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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA KB 9/166/1 m. 16
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original LanguageVillata' Gippevicum' Inquisitio capta apud Gippewicum coram Willelmo de Ufford comite Suffolchie iusticiario domini Regis assignatus die lune in festo sancte Marie Magdalene anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quinto per sacramentum Iohannis Tollere Thome de Leyham Willelmi Redberd Iohannes Dauns Roberti Leveden Galfridi Pakkard Willelmi Cook mercer Roberti Breme Iohannis Knyght Iohannis Dod Thome Hood Iohannes Avelyne iurati qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Iohannes de Batesford clericus Iohannes Whippe capellanus cum multitudine gentium eis associatis venerunt apud Gippewicum die sabbati proxima post festum corporis Christi anno supradicto et ibidem fecerunt proclamari quod omnes homines essent prompti et parati ad proficiscendum secum in negotiis suis sibi forisfactura vite et membrorum et pena arsure domorum suorum. Item presentaunt quod iidem Iohannes Battesford et Iohannes Whippe nocte tunc proxima sequente equitaverunt ad domum Thome Sampson apud Herkested et ipsum Thomam sibi simul associaverunt et secum adduxerunt. Item presentant quod die dominica proxima post festum corporis Christi anno supradicto Iohannes Genour de Gippewico et Simon Bullok de Ely equitaverunt de Gippewico usque Nedham et sic de villa ad villam ad levandum et congregandum gentes et sic societate collecta dispoliverunt Thomam dil Ok de bonis et catallis suis ad valenciam c li. felonice. Et similiter domum Iohannis Cobat apud Gippewicum felonice fregerunt et bona et catalla sua ad valenciam xl li. ibidem inventa ceperunt felonice et asportaverunt. Item presentant quod die dominica et anno supradictis Iohannes de Batesford Iohannes Whippe Iohannes capellanus et servienes Thomas Sampson cum aliis secum domum Iohannis Gerard de Gippewico notarii et domum archidiaconi apud Gippewicum felonice fregerunt et bona et catalla ad valenciam c li. ibidem inventa ceperunt felonice et asportaverunt. Item presentant quod die lune proxima post festum corporis Christi anno supradicto Iohannes D[ene] peddere de Assh iuxta Gosebek felonice interfecit Willelmum Fraunceys de Melton apud Gippewicum et ipsum decollavit.
Text (English translation)Town of Ipswich Inquisition held at Ipswich before William de Ufford Earl of Suffolk, assigned king's justice, on Monday 22nd July 1381, by oath of John Tollere, Thomas de Leyham, William Redberd, John Dauns, Robert Leveden, Geoffrey Pakkard, William Cook, mercer, Robert Breme, John Knyght, John Dod, Thomas Hood and John Avelyne, who say upon their oath that John de Batesford, clerk and John Whippe, chaplain, with many of their associates came to Ipswich on Saturday 15th June and made a proclamation that all men should be ready and prepared to depart with them on their business, or else forfeit life and limb and under penalty of the burning of their houses. Also they present that John Battesford and John Whippe the next night rode to the house of Thomas Sampson at Harkstead, to associate the said Thomas with them and take him with them. Also they present that on Sunday 16th June 1381 the aforesaid John Genour of Ipswich and Simon Bullok of Ely rode from Ipswich to Needham and from village to village, raising and gathering people, and this assembly feloniously despoiled Thomas dil Ok of goods and chattels worth £100. And similarly, they feloniously broke into the house of John Cobat at Ipswich and took and carried away goods and chattels they found worth £40. Also they present that on Sunday 16th June 1381 John de Batisford, John Whippe and John chaplain and servant of Thomas Sampson with others feloniously broke into the house of John Gerard of Ipswich, notary, and the house of the archdeacon of Ipswich and took and carried away goods and chattels they found worth £100. Also they present that on Monday 17th June 1381 the aforesaid John D[ene], peddler, of Ashbocking feloniously killed William Fraunceys of Melton at Ipswich and beheaded him.
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IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
8692JohnAvelyneMaleJurorGo to participant page
8693Johnde BatesfordMaleClerk2908,2906,2905Go to participant page
8688RobertBremeMaleJurorGo to participant page
8697SimonBullokMaleMonks Eleigh,Babergh Hundred,Suffolk2907Go to participant page
8699JohnCobatMaleIpswich,Suffolk2907Go to participant page
8687WilliamCookMaleMercerJurorGo to participant page
8684JohnDaunsMaleJurorGo to participant page
8703JohnDeneMalePeddlerAshbocking,Bosmere and Claydon Hundred,Suffolk2909Go to participant page
8690JohnDodMaleJurorGo to participant page
8704WilliamFraunceysMaleMelton,Wilford Hundred,Suffolk2909Go to participant page
8696JohnGenourMaleIpswich,Suffolk2907Go to participant page
8701JohnGerardMaleNotaryIpswich,Suffolk2908Go to participant page
8691ThomasHoodMaleJurorGo to participant page
8689JohnKnyghtMaleJurorGo to participant page
8685RobertLevedenMaleJurorGo to participant page
8682Thomasde LeyhamMaleJurorGo to participant page
8698Thomasdil OkMale2907Go to participant page
8686GeoffreyPakkardMaleJurorGo to participant page
8683WilliamRedberdMaleJurorGo to participant page
8695ThomasSampsonMaleHarkstead,Suffolk2831,2906,2842Go to participant page
8681JohnTollereMaleJurorGo to participant page
8694JohnWhippeMaleChaplain2905,2908,2906Go to participant page
8700JohnMaleServant2908Go to participant page
8702MaleArchdeaconIpswich,Suffolk2908Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
2906John Battesford and John Whippe coerce Thomas SampsonAlso they present that John Battesford and John Whippe the next night rode to the house of Thomas Sampson at Harkstead, to associate the said Thomas with them and take him with them.Raising the commons: forcing others to join companyGo to incidents page
2908John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of IpswichAlso they present that on Sunday 16th June 1381 John de Batisford, John Whippe and John chaplain and servant of Thomas Sampson with others feloniously broke into the house of John Gerard of Ipswich, notary, and the house of the archdeacon of Ipswich and took and carried away goods and chattels they found worth £100.Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and housesGo to incidents page
2909John Dene kills William FraunceysAlso they present that on Monday 17th June 1381 the aforesaid John D[ene], peddler, of Ashbocking feloniously killed William Fraunceys of Melton at Ipswich and beheaded him.Homicide: beheadingGo to incidents page
2907John Genour and Simon Bullok despoil Thomas dil Ok and John CobatAlso they present that on Sunday 16th June 1381 the aforesaid John Genour of Ipswich and Simon Bullok of Ely rode from Ipswich to Needham and from village to village, raising and gathering people, and this assembly feloniously despoiled Thomas dil Ok of goods and chattels worth £100. And similarly, they feloniously broke into the house of John Cobat at Ipswich and took and carried away goods and chattels they found worth £40.Raising the commons: other,Trespass to chattels: removal of goods,Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and housesGo to incidents page
2905Proclamation of John de Batesford, clerk and John Whippe, chaplainJohn de Batesford, clerk and John Whippe, chaplain, with many of their associates came to Ipswich on Saturday 15th June and made a proclamation that all men should be ready and prepared to depart with them on their business, or else forfeit life and limb and under penalty of the burning of their houses.Raising the commons: proclamations,Trespass to person: threatsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

John de Batesford ( 8693 )John Battesford and John Whippe coerce Thomas Sampson (2906)Accused
Thomas Sampson ( 8695 )John Battesford and John Whippe coerce Thomas Sampson (2906)Victim
John Whippe ( 8694 )John Battesford and John Whippe coerce Thomas Sampson (2906)Accused
John de Batesford ( 8693 )John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of Ipswich (2908)Accused
John Gerard ( 8701 )John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of Ipswich (2908)Victim
John Whippe ( 8694 )John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of Ipswich (2908)Accused
John ( 8700 )John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of Ipswich (2908)Accused
( 8702 )John de Batisford and others steal goods from John Gerard and the archdeacon of Ipswich (2908)Victim
John Dene ( 8703 )John Dene kills William Fraunceys (2909)Accused
William Fraunceys ( 8704 )John Dene kills William Fraunceys (2909)Victim
Simon Bullok ( 8697 )John Genour and Simon Bullok despoil Thomas dil Ok and John Cobat (2907)Accused
John Cobat ( 8699 )John Genour and Simon Bullok despoil Thomas dil Ok and John Cobat (2907)Victim
John Genour ( 8696 )John Genour and Simon Bullok despoil Thomas dil Ok and John Cobat (2907)Accused
Thomas dil Ok ( 8698 )John Genour and Simon Bullok despoil Thomas dil Ok and John Cobat (2907)Victim
John de Batesford ( 8693 )Proclamation of John de Batesford, clerk and John Whippe, chaplain (2905)Accused
John Whippe ( 8694 )Proclamation of John de Batesford, clerk and John Whippe, chaplain (2905)Accused