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First nameHenry
Last nameDyne
SourceTNA CP 40/490 mm. 252-252d


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
2863Attack on property of John, Duke of Lancaster (palace of Savoy)John, King of Castile and Leon and Duke of Lancaster. Forced entry of his close in the parish of St Mary-le-Strand, Middlesex (palace of the Savoy). Goods and chattels worth £10,000, charters and muniments, and buildings burnt. Goods worth £10,000 taken and carried away. St Mary-le-Strand,Middlesex; Savoy Palace,MiddlesexAccusedView Incident page
4309Richard de Burleye v. Roger Dengele and others re. attack on property at St Mary le StrandRichard de Burleye, knight, by Hugh Womewell, his attorney, appeared against Roger Dengele et al concerning a plea, whereby, by force and arms, they took and carried away the goods and chattels of the same Richard de Burleye to the value of £500, found at the parish of St Mary le Strand without the bar of the New Temple, London, and [inflicted] other outrages, etc, to the serious damage, etc, against the peace, etc. St Mary-le-Strand,MiddlesexAccusedView Incident page

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Henry Dyne ( 24841 )