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SourceTNA CP 40/492 m. 310d


IDSummaryDescriptionLocationRoleChargesComments on roleView incident
3516Attack on the Princess of Wales' close at North Weald Bassett.Attack on the Princess of Wales' close at North Weald Bassett. Documents burnt and goods worth £100 stolen.North Weald Bassett,EssexAccusedView Incident page
3719Attack on the manor of Joan of Kent at North Weald Bassett.Attack on the manor of Joan of Kent at North Weald Bassett. Goods worth £100 stolen and court rolls, rentals, deeds and other muniments burnt.North Weald Bassett,EssexAccusedView Incident page
4310Attach on the Princess of Wales' manor at North Weald Bassett.Attack on the Princess of Wales' close at North Weald Bassett. Documents burnt and goods stolen.North Weald Bassett,EssexAccusedView Incident page

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