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First nameJohn
Last nameMarschall
SourceTNA CP 40/495 mm. 259-259d


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
4140Attack on property of William Hull at WestminsterProperty of William Hull at Westminster attacked on 14 June 1381 by John Fawe and others; they broke the close and houses and stole goods and chattels worth £200. John Fawe appears in person and pleads not guilty; jury summoned for octave of Martinmas 1384, and subsequently on the morrow of All Souls 1384, on which day John Fawe does not appear; mainpernors ordered to be arrested. Jury called for quindene of Easter; John Fawe found guilty and ordered to pay damages of 2 marks.Westminster,MiddlesexAccusedView Incident page

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