Nicholas Knowith breaks into house of John Sokelyng, 10 June 1381
Nicholas Knowith of Middleton on 10th June 1381 feloniously broke into the house of the aforesaid John Sokelyng at Sittingbourne with other unknown wrongdoers.
John Brayn, John Smyth, William Kailly, John Glovere, Simon atte Forde, John Lovel, Thomas Whyte of Sittingbourne, Nicholas de Bredestrete, Bartholomew servant of Simon Aleyn, Nicholas Knowith, William Mathew, Michael Walde, William Prentis, John Prest, William Retherwyk [...] de Ernemouth, Walter Lansle, John Date, cobbler and Walter Compton made insurrection along with other wrongdoers against the king's peace and to the terror of the king's people.