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TypePrivate prosecution
Unique Identifying TextTNA CP 40/492 m. 407
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Text in Original Languagede placito quare ipsi simul cum Ricardo Russell de Burgerssh Iohanne Cogger de Hethfeld Ricardo Cogger de Hethfeld Simone Grauncher Iohanne Whiteheued Iohanne Randolf chesman Iohanne Markewyk Phillipo de Rysshdon Iohanne Cook de Pycombe junior Willelmo Lambard de Hurst Willelmo Weston de Southnovere Thoma Smalwyn Willelmo Wrethe Ricardo Storme Willelmo Holter souter Iohanne Gyle de fferles Iohanne Page de Bokstede synyere Ricardo Morhale de Grenstede Iohanne atte Cherche de Glynde et Iohanne ffrench etc. Et unde idem comes per Iohannem de Bretton attornatum suum queritur quod predicti etc die dominica proxima post festum corporis Christi anno regnorum domini regis nunc quarto vi et armis scilicet gladiis arcubus et sagittis castrum clausa et domos ipsius comitis apud Lewes fregerunt et decem dolia sua vini precii et co [centum librarum] ibidem inventa fregerunt et vinum predictum consumpserunt et bona et catalla sua videlicet lauricas capellas ferreas et alia armatura arcus sagittas ferreas tabulas pannos lineos et laneos cistas et vasa enea et lignea ad valenciam et co [quadraginta marcarum] ibidem inventa ceperunt eu asportaverunt ac rotulos curiae et compotorum rentalia et alia munimenta sua videlicet cartas et scripta dominium suum castri et honoris de Lewes tangencia ibidem inventa combusserunt etc et dampnum habet ad valenciam mille librarum etc.'
Text (English translation)Sussex - John Rycoun 'bochere' Richard Hendyman de Ukkefeld John Poterne William Shortpot de Ryngemere Richard Osemond Simon Skyn de Wellyngham Jordan Cony, John Oteway Nicholas Wynter John Deneman junior Alexander Knoller William Cuffeleye and John Bradyn attached to answer Richard Earl of Arundel by his attorney John de Bretton on a plea that together with Richard Russell of Bergerssh, John Cogger of Hethfeld, Richard Cogger of Hethfeld, Simon Grauncher, John Whiteheued, John Randolf 'chesman', John Markewyk, Phillip de Rysshdon, John Cook de Pycombe junior, William Lambard of Hurst, William Weston of Southover, Thomas Smalwyn, William Wrethe, Richard Storme, William Holter 'souter', John Gyle of Firle, John Page of Bokstede 'synyere', Richard Morhale of Grenstede, John atte Cherche of Glynde and John French, on 16 June 1381, with force and arms, namely swords, bows and arrows, they broke the castle, close and houses of the said Earl at Lewes, and broke into 10 tuns of wine worth £100 and drank it, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth 40 marks, namely breastplates, iron helmets and other armour, bows, iron arrows, planks, woollen and linen cloth, chests, and dishes of bronze and wood, and also took and burnt court rolls, rentals and other muniments, namely charters and writings relating to the castle and honour of Lewes, to the value of £1000. Defs. come by John de Sutton their attorney and say not guilty - both parties on country - jurors to come in quindene of Easter. Earl optulit se v Russell and the others in the same plea - sheriff had been ordered to arrest them - returns that John Cogger John Whitheued John Randolf John Markewyk William Weston and William Holter are dead, so no further action against them - sheriff ordered sicut prius to arrest the others, to be in CP in quindene of Easter.
Image of Source


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
7588JohnBradynMale2819Go to participant page
7589Johnde BrettonMaleAttorney2819Go to participant page
7591JohnCoggerMaleHeathfield,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7592RichardCoggerMaleHeathfield,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7582JordanConyMale2819Go to participant page
7598JohnCookMalePyecombe,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7587WilliamCuffeleyeMale2819Go to participant page
7585JohnDenemanMale2819Go to participant page
7609JohnFrenchMale2819Go to participant page
7608Johnatte GlyndeMale2819Go to participant page
7593SimonGrauncherMale2819Go to participant page
7605JohnGyleMaleFirle,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7572RichardHendymanMaleUckfield,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7604WilliamHolterMaleShoemaker2819Go to participant page
7586AlexanderKnollerMale2819Go to participant page
7599WilliamLambardMaleHurst,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7596JohnMarkewykMale2819Go to participant page
7607RichardMorhaleMaleEast Grinstead,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7580RichardOsemondMale2819Go to participant page
7583JohnOtewayMale2819Go to participant page
7606JohnPageMaleBuxted,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7573JohnPoterneMale2819Go to participant page
7595JohnRandolfMaleCheeseman2819Go to participant page
7590RichardRussellMaleBurwash,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7571JohnRycounMaleButcher2819Go to participant page
7597Philipde RysshdonMale2819Go to participant page
7574WilliamShortpotMaleRingmer,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7581SimonSkynMaleWellingham,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7601ThomasSmalwynMale2819Go to participant page
7603RichardStormeMale2819Go to participant page
7610Johnde SuttonMaleAttorney2819Go to participant page
7600WilliamWestonMaleSouthover,Sussex2819Go to participant page
7594JohnWhiteheuedMale2819Go to participant page
7602WilliamWretheMale2819Go to participant page
7584NicholasWynterMale2819Go to participant page


IDSummaryDescriptionTypeGo to incidents page
2819Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further processSussex - John Rycoun 'bochere' Richard Hendyman de Ukkefeld John Poterne William Shortpot de Ryngemere Richard Osemond Simon Skyn de Wellyngham Jordan Cony, John Oteway Nicholas Wynter John Deneman junior Alexander Knoller William Cuffeleye and John Bradyn attached to answer Richard Earl of Arundel by his attorney John de Bretton on a plea that together with Richard Russell of Bergerssh, John Cogger of Hethfeld, Richard Cogger of Hethfeld, Simon Grauncher, John Whiteheued, John Randolf 'chesman', John Markewyk, Phillip de Rysshdon, John Cook de Pycombe junior, William Lambard of Hurst, William Weston of Southover, Thomas Smalwyn, William Wrethe, Richard Storme, William Holter 'souter', John Gyle of Firle, John Page of Bokstede 'synyere', Richard Morhale of Grenstede, John atte Cherche of Glynde and John French, on 16 June 1381, with force and arms, namely swords, bows and arrows, they broke the castle, close and houses of the said Earl at Lewes, and broke into 10 tuns of wine worth £100 and drank it, and took and carried away goods and chattels worth 40 marks, namely breastplates, iron helmets and other armour, bows, iron arrows, planks, woollen and linen cloth, chests, and dishes of bronze and wood, and also took and burnt court rolls, rentals and other muniments, namely charters and writings relating to the castle and honour of Lewes, to the value of £1000. Defs. come by John de Sutton their attorney and say not guilty - both parties on country - jurors to come in quindene of Easter. Earl optulit se v Russell and the others in the same plea - sheriff had been ordered to arrest them - returns that John Cogger John Whitheued John Randolf John Markewyk William Weston and William Holter are dead, so no further action against them - sheriff ordered sicut prius to arrest the others, to be in CP in quindene of Easter.Arson: burning of documents,Larceny: theft of goods,Trespass to land: forcible entry of close and houses,Warlike array and insurrection,Trespass to chattels: destruction of goodsGo to incidents page

Incidents and People

John Bradyn ( 7588 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John de Bretton ( 7589 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Attorney
John Cogger ( 7591 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Cogger ( 7592 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Jordan Cony ( 7582 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Cook ( 7598 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
William Cuffeleye ( 7587 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Deneman ( 7585 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Earl of Arundel ( 7449 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Victim
John French ( 7609 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John atte Glynde ( 7608 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Simon Grauncher ( 7593 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Gyle ( 7605 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Hendyman ( 7572 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
William Holter ( 7604 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Alexander Knoller ( 7586 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
William Lambard ( 7599 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Markewyk ( 7596 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Morhale ( 7607 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Osemond ( 7580 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Oteway ( 7583 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Page ( 7606 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Poterne ( 7573 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Randolf ( 7595 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Russell ( 7590 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Rycoun ( 7571 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Philip de Rysshdon ( 7597 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
William Shortpot ( 7574 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Simon Skyn ( 7581 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Thomas Smalwyn ( 7601 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Richard Storme ( 7603 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John de Sutton ( 7610 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Attorney
William Weston ( 7600 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
John Whiteheued ( 7594 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
William Wrethe ( 7602 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused
Nicholas Wynter ( 7584 )Richard, Earl of Arundel, v. John Rycoun et al., further process (2819)Accused