Also that Roger Loksmyth of Snettisham on Tuesday 18th June 1381 at the time of the rumour assaulted Simon Wylymot' with force and arms at Snettisham, and wounded him in the shoulder with a dagger, asking from the same Simon 15 quarters and 4 bushels of malt, saying that if he would not give him the said malt he would lead several wrongdoers to plunder the said Simon's goods and chattels, so that the said Simon, despairing of his life, handed over to the said Roger the said malt. And he is a chief wrongdoer and maintainer of wrongdoers at the time of this rumour.
Date of incident (or "date from" if range)
Trespass to person: assault,Trespass to person: wounding,Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine