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First nameSimon
Last nameBolle
SourceTNA KB 9/43 m. 18


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
2740Robert Senyng and Simon Bolle seize land of John Mayster, 20 June 1381Robert Senyng and Simon Bolle of Linton, along with other unknown transgressors, rose up against the king's peace and his people, and went to the house of John Mayster of Loddington in the parish of Maidstone on the 20th June 1381, and assaulted and him and threatened to destroy his house unless he gave them 14 acres of land in Linton called 'la Skaurie'. Because of their threats the said John gave up his own houses for one week to great loss. And afterwards the said Robert and Simon the next day removed the said John from seisin of the said land against the peace and to the great loss of the said John.Linton,Kent; Loddington,KentAccusedView Incident page

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