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First nameJohn
Last nameColbrand
SourceTNA CP 40/483 m. 573d


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
2567Attack on house of John ColbrandAlso, [the jurors] say that John Henwode, Thomas Steyhame, constable of the hundred of Longbridge, John Juyke, Thomas Heldeman, John Smyth, piper, Stephen Repton, Stephen Poynont, unjustly, and against the peace of our Lord the King, made insurrection and came to the muniment-room of John Colbrand, with other malefactors, on Tuesday on the feast of St. Barnabas, in the foresaid year (11th June, 1381), and feloniously broke into the said muniment-room [columbare] and plundered it, and burnt his books and muniments at Wye, and assaulted and beat Joan, the wife of the said John Colbrand, so that her life was despaired of, to the damage of one hundred shillings.Wye,Wye Hundred,KentVictimView Incident page
2569Attack on the house of John ColbrondThe Jurors there say upon their oath, that John de Henwode, William Prowde, Thomas Bodesden, John Heldeman, John Sp[...], carpenter, Stephen de Repton, John May, and Richard Elys, made insurrection against our Lord the King, and his people, on Tuesday on the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle (11th June, 1381), in the fourth year of the reign of King Richard the Second, and feloniously broke into the house of John Colbrond, at Wilmington, in the parish of Boughton Aluph, in the hundred of Wye, and feloniously entered the chamber of the foresaid John Colbrond, and took and destroyed the Roll of Green Wax of our Lord the King.Wilmington,KentVictimView Incident page
2789John Colbrand v. Stephen Paynant et al.Kent - John Colbrand, plaintiff, appears by William Ropyndon his attorney against Stephen Paynant, John Barlis de Eshotesford, John Jones servant Barbour de Eshetesford, Richard Elys and Nicholas Sadeler de Eshetesford, defendants, on a plea that with force and arms they broke the houses of the said John at Wilmington and destroyed rolls and other muniments and took and carried away goods and chattels worth £20 and other injuries against the peace of the King. They don't come; sheriff ordered to attach them. Sheriff returns that Stephen is attached by Henry Waller and Robert Bauld. They are in mercy. Sheriff to distrain him by all lands, to be in CP in quindene of Hilary. The others have nothing; sheriff ordered to arrest them and have them in court same time.Wilmington,KentVictimView Incident page
2811Thomas Kempe v Bertram Wylmyngton, further processKent - Thomas Kempe by Thomas Semelegh his attorney appears against Bertram Wylmyngton on a plea that with force and arms he broke the close and houses of the said Thomas at Wye and took and burnt charters, writings, rolls and other muniments. Sheriff had been ordered to attach him and returns that he was attached by John Colbrand and John Sandre, who are in mercy - sheriff to distrain him to be in CP in octave of S. Martin.Wye,Wye Hundred,KentMainpernorView Incident page

Biographical Information

None found


person 1 relationship with person 2person 2 relationship with person 1CertaintySourcesComments
Joan Colbrand ( 5961 )WifeJohn Colbrand ( 5960 )HusbandCertain
John Colbrond ( 6109 )HusbandJoan Colbrand ( 5961 )WifeCertain
John Colbrand ( 7117 )HusbandJoan Colbrand ( 5961 )WifeCertain
John Colbrand ( 7443 )HusbandJoan Colbrand ( 5961 )WifeCertain

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