Type | Indictment by jury |
Unique Identifying Text | TNA JUST 1/103 m. 1 |
Archive name | The National Archives (London) |
County | Cambridgeshire |
Published source (may be more than one) | Extracts printed in W. Palmer, 'Records of the Villein Insurrection in Cambridgeshire', East Anglian, n.s., vi (1896). Discussed in Powell, Rising in East Anglia, pp. 41-56. |
Text in Original Language | m. 1 Dominus rex mandavit litteras suas patentes dilectus et fidelibus suis Hugoni la Zouch Willelmo de Wyndesore Iohanni de Burgh Willelmo Cheyne Johanni de Wauton Iohanni de Brunne Willelmo Bateman et Iohanni Payn ac vicecomite suo Cantebr' in hec verba Ricardus dei gratia Rex Angl' et Franc' dominus Hibern' dilectis et fidel' suis Hugoni la Zouch' Willelmo de Wyndesore Iohanni de Burgh Willelmo Cheyne Iohanni de Wauton Iohanni de Brunne Willelmo Bateman Iohanni Payn ac vic' nostro Cant' salutem. Satis vobis et aliis ligeis nostris credimus esse cognitum qualiter quam plures malefactores iam noviter contra pacem nostrum in diversis comitalibus regni nostri Angl' in maximam turbacionem fidelium ligeorum nostrorum in diversis congregationibus et conventiculis illiciter quam hostiliter insurrexerunt venerabilem patrem Simonem nuper Cantuar' archiepiscopum totius Angl' primatum cancellarium nostrum, fratrem Robertum de Hales nuper priorem Hospital Sancti Johannis Jern' in Angl' thes' nostrum, Iohannem Cavendissh nuper capitalem Justic' nostrum ac quamplures alios ligeos servientes et fideles nostros absque culpa crudeliter occidendo, arsuras incendia prostraciones et alia varias destructions ecclesiarum maneriorum domorum rerum at aliarum possession' fidelium ligeorum nostrorum enormiter et perperam perpetrando. Quia vero malefactores predicti falso et mendaciter asserverunt et affirmarunt ipsos mala homicidia et dampna predicta ex nostris auctoritate et voluntate fecisse et perpetrasse ut ipsi sic maliciam suam continuar' valeant et de premissis licet indigni citius excurentur ad vestram et aliorum fidelium nostrorum quorumcumque volumus voluntate nostris minime processerunt neque fuerit. Set ex inde vehementius contrafact' ea in nostrum maximum vituperum et corone nostre preiudicium et totius regni nostril dampnum et turbacionem non modicum redundare sentimus. Et ideo vobis et cuilibet vestrum super fide et ligeancia quibus nobis tenemini firmiter iniungendo mandamus quod presens mandatum nostrum in singulis com' burg' vill' mercator' et aliis locis intra comitatum predictum ubi melius expedire videntis ex parte nostra publice proclamare faciatis ulterius inhibent' ne qui cuiuscumque status seu condicionis fuerint infra comitatum predictum seu alibi insurgere seu congregaciones vel conventicula huiusmodi facere vel levare seu quicquam aliud attemptare seu procurare presumant seu presumat aliquis eorum per quod pax nostra ibidem infringi aut populous nostre inquietari aut turbari poterit sub forisfacturam vite et membrorum et omnium aliorum que nobis forisfacere poterint in futuram. Damus eciam vobis coniunctim et divisim et quibuscumque aliis fidelibus nostri tenore presentium potestatem et mandatum specialem quibuscumque malefactoribus contra pacem nostrum et quieter populi nostri in partibus vestris insurgere volentibus et huiusmodi congregaciones et conventicula facientibus toto posse vestro et aliorum quos vobis associare potentis et aliis modis omnibus quibus melius scineritis ec am si oporteat manuforti tanquam rebellis inimicus nostris et totius regni nostri resistend' et ad notorious malefactores huiusmodi sine dilacione capiend' et quemlibet ipsorum iuxta eorum demerita et discreciones vestras puniend' et castrigand' et insurreciones et turbaciones quascumque si que ibidem quod absit fiant pacificand' et sedand' et omnia alia faciend' et exequend' que conservacionem pacis nostre et quietem populi nostri concernere poterunt in comitatu predicto et partibus eiusdem quibuscumque. In cuius rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Waltham xxiiio die Iun' anno regni nostri quinto. Item Henrico Englissh vicecomite Cantebr'. Virtute quarum litterarum proclamatio facta est apud Canterbr' Bodekesham novum mercatum Badburham Ffoulmere Royston Mordon Caxston Cotenham et Ely in omnibus articulis iuxta vim et effectum litterarum predictarum et alibi infra dictum comitatum Cant'. Et preceptum est vicecom' Cant' quod venire faciat coram prefate Hugon' et sociis suus xxiiiior liberos et legal' homines de quolibet hundred' de balliva sua ac omnes capital' constabul' et sub constabul' cuiuslibet villatus simul cum posse rationalib' comitatus predicti apud Bodekesham die lune proxima post festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis supradicti quinto ad proficiscendum fac' et recipiend' ea que ex parte dicti domini Regis et eis iniungend'. Et vic' fec' execut' in omnibus. Et predicti Hug' et socii sui assign' pro debitera informacione et noticione habend' de notoriis insurrectoribus et pacis perturbatoribus in comitatu predicto congregates et levatis tam per inquisicionem diversorum hundredorum ac examinacionem diversorum fidedignorum in hac parte iurat' prosecute sint in forma qua sequitur. Placita tent' apud Bodekesham coram prefatis Hugone et sociis suis die lune proxima post festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quinto. Hundred' de Stane. Xii iurati dicunt quod Iohannes Greyston de Bodekesham exivit de comitatu Cant' ante turbacionem in dicto com' et ivit in comitatibus London et Kant' ad congregaciones malefactorum et ibidem traxum moram quousque Simon Cant' archiepiscopus et Robertus de Hales Prior Hospitalis et alii ligei domini regis felonice interfecti fuerunt et alia quamplura homicidia prostraciones in societate sua fact' fuerunt ut idem Iohannes Greyston postquam revenit apud Bodekesham asservit aperte scilicet die dominica proxima post festum Corporis Christi anno quarto predicti domini Regis. Et quod idem Iohannes colore cuiusdam protectionis domini Regis de pace et salvacione bonorum suorum habend' sibi in cancellaria domini Regis a die isto in unum annum preteritum sibi facta ivit de villa de Bodekesham cum predicta protectione in manu sua ostend' sigill' ad villam de Wilburham Swaffham et Burwell et alibi in dicto comitatu dicend' se habere plenam potestatem Regiam congregand' levand' populum cuiuslibet villatis ad destruendum proditores ac alios homines quos ipse eis nominaretur precipiend' eis in villis predictis sub pena arconis domum et decollat' ut secum insurgerent et sequentur et sic falso et mendaciter levavit quamplures homines ignot' in preiudicium domini Regis et perturbacionem villarum predictarum. Et quod idem Iohannes die et anno predictis venit cum congregacione sua vi et armis arraiati ad domum Willelmi Magrete apud Bodekesham ad prosternendum domum et edificia ipsius Willelmi ac aliorum vicinorum suorum nisi ei darent diversas pecuniarum summas pro pace sua habend' quas recepit per manus vicinorum suorum felonice et contra pacem. Et etiam dicunt quod ipse fuit communis latro ductor et insurrector toto tempore perturbacionis predicti. Et idem Iohannes captus est cum protectione predictam et allocutus est de feloniis predictis qui dicit quod in nullo est culpabile et de hoc ponet se super patriam de bono et malo. Ideo factus est inde iuratus per domino Rege modo legitimo eodem [...] scilicet per xii et co. qui ven' iurati triati et dicunt quod predictus Iohannes est culpabile de articulis predictis. Ideo per discretionem predictorum assign' [...] decollatus est. Et quod idem Iohannes habet in villa de Bodekesham unum mesuagium quinque rod' terre [...] v s. et nulla alia catalla. Ideo preceptum est Esc' scilicet Radulfo atte Wyk [...] manu domini Regis tanquam forisfactis et de exitu respondere et ulterius [...] Et etiam preceptum est vicecom' quod diligentur inquirat que terras et ten' et bona et catalla predict' [...] dicta felon' [...] nolus plen' certificat'. [decollates est] [fforifact'] |
Text (English translation) | [From 'Placita tent' apud Bodekesham...'] Pleas held at Bottisham before Hugh la Zouche and his associates [William de Wyndesore, John de Burgh, William Cheyne, John de Wauton, John de Brunne, William Bateman, John Payn and Henry Englissh, sheriff of Cambridgeshire], on Monday 1st July 1381. Hundred of Staine Twelve jurors say that John Greyston of Bottisham came out of the county of Kent before the disturbance in the said county and went in the counties of London and Kent to the assemblies of wrongdoers, and the same tarried until Simon archbishop of Canterbury and Robert de Hales, prior of the Hospital [of Saint John of Jerusalem] and other lieges of the king were killed, and very many other murders and demolitions were carried out in their company, and the same John Greyston afterwards returned to Bottisham and asserted himself openly, namely on Sunday 16th June 1381. And that the same John, under colour of a certain protection of the lord king concerning the peace had deliverance of his goods in the king's chancery made to him, and on that day in the aforesaid year went from the village of Bottisham with the aforesaid protection displayed as a sign in his hand to the villages of Great and Little Wilbraham, Swaffham Bulbeck and Swaffham Prior and Burwell and elsewhere in the aforesaid county saying that he had full power from the king to assemble and raise the people of those villages in the destruction of traitors and other men named, warning those in the aforesaid villages under penalty of the burning of their houses and beheading that they should rise up with him, and then thus falsely and treacherously raised up many men, in prejudice of the lord king and disturbance of the aforesaid villages. And that the same John on the aforesaid day went with his assembly, arrayed with force and arms, to the house of William Magrete at Bottisham to throw down his house and buildings and those of his neighbours, unless they gave to him various sums of money in order to have their peace, the which he received from the hands of the neighbours feloniously and against the peace. And furthermore they say that he was a common leader of robbers and rebel throughout the whole of the time of the aforesaid uprising. And the same John is captured with the aforesaid protection and accused of the felonies aforesaid, and he says that he is not guilty and places himself upon his country for good or ill. It was thus decided by the king's jurors in a legitimate manner, namely by twelve who came sworn and tried and said that the aforesaid John is guilty of the aforesaid charges. Thus by the decree of the aforesaid assigned [justices] he is beheaded. And that the same John has in the village of Bottisham one messuage and five rods of land [for which he pays an annual rent of] 5 s. and no other chattels. Therefore it is ordered to the escheator, namely Ralph atte Wyk, that this should be forfeit into the hand of the king, and that he should report on the profits thereof, and that the sheriff should inquire into his lands, tenements, goods and chattels. (Beheaded, forfeit). |
General Information | See CP 40/491 m. 180d and CP 40/484 m. 388 for private prosecutions involving several of those mentioned in JUST 1/103. Their connection to the revolt at this stage cannot be conclusively established. |
Image of Source |
ID | First name | Last name | Gender | Occupation | Domicile | Role in source | Incidents | Go to participant page |
16194 | John | Greyston | Male | Bottisham,Cambridgeshire | 3503,3504,3505 | Go to participant page | ||
16195 | William | Magrete | Male | Bottisham,Cambridgeshire | 3505 | Go to participant page | ||
16196 | Ralph | atte Wyk | Male | Escheator | Escheator | Go to participant page |
ID | Summary | Description | Type | Go to incidents page |
3503 | John Greyston of Bottisham attends murder of Simon Sudbury and Robert de Hales | Twelve jurors say that John Greyston of Bottisham came out of the county of Kent before the disturbance in the said county and went in the counties of London and Kent to the assemblies of wrongdoers, and the same tarried until Simon archbishop of Canterrbury and Robert de Hales, prior of the Hospital [of Saint John of Jerusalem] and other lieges of the king were killed, and very many other murders and demolitions were carried out in their company, and the same John Greyston afterwards returned to Bottisham and asserted himself openly, namely on Sunday 16th June 1381. | Homicide: unspecified,Joining rebel company | Go to incidents page |
3504 | John Greyston of Bottisham raises the villages of Great and Little Wilbraham, Swaffham Bulbeck and Swaffham Prior and Burwell | And that the same John, under colour of a certain protection of the lord king concerning the peace had deliverance of his goods in the king's chancery made to him, and on that day in the aforesaid year went from the village of Bottisham with the aforesaid protection displayed as a sign in his hand to the villages of Great and Little Wilbraham, Swaffham Bulbeck and Swaffham Prior and Burwell and elsewhere in the aforesaid county saying that he had full power from the king to assemble and raise the people of those villages in the destruction of traitors and other men named, warning those in the aforesaid villages under penalty of the burning of their houses and beheading that they should rise up with him, and then thus falsely and treacherously raised up many men, in prejudice of the lord king and disturbance of the aforesaid villages. | Raising the commons: forcing others to join company,Trespass to person: threats | Go to incidents page |
3505 | John Greyston of Bottisham threatens William Magrete and his neighbours | [The jurors] also say that the same John on the aforesaid day went with his assembly, arrayed with force and arms, to the house of William Magrete at Bottisham to throw down his house and buildings and those of his neighbours, unless they gave to him various sums of money in order to have their peace, the which he received from the hands of the neighbours feloniously and against the peace. And furthermore they say that he was a common leader of robbers and rebel throughout the whole of the time of the aforesaid uprising. | Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine ,Trespass to person: threats | Go to incidents page |
Person | Incident | Role | Comments |
John Greyston ( 16194 ) | John Greyston of Bottisham attends murder of Simon Sudbury and Robert de Hales (3503) | Accused | Beheaded, goods forfeit |
John Greyston ( 16194 ) | John Greyston of Bottisham raises the villages of Great and Little Wilbraham, Swaffham Bulbeck and Swaffham Prior and Burwell (3504) | Accused | Beheaded, goods forfeit |
John Greyston ( 16194 ) | John Greyston of Bottisham threatens William Magrete and his neighbours (3505) | Accused | Beheaded, goods forfeit |
William Magrete ( 16195 ) | John Greyston of Bottisham threatens William Magrete and his neighbours (3505) | Victim |