July 1381]. Hundred of Staploe Robert Tevell William Cobbe John Noble Twelve jurors say upon their oath that Robert Tavell, William Cobbe of Gazeley and John son of Thomas Noble of Freckenham, along with many others unknown, went to Chippenham on Saturday 15th June 1381 and feloniously took goods and chattels belonging to the Prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, namely, cows, cloth, linen and wool and other utensils worth £100, and carried them away. And furthermore that the aforesaid Robert and others named above on the same day went to Soham and there they feloniously took £4 in silver from Richard Macwurth. And that on the same day of the aforesaid felonies they feloniously took £4 in silver from Augustus Kellynge and Gilbert Helgeye at Isleham. And that they are common and notorious wrongdoers. And it is ordered to the sheriff to arrest them, and they are to appear before the aforesaid assigned at Cambridge on Saturday 3rd August 1381 to answer to the king for the aforesaid felonies. And it is testified by the sheriff and other ministers of the king as necessary, that all those indicted aforesaid fled immediately after the felonies and withdrew themselves on that occasion. And on this same day they were formally summoned to render themselves to the king's peace to stand lawfully, and none of them appeared. Therefore their goods and chattels are forfeit to the king and they are expelled from their lands and tenement, and it is ordered to Ralph atte Wyk, escheator, that he should make due execution thereof forthwith. And just as before it is ordered to the sheriff that he should arrest them, and they are to appear before the aforesaid justices at Cambridge on Saturday 24th August 1381 to answer separately to the charges. And in the meantime the sheriff is to inquire into the lands, tenements, goods and chattels that those indicted aforesaid hold jointly or severally and seize them into the hand of the king, and this to be certified as aforesaid. On which day the sheriff returns that the aforesaid Robert, William and John were not found in his jurisdiction after their recovery was ordered. Therefore in the inquiry into and seizing of their lands, tenements, goods and chattels as ordered above, it is returned that Ralph atte Wyk, king's escheator, before their recovery was ordered, seized the same under supervision of and counter-rolled by Simon de Burgh by virtue of the king's writ as necessary sent to him just as at present he is able to ascertain. And nothing further has been done on this at the time of the writ. And the same Robert, William and John are summoned and do not appear. Thus it is ordered to the sheriff that writs of exigent and capias be issued against them from county to county and they are to be outlawed unless they can be seized. And they should appear in court before the aforesaid assigned at Cambridge on Wednesday 9th January 1382 to respond to the king separately on the charges. And the aforesaid sheriff has a writ of exigent at this time. Pleas held at Babraham before the aforesaid assigned on Thursday 4th July 1381. Staploe. Richard Farwel of Ashley, arrested because it is ascertained that he along with other troublemakers and rebels on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June 1381 went to the manor of John Sybyle of Upware with force and arms, and entered the close of the same, and feloniously took and carried away 24 cows and heifers and a bull worth £10, and despoiled or burnt the house and buildings of the same John. And the same Richard is thus at once questioned as to how he wishes to answer to the charges, and he says that he is not guilty of any of the crimes of which he is accused, and places himself upon his country. And forthwith a jury is made on this for the lord the King by twelve tried and sworn, who considering the aforesaid, say on their oath that he is not guilty of the aforesaid felonies, but they say that he was led with force of arms and in fear of death by Robert Tavell and many other unknown troublemakers, and that the same Richard did no wrong. And a proclamation is made that if anyone speaks against him he should come forward, and no-one comes. Therefore by the judgement of the assigned he goes acquitted of the charges. And pledges come for his good conduct regarding the king and people: Stephen Stotenyll, William Kyrkeby, Thomas Lev'er and William Smyth. And he is sworn. (Acquitted). Chilford Hundred. The jurors say that John Hanchach of Shudy Camps on Saturday 15th June 1381 was a ringleader and rebel in the country of Cambridgeshire. And that the same [John], Edmund Hornere of [Shudy Camps], Andrew Mower of Linton and other unknown men entered the close of Robert Crisp at Great Abington against the will of the same Robert, and assaulted him, against the king's peace. And that John Songer of Hinxton on [Tuesday 18th June 1381] in the same way assaulted the aforesaid Robert in the field of the same village. And they say that John Peper of Linton rode in the company of the aforesaid John Hanchach and carried a lance with a banner and was a wrongdoer. And that John Whelwryghte of Bartlow was an accomplice of the aforesaid John Hanchach at that time, against the peace. And they say that Jacob Hog of Ickleton on the aforesaid Sunday [16th June 1381] entered the close of the Prioress of Ickleton with force and arms, and carried out of the close of the said Prioress court rolls and others documents of the lands and tenements of the said Prioress, and burnt them out of his wickedness. And the same Jacob is indicted by other inquisitions held in various hundreds for the aforesaid crimes. Whittlesford Hundred And the jurors say that John Hanchauch was a ringleader of wrongdoers, and that with his company and a powerful assembly of unknown men on Saturday 15th June 1381 by night he tore down the houses of the Prior of the Hospital of St John in Duxford, and found there various goods and chattels worth £20 belonging to Richard Masterman, tenant-at-farm, and feloniously took and carried them away, to the damage of the king. And by various inquisitions held in various hundreds it is ascertained that the same John Hanchauch was at all times during the uprising riding with the might of an armed assembly with many followers, and that he was commander and leader at the manors of Thomas Haselden, William Bateman, the Hospital of Shingay, Edward Walsyngham, Thomas Torell, Roger Harlaston and John Blauncpayn in Cambridge, and [perpetrated] other thefts and destruction and burning of houses earlier with the said company, in prejudice of the king and the great disturbance of the people. And on this it is ordered to the sheriff that the aforesaid John Hanchach, Edmund Hornere, John Songer, John Peper, Andrew Mowere of Linton, John Whelwryght of Bartlow and Jacob Hog of Ickleton should appear before the justices at Cambridge on Saturday 3rd August 1381 to answer separately to the king on the charges presented against them. On which day the sheriff returns that Hanchach is dead, and that he was beheaded on the order of Hugo la Zouch at Cambridge, and that Edmund Hornere cannot be found, as he fled and refuses to stand lawfully, thus his possessions are forfeit.
General InformationFurther process on these individuals on m. 8
Image of Source


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
16318WilliamBatemanMale3527Go to participant page
16322JohnBlauncpaynMale3527Go to participant page
16300Simonde BurghMaleEscheatorEscheatorGo to participant page
16294WilliamCobbeMaleGazeley,Suffolk3522Go to participant page
16310RobertCrispMaleAbington,Cambridgeshire3524Go to participant page
16301RichardFarwelMaleAshley,Cambridgeshire3523Go to participant page
16307JohnHanchachMaleShudy Camps,Cambridgeshire3524,3527,3525Go to participant page
16321RogerHarlastonMale3527Go to participant page
16317ThomasHaseldenMale3527Go to participant page
16298GilbertHelgeyeMaleIsleham,Cambridgeshire3522Go to participant page
16314JacobHogMaleIckleton,Cambridgeshire3526Go to participant page
16308EdmundHornereMaleShudy Camps,Cambridgeshire3524Go to participant page
16297AugustusKellyngeMaleIsleham,Cambridgeshire3522Go to participant page
16315AviceKersonyngFemalePrioress3526Go to participant page
16304WilliamKyrkebyMale3523Go to participant page
16305ThomasLev'erMale3523Go to participant page
16296RichardMacwurthMaleSoham,Cambridgeshire3522Go to participant page
16316RichardMastermanMaleManorial TenantDuxford,Oxfordshire3527Go to participant page
16309AndrewMowerMaleLinton,Chilford Hundred,Cambridgeshire3524Go to participant page
16295JohnNobleMaleFreckenham,Suffolk3522Go to participant page
16312JohnPeperMaleLinton,Chilford Hundred,Cambridgeshire3525Go to participant page
16306WilliamSmythMale3523Go to participant page
16311JohnSongerMaleHinxton,Cambridgeshire3524Go to participant page
16303StephenStotenyllMale3523Go to participant page
16302JohnSybyleMaleUpware,Cambridgeshire3523Go to participant page
16293RobertTavellMale3522Go to participant page
16320ThomasTorellMale3527Go to participant page
16319EdwardWalsynghamMale3527Go to participant page
16313JohnWhelwryghteMaleBartlow,Cambridgeshire3525Go to participant page
16299Ralphatte WykMaleEscheatorEscheatorGo to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
3526Jacob Hog burns documents belonging to the Prioress of Ickleton[The jurors] also say that Jacob Hog of Ickleton on the aforesaid Sunday [16th June 1381] entered the close of the Prioress of Ickleton with force and arms, and carried out of the close of the said Prioress court rolls and others documents of the lands and tenements of the said Prioress, and burnt them out of his wickedness. And the same Jacob is indicted by other inquisitions held in various hundreds for the aforesaid crimes.Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Arson: burning of documentsGo to incidents page
3524John Hanchach and others assault Robert CrispChilford Hundred. The jurors say that John Hanchach of Shudy Camps on Saturday 15th June 1381 was a ringleader and rebel in the country of Cambridgeshire. And that the same [John], Edmund Hornere of [Shudy Camps], Andrew Mower of Linton and other unknown men entered the close of Robert Crisp at Great Abington against the will of the same Robert, and assaulted him, against the king's peace. And that John Songer of Hinxton on [Tuesday 18th June 1381] in the same way assaulted the aforesaid Robert in the field of the same village.Trespass to person: assault,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and housesGo to incidents page
3527John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimesAnd the jurors say that John Hanchauch was a ringleader of wrongdoers, and that with his company and a powerful assembly of unknown men on Saturday 15th June 1381 by night he tore down the houses of the Prior of the Hospital of St John in Duxford, and found there various goods and chattels worth £20 belonging to Richard Masterman, tenant-at-farm, and feloniously took and carried them away, to the damage of the king. And by various inquisitions held in various hundreds it is ascertained that the same John Hanchauch was at all times during the uprising riding with the might of an armed assembly with many followers, and that he was commander and leader at the manors of Thomas Haselden, William Bateman, the Hospital of Shingay, Edward Walsyngham, Thomas Torell, Roger Harlaston and John Blauncpayn in Cambridge, and [perpetrated] other thefts and destruction and burning of houses earlier with the said company, in prejudice of the king and the great disturbance of the people. Trespass to land: throwing down of house,Larceny: theft of goods,Warlike array and insurrection,Trespass to chattels: removal of goodsGo to incidents page
3525John Peper and John Whelwryghte ride in the company of John Hanchach[The jurors] also say that John Peper of Linton rode in the company of the aforesaid John Hanchach and carried a lance with a banner and was a wrongdoer. And that John Whelwryghte of Bartlow was an accomplice of the aforesaid John Hanchach at that time, against the peace.Making flags and banners,Raising the commons: riding Go to incidents page
3523Richard Farwel plunders John SybyleStaploe. Richard Farwel of Ashley, arrested because it is ascertained that he along with other troublemakers and rebels on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June 1381 went to the manor of John Sybyle of Upware with force and arms, and entered the close of the same, and feloniously took and carried away 24 cows and heifers and a bull worth £10, and despoiled or burnt the house and buildings of the same John. And the same Richard is thus at once questioned as to how he wishes to answer to the charges, and he says that he is not guilty of any of the crimes of which he is accused, and places himself upon his country. And forthwith a jury is made on this for the lord the King by twelve tried and sworn, who considering the aforesaid, say on their oath that he is not guilty of the aforesaid felonies, but they say that he was led with force of arms and in fear of death by Robert Tavell and many other unknown troublemakers, and that the same Richard did no wrong. And a proclamation is made that if anyone speaks against him he should come forward, and no-one comes. Therefore by the judgement of the assigned he goes acquitted of the charges. And pledges come for his good conduct regarding the king and people: Stephen Stotenyll, William Kyrkeby, Thomas Lev'er and William Smyth. And he is sworn. (Acquitted).Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Arson: burning of houses,Trespass to land: throwing down of house,Larceny: theft of livestockGo to incidents page
3522Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and othersTwelve jurors say upon their oath that Robert Tavell, William Cobbe of Gazeley and John son of Thomas Noble of Freckenham, along with many others unknown, went to Chippenham on Saturday 15th June 1381 and feloniously took goods and chattels belonging to the Prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England, namely, cows, cloth, linen and wool and other utensils worth £100, and carried them away. And furthermore that the aforesaid Robert and others named above on the same day went to Soham and there they feloniously took £4 in silver from Richard Macwurth. And that on the same day of the aforesaid felonies they feloniously took £4 in silver from Augustus Kellynge and Gilbert Helgeye at Isleham. And that they are common and notorious wrongdoers. Larceny: theft of money,Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of livestock,Larceny: theft of goodsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

Jacob Hog ( 16314 )Jacob Hog burns documents belonging to the Prioress of Ickleton (3526)AccusedUnder custody of John Broune, justice - see m. 8
Avice Kersonyng ( 16315 )Jacob Hog burns documents belonging to the Prioress of Ickleton (3526)Victim
Robert Crisp ( 16310 )John Hanchach and others assault Robert Crisp (3524)Victim
John Hanchach ( 16307 )John Hanchach and others assault Robert Crisp (3524)AccusedBeheaded
Edmund Hornere ( 16308 )John Hanchach and others assault Robert Crisp (3524)Accused
Andrew Mower ( 16309 )John Hanchach and others assault Robert Crisp (3524)Accused
John Songer ( 16311 )John Hanchach and others assault Robert Crisp (3524)Accused
William Bateman ( 16318 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
John Blauncpayn ( 16322 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
Robert Hales ( 6778 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
John Hanchach ( 16307 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)AccusedBeheaded
Roger Harlaston ( 16321 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
Thomas Haselden ( 16317 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
Richard Masterman ( 16316 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
Thomas Torell ( 16320 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
Edward Walsyngham ( 16319 )John Hanchach tears down the houses of the Prior of St John, Duxford, and other crimes (3527)Victim
John Hanchach ( 16307 )John Peper and John Whelwryghte ride in the company of John Hanchach (3525)Mentioned
John Peper ( 16312 )John Peper and John Whelwryghte ride in the company of John Hanchach (3525)Accused
John Whelwryghte ( 16313 )John Peper and John Whelwryghte ride in the company of John Hanchach (3525)Accused
Richard Farwel ( 16301 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Accused
William Kyrkeby ( 16304 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Mainpernor
Thomas Lev'er ( 16305 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Mainpernor
William Smyth ( 16306 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Mainpernor
Stephen Stotenyll ( 16303 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Mainpernor
John Sybyle ( 16302 )Richard Farwel plunders John Sybyle (3523)Victim
William Cobbe ( 16294 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Accused
Robert Hales ( 6778 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Victim
Gilbert Helgeye ( 16298 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Victim
Augustus Kellynge ( 16297 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Victim
Richard Macwurth ( 16296 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Victim
John Noble ( 16295 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Accused
Robert Tavell ( 16293 )Robert Tavell, William Cobbe and John Noble plunder the Prior of St John and others (3522)Accused