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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 9/166/1 m. 23
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original Languageapud Gippewicum Iurati de Carleford pro rege Robertus dil Walle - iuratus Iohannes Burrych - iuratus Iohannes Pope - iuratus Rogerus Gant - iuratus Radulphus Burrych - iuratus Iohannes Genew - iuratus Iohannes dil Cross Iohannes dil Wode de Newbourne - iuratus Willelmus dil Hame Thomas Mercer - iuratus Thomas Balde Robertus Inggold - iuratus Iohannes Gardynere - iuratus Iohannes Chaloner Iohannes Cancel Iohannes Donn - iuratus Willelmus Deth Willelmus Gosselyn - iuratus Robertus Struggil Thomas Coppedook - iuratus
Text (English translation)At Ipswich Jurors of Carlford on behalf of the king Robert dil Walle - sworn John Burrych - sworn John Pope - sworn Roger Gant - sworn Ralph Burrych - sworn John Genew - sworn John dil Cross John dil Wode of Newbourne - sworn William dil Hame Thomas Mercer - sworn Thomas Balde Robert Inggold - sworn John Gardynere - sworn John Chaloner John Cancel John Donn - sworn William Deth William Gosselyn - sworn Robert Struggil Thomas Coppedook - sworn


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
8876ThomasBaldeMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8867JohnBurrychMaleJurorGo to participant page
8870RalphBurrychMaleJurorGo to participant page
8880JohnCancelMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8879JohnChalonerMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8885ThomasCoppedookMaleJurorGo to participant page
8872Johndil CrossMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8882WilliamDethMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8881JohnDonnMaleJurorGo to participant page
8869RogerGantMaleJurorGo to participant page
8878JohnGardynereMaleJurorGo to participant page
8871JohnGenewMaleJurorGo to participant page
8883WilliamGosselynMaleJurorGo to participant page
8874Williamdil HameMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8877RobertInggoldMaleJurorGo to participant page
8875ThomasMercerMaleJurorGo to participant page
8868JohnPopeMaleJurorGo to participant page
8884RobertStruggilMaleMentionedGo to participant page
8866Robertdil WalleMaleJurorGo to participant page
8873Johndil WodeMaleNewbourne,SuffolkJurorGo to participant page


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