Geoffrey, vicar of Sudbury, makes proclamations and takes a fine in Thetford
Geoffrey, vicar of the church of All Saints, Sudbury, came with sixteen other unknown men to the town of Thetford on 14th June 1381 and made a certain proclamation and uprising of the people, and in fear of this proclamation, uprising and rumour of the people, Simon Barbour, then mayor of the town made a fine of 28 marks in money to save the town from having its houses burned, the which 28 marks [Geoffrey] took and carried away, to the prejudice of the king's crown, and he was a leader and common wrong-doer.
Date of incident (or "date from" if range)
Thetford,Shropham Hundred,Norfolk
Raising the commons: proclamations,Trespass to chattels: extortion and forcible fine