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TypeIndictment by jury
Unique Identifying TextTNA JUST 1/400 m. 9
Archive nameThe National Archives (London)
Published source (may be more than one)W.E. Flaherty, 'The Great Rebellion in Kent of 1381. Illustrated from the Public Records', Archaeologia Cantiana, 3 (1860), p. 80
Text (English translation)Hundred of Cornilo. Well throughout. The Custodes of the said Hundred;- Salmon Champneys, sworn; Martin Petyt, sworn. The Constables,- John Senkeler, Thomas Jobyn, William Lichfeld, and John Arnold.


IDFirst nameLast nameGenderOccupationDomicileRole in sourceIncidentsGo to participant page
5932JohnArnoldMaleCornilo Hundred,KentConstableGo to participant page
5927SalmonChampneysMaleCornilo Hundred,KentKeeperGo to participant page
5930ThomasJobynMaleCornilo Hundred,KentConstableGo to participant page
5931WilliamLichfeldMaleCornilo Hundred,KentConstableGo to participant page
5928MartinPetytMaleCornilo Hundred,KentKeeperGo to participant page
5929JohnSenkelerMaleCornilo Hundred,KentConstableGo to participant page


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